A Birdie Got It’s Wings Clipped

In a long overdue decision, President Trump issued an executive order to take away legal protections that unsocial media currently enjoys. For far too long, unsocial media platforms have acted like publishers rather than platforms for open free speech. Instead, unsocial media has targeted conservatives on their platforms by restricting and censoring their posts.

These unsocial media platforms are bending to the left’s rage over the results of the 2016 election. The left blames unsocial media for President Trump’s win in 2016 and they’re demanding conservative voices, including the President, silenced.

Twitter’s “Shadow Banning.”, Fascistbook’s “De-Boosting,” Pinterest censoring LiveAction, Google’s “Algorithmic Censoring,” and YouTube’s “Demonetizing and Restricting” of PragerU educational videos. These unsocial media sites have engaged in a pattern of discrimination against conservative voices for years.

Twitter executives have openly said they block conservatives posts from being seen using an algorithm called “Shadow Banning”.  Fascistbook often deletes posts and suspends accounts. There are many more examples on different unsocial media sites that target conservatives while liberals are never restricted by their posting content. It is open censorship against conservative political groups.

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act: 47 U.S.C. § 230, a Provision of the Communication Decency Act states: “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider” (47 U.S.C. § 230). In other words, online intermediaries that host or republish speech are protected against a range of laws that might otherwise be used to hold them legally responsible for what others say and do. The protected intermediaries include not only regular Internet Service Providers (ISPs), but also a range of “interactive computer service providers,” including basically any online service that publishes third-party content. Though there are important exceptions for certain criminal and intellectual property-based claims, CDA 230 creates a broad protection that has allowed innovation and free speech online to flourish.

For over 20 years, unsocial media enjoyed these protections. This exemption provides legal protections for internet hosting sites from being held libel for comments and content. Instead the unsocial media platforms pulled a “Bait and Switch” on their platforms. The last straw was when Twitter tried to censor President Trump’s tweets by labeling it as misleading information and linking the post to left wing fake news sites. It’s time to review if Section 230 still should apply to unsocial media platforms.

The President as over 80 Million followers on Twitter, and I am one of those followers. I use Twitter to follow other news outlets that I consider real objective non-biased journalism. I also follow the fake news media to get a cross-section of the propaganda that fake news posts. I do that to compare what the President is posting against the other news outlets coverage of the President’s comments. What is very clear is the fake news media, what compromises greater than 90% of the news industry, is extremely biased against the President. Often times openly lying about the President’s speeches and news conferences. So the President uses Twitter to get his message out to the public.

Twitter uses “Fact-Check” labels to identify what it calls misleading or false information. If you clicked on the links that Twitter embedded in the President’s posts, it would take you to articles from the Washington Post and other publications of Fake News. The fake news publishers are extremely hostile to the President and to conservatives opinions. Much of the media is loaded with former leftist political operatives that the fake news media calls journalists. They are not journalists, they are opinionators. They are not objective unbiased reporters. They are political hacks giving their opinions on far left political analysis. Conservative opinions are rarely given a voice on these shows. The majority, over 90%, of news channels are leftists opinion shows. This is the state of what passes for journalism today. Pathetic.

This is way overdue for a long time. If the unsocial media sites were as fair with how they treat posts on both sides then this would not be an issue today. The bias has been going on to for too long and now, Twitter is getting it’s wings clipped. Other unsocial media sites are soon going to see their monopoly empires crumbling down. This time, Twitter picked a fight with the wrong man.

The head of Twitter’s fact-checking team, Yoel Roth, has previously tweeted that the Trump administration are Nazis, compared adviser Kellyanne Conway to Joseph Goebbels and said fly over states are racist. The hostility by Twitter employees is open for everyone to see on their platform. This clown works as an Twitter executive.

Yoel Roth, whose official title at Twitter is head of Site Integrity, faced backlash on Wednesday after his history of anti-Trump tweets emerged less than 24 hours after the social media giant put a fact-checking warning on two of the president’s tweets.

Twitter prompted readers to check the facts in Trump’s tweets after the president on Tuesday suggested that California’s mail-in balloting initiative would lead to substantial voter fraud in the November general election.

The social media giant said Trump’s claims about mail-in ballots being ‘substantially fraudulent’ were found to unsubstantiated by fact-checkers at CNN, the Washington Post and other media outlets. Both CNN and Washington Post are fake news sites.

Do you think Twitter will flag Lieawatha Warren’s hate post? Nope! Posts like this by leftist kooks are encouraged. If a conservative said something like this on Twitter, they would have been flagged, forced to delete the post, and the account would have been suspended for a day, week, a month, or even permanently removed. There is a clear double standard with unsocial media sites.

