Malignant Media

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Aloha kākou and Happy Aloha Friday. ‘The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.’ — George Orwell

The Fake News Media and their Cheap Fakes. When the tables are turned, the Malignant Media circles the wagons to protect their deceit. Do not believe your eyes and ears. Believe in the state and only the state-controlled media. Orwell’s prediction could never have been truer today than the state-run press corps talking points.

Even when witnessed before the public, in real time, and on live television, the denials of what was seen by all is declared a ‘Cheap Fake.’ Pay no attention to that feeble old man frozen on stage. Let the mulatto puppet master grab his hand and walk him off stage. Cue the Visiting Angels music as Pedo-Joe Biden is shuffled off stage by his handler Barry the Bullshitter Obummer. Using a rhyming slur on the term ‘deep state,’ Karinge Jean-Luc Picard dismisses the videos as ‘Cheap Fakes.’ The Fake News Media has their talking points and they’re off to spread state media propaganda.

But say anything that remotely disagrees with the state’s media narrative, and you could have the FBI visiting your home wanting to have a little chat with you. The FBI visits the home of a nurse who exposed a hospital she works at secretly doing gender surgeries on minors. Without the child’s parents knowing or approval. Doctors performing life alternating medical experiments on children, butchering their genitals, for the insurance. They’re getting rich creating little gender Frankenstein’s. With the protection and approval of Pedo-Joe Biden’s regime and Attorney General Meritless Garland. They’re protecting these doctors from parents and the public from finding out. A whistleblower gets a visit from the regime’s gestapo.

Two FBI goons show up at the door, “Can we sit down for a minute and let me do my song and dance for a minute?” says one agent. The other agent stands back quietly collecting information about the house. Where things are placed looking for vulnerabilities. They’re there to harass and plan an arrest. This is just a surveillance formality of what is in the house. Never, Ever, Allow, Evil, To, Enter, Your, Home.

This visit by the FBI is meant to intimidate the public and prevent people from exposing this regime’s criminal activities. The point is the FBI is being used as enforcement muscle against the public and not against criminals. The Biden Regime has allowed this criminality to infest this nation. You either comply with the regime’s demands or face the government’s wrath. They’ll show up at your home at 6AM in the morning with forty fully armed SWAT Team goons to bust down your door. Then place a slew of charges against you to bankrupt you into pleading out to a single charge that will land you in prison for 10 years or more. This regime as done this to thousands of Americans and the Fake News Media is silent.

However, there are good news outlets that are reporting on these crimes, but they’re being silenced by far-left government sponsored activists to shut them down. Newsmax is one such news outlet and then there’s One America News Network (OANN). This network was nearly shutdown by the Marxist democrats because they will not tow the government media demands. OANNs Kara McKinney reports.

The establishment news media will only report what the state allows them to report. Fox News was once a independent and responsible news network until they hired former House Speaker Paul Ryan to the Fox News Corp board of directors. Now, Fox News is competing with others in the Fake News Media sphere that breathlessly reports what government approved propaganda.

Newsguard is a repackaged version of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) that attacks independent news outlets reporting the truth. House Oversight Committee Chairman, James Comer, announced he is opening an investigation into the impact of the media ratings service NewsGuard on protected First Amendment speech and its potential as an agent of government censorship.

The Fake News Media believes President Trump is going to take revenge on those that persecuted Americans. President Trump’s retribution will be his success. It’s the American Public that this regime and it’s Malignant Media Minions must worry about. We will exact our revenge against the persecutions the Marxist democrats have put us through. It’s not Trump they should worry about, it’s us the people.

This regime is turning its attention towards the United States Supreme Court. The Marxists democrats want to remove three justices: Justice Clarence Thomas, Justice Sam Alito, and Justice Neil Gorsuch. They want to replace them with three far-left judges to permanently corrupt the court. Much like Brazil’s Supreme Court which is a puppet to Lula’s Communist Regime. It’s the reason why the Marxist democrats are running a smear campaign against these three Justices. The Marxists want to remove these Justices by faking ethics violations against them. It’s an open coup against the Third Branch of our Republic.

Marxist democrats want Judges that will protect prosecutors that protect criminals and prosecute victims. They will abolish religious and parental rights to make it easier for the state to confiscate children. Marxist democrats have openly used the phrase, “Our Children” indicating that parents have no legal right to the upbringing of their own children. They’re getting close to achieving this before the November elections.

The left has weaponizing our justice system against their political opponents because that’s the only way they know how to win. Steve Gruber of Real Americas Voice News comments here.

For over eight years, the Marxist democrats have been after President Trump for the crime of beating Hildabeast Clinton and turning the political establishment on its collective head. Exposing the “Deep State” and the corruption of the Swamp. Meanwhile, Clinton destroyed criminal evidence and was never prosecuted. Pedo-Joe Biden had National Security documents for decades and was never prosecuted for that. Documents that are not Biden’s to keep or declassify. The January 6th Committee that Nazi Piglosi formed to prosecute President Trump, his administration, and the people that were wrongfully imprisoned for supporting President Trump. All those crimes against the American people are being swept under the rug. The Deep State is burying this to prevent from being exposed as the government corrupting destroying our Constitutional Republic.

Malignant Media apparatchiks spreading this propaganda. They are the machine that conceals the crimes against America. This is why they fear President Trump and his allies from getting back into power. They know their corruption will be exposed. They’re scared they will lose power over our lives. They’ve corrupted the justice system in their favor. Why else are illegal aliens being allowed to enter the nation? Where they murder, rape, and criminally trespass will impunity. This regime’s prosecutors protect the criminal and prosecutes the innocent. It’s gotten worse as we get closer to the elections. This regime is resorting to violence and it’s ever increasing. This is why we must elect President Trump back into office to Save America from the Marxist democrats. Do what you can to support President Trump. If we lose, we lose everything forever. Our future and our posterity depend on winning this election. MAGA.

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 50% chance of precipitation. We received 1/4 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 8 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 23%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 80’s. Humidity is 75%. Barometric pressure is 30.07 inches. Dewpoint is 69° and UV index is 11 Air quality Index is great at 19. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune Iwakālua Kūmākahi 2024

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