Teaching Hate

Aloha kākou. I was watching a conversation unfolding on unsocial media, Fascistbook to be specific, between two people that I know personally. The back and forth was about politics and the rigged Presidential election. The conversation was civil for the most part, there were no nasty exchanges.

The conversation was between a woman in her late 40’s and high school teenager. The teenage daughter’s mom and the 40 year old woman have been good friends for decades. Well before they got married and had children. Over time the 40 year old woman and her husband moved away to another state. They kept up with each other through social media and vacations. They regularly talked about all sorts of subjects, from politics to recipes, from home decorations and planning the next vacations together.

The teenage daughter was having a disagreement with the 40 year old woman about the election. The teenage daughter abruptly called the 40 year old woman a “Colonizer”. When the 40 year old mother questioned the teenager what she meant by calling her a “Colonizer”. The conversation ended right there.

I had heard this term “Colonizer” used before by other teenagers as a slur against people. In particular, white people, and people of having perceived white privilege. It was confusing to me because the teenager using that slur is white herself and she grew up in privileged home. I wonder if she looked at herself in the mirror lately.

I’ve been called a “Boomer” by millennials before, but I laughed it off as some kid’s jealousy. Then I learned this Critical Race Theory is part of the curriculum being taught in high schools and universities.

Children are being fed a diet of “racism and injustice” in schools. Dozens of schools across the country, both public and private, have included Critical Race Theory in their curriculum. The perceived need to announce sweeping changes in leadership and curricula has been a boon to the growing diversity-consulting industry, which is designed to profit from racial discontent.

They’re teaching children to hate themselves and their country. This is part of the 1619 project that I wrote in a previous blog-post. Schools are teaching a distorted and false history of America’s history. A list of “anti-racism” resources, compiled after the death of the criminal George Floyd, and featuring such writers as Dr. Robin DiAngelo, and the authors of the New York Slimes controversial 1619 project. This is being shared widely by colleges and high schools across the country.

It has spurred witch hunts as students, faculty, and alumni across the country have devoted themselves to ferreting out racism in their own communities. Many have taken to unsocial media encouraging their peers to share anonymous accusations of racism, bigotry, and other misconduct. Other accounts, dedicated to naming and shaming students accused of racial bias or insensitivity are popping up in schools.

A school administrator said, “I’m not trying to target freshmen or middle schoolers, but people who are about to go to college need to be held accountable for what they say,” the administrator of one school told the New York Slimes. “People who go to college end up becoming lawyers and doctors. I don’t want people like that to keep getting jobs.”

So they want to prevent you from getting work by blaming and shaming you for life. I remember a time in 1930’s Germany when people were shamed for their religion. Also in Communist China Cultural Revolution that purged the remnants of traditional Chinese culture. This is exactly what Critical Race Theory seeks to install.

Schools are hiring more and more diversity experts, but the accusations of racism and bigotry only grow fueling further demands for new positions and pricier consultants. So the purpose of Critical Race Theory is to accuse and punish those perceived of racism and injustice. The consultants