Journalist Andy Ngo, who is neither a conservative nor a liberal, is regularly threatened with violence by antifa fascists on Twitter. This goes against Twitters community rules, but nothing ever happens to those making threats. Fake News CNN’s Don Lemon said violence is justified when antifa does it. Imagine if a Fox News reporter said that? There would be howls of leftists demanding the firing of that reporter. CNN’s fake news hack gets a pass and twitter allows the fake news posts with no fact-checking edits.

Fascistbook fact-checks everything and all their fact checkers are leftist liberals. They edit and remove conservative content and sometimes they ban the accounts of conservatives. I know, because I’m one of those conservatives Fascistbook banned from their platform for posting my opinions.

Google which manipulates their search engine to steer content towards and away from the searcher regularly hides information. I know that to be true because I cross-check my search results with DuckDuckGo and Bing. With Google, I have to use multiple search phrases to locate the information I’m looking for.

What’s disturbing about Google is there connection with Communist China. They are partnering to develop surveillance tools with a Communist government company called Semptian. They are allegedly using these tools for censorship and internet surveillance of its citizens. The surveillance data is then given to security agencies in China, known for human rights abuses.

Communist China requires companies to surrender their Intellectual Property to do business. In effect stealing American technology. Why Google would want to work with the Communist Chinese rather than the US Military displays their anti-American bias.

Prager University is a non-profit company run by Dennis Prager a conservative radio talk show host. They post on YouTube 5 minute educational videos that cover topics that range from the Bible to American history. The content is safe for children to view and the educational value is very excellent. Unsocial media disagrees with PragerU.

On college campuses, the leftist hate indoctrination is so prevalent that they will accuse PragerU of committing acts of terrorism. Take a look.

PragerU has been banned from advertising on Twitter and Spotify. Over 200 PragerU videos are restricted on YouTube, even several videos about the Bible and the 10 Commandments. Fascistbook has label PragerU as Fake News.

The left’s fact checking is about feelings and not about facts. There is no independence on these platform. One of the reasons is that when the left disagrees with a post, they will run to unsocial media fact-checkers to complain. They will threaten advertisers with boycotts and demand the post and posters removal from the unsocial media platform.

The bottom line is unsocial media want to control free speech. Communist China applies this censorship of speech and the left wants speech restrictions here in America. You’re not entitled to your opinions and you cannot question the left’s facts. If you do then you will be punished. It is an attempt to manipulate the 2020 elections. If you can suppress the other party’s message, you can control the information stream and narrative. This is why the left wants to silence the President and your voice.


Our weather today started again with brilliant sunshine but gave way to breezy trade winds and clouds. We’re starting to get some passing showers. Over night we got about 1/8 of an inch of rain overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s with humidity at 87%.


Kēia Ka Lā Mei Iwakālua Kūmāwalu


The Filter

Everybody’s talking, but no one as saying a thing. That’s generally how I feel about most social media sites. Unfortunately, social media sites are sometimes the only places left where you can get information, news, and do research. The flip side is most social media sites have more misinformation, fake news and faulty data. You really have to dig deep into search engines to find good reliable information.

I’ve been to most of the popular social media sites: Fascistbook, Reddit, Instagram, and Twitter, I know there are many more others sites. However, I am only interested in subject matter that peaks my interest. Most, if not all of the unsocial media sites are the same mindless nonsense. People’s personal information is thrown around without care. There’s tonnes of pet videos, pictures of food, and selfies. I’m not interested in that crap.

I limit myself to Twitter now because that’s where some really good information can be found. Of course you have to triangulate the information to be sure it’s accurate, but there are some pretty reliable sources for unfiltered information. In my interests desire is mostly news. Most of the real journalists are on twitter. Plus, twitter is where President Donald J. Trump is located.

What is horrifying about the direction of social media is the censorship of posts by the media tech giants. Google, which owns YouTube, has publicly stated they will censor information they disagree with. Even if the information is from reliable sources. Google is not a reliable search engine. It may bring back lots of results, but often times Google will filter out search results and you’ll have to do multiple search words, phrases, to get the information you’re looking for, if at all. Which is why I use other search engines like DuckDuckGo and Bing amongst others.

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki has suggested that the video platform will remove content that contradicts the World Health Organization’s (WHO) advice on COVID-19. In fact, Google/YouTube has been removing videos they deem misinformation. The WHO has posted misinformation on the YouTube platform and that still remains up.

In an interview with CNN published Sunday, Wojcicki said YouTube would be “removing information that is problematic” including “anything that is medically unsubstantiated.” She continued: “Anything that goes against WHO recommendations would be a violation of our policy and so remove is another really important part of our policy.” So the WHO’s misinformation will be favored over information that challenges the WHO. The same WHO that lied to the world for Communist China about the coronavirus.

This isn’t the only tech platform that is censoring information. Facistbook and Twitter are also censoring content. It’s one thing to flag content as fake news or misleading information, but it’s another thing to remove content and banning posters. That’s censorship and it shouldn’t be allowed on any of the unsocial media platforms.

Out come the Karen’s. These are the nosy busybodies that believe they have the absolute right to shutdown anyone and any conversation they disagree with. They see postings on social media and they complain to get the posts removed.

This is “The Filter”. The fake news media is no longer the filter for news and this pisses them off. President Trump has over 80 Million followers on Twitter, including myself. From the President’s filter, we get his thoughts and his information directly without the media filter that tends to distort the President’s message. It’s no secret the fake news media is extremely hostile to this President. There is no objectivity.

This is why the fake new media hates the President. They cannot control the President’s message. Especially when the fake news media attempts to mock the President. The President’s followers jump all over the fake news media. As do I. Then again, I’m not shy about my disdain for 90% of the media. The President isn’t shy about calling out the fake new media.

There’s a reason why the President calls the media Fake News. Sometimes, in a moment of clarity, the truth inadvertently comes out. What’s dangerous is the unsocial media platforms are acting like publishers in censoring content. They’re violating the agreement of being an independent platform. As the tech giants expose themselves as publishers, they will find their legal protections legislated away, and not soon enough.



Our weather today has been a mix of sun and trade wind showers. Temperatures in the mid 70’s with humidity at 85%. It’s breezy and very comfortable, but not suitable for star gazing.


Kēia Ka Lā Mei Iwakālua


Unsocial Media


If you are on any of the social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Google, and if you are a conservative, then you have probably gotten this message. Possibly either suspended or had your account deleted. It’s a pattern the tech giants have deployed against those that don’t share their political values.

The social media tech giants claim to be an neutral platforms open to everyone and to all opinions. They claim they are unbiased. However,they act more like publishers which control content. The tech giants enjoy special legal immunity which exempts them from liability of content. Section 230(c)(1) of the Communications Decency Act ensures the free flow of ideas, exempting internet platforms from publisher and distributor liability posted by third parties. However, increasingly the tech giants are acting like publishers and censoring content.

Imagine if the telephone company decided to disconnect your telephone service because they didn’t approve the subject of your conversations? This is what the tech giants are doing. Increasingly, the tech giants are targeting conservative content. Anti-Abortion groups, Christian groups, educational groups, and others that express a conservative opinions are being blocked, restricted, shadow banned, and deleted. In effect censoring content. I’m glad that Congress is starting to look at the tech giants. The tech giants are openly saying they are restricting content they don’t approve of and that has to change if they want to continue to benefit from liability exemptions.

I used to be on Fascistbook and Instagram, but I deleted my accounts. The main reason was their deceptive practice of stealing user information and selling it. Even if you restrict you account privacy, the tech giants still steal your information and restrict your content.

YouTube has restricted videos it deems offensive, harmful, and pornography. Prager University is an educational site that meets none of that criteria, but the majority of their videos are restricted. Live Action is an anti-Abortion site that educated people on the harmful effects of abortions, they are also restricted.

Google is busy scrubbing their search engines to eliminate all links to Bill Clinton’s involvement with Jeffery Epstein, the billionaire pedophile. Plus, many of the search returns now produce far left websites to direct the user away from their original search criteria.

The tech giants still allow hate groups to have unrestricted access to their platforms. Antifa is a domestic terror group with that regularly posts anti-American propaganda and use the tech sites to communicate to their members where to go and riot. Islamic terrorist sites are still unrestricted. They call for the murder and destruction of Jews, Christians, and the United States.

There’s a clear double standard by these tech giants. Even more clear is how these tech giants are trying to manipulate the elections. The Fake News Media and leftist democrats have claimed that Russia interfered with the elections. I’m beginning to doubt that. The amount of election interference the tech giants did in 2016 got President Trump elected. They didn’t think Trump had a chance. So now, the tech giants are activity trying to influence the 2020 elections, and they have openly said so. We’re seeing that with censored posts and restricted content.

Democracy dies when the truth is censored by corporations that distribute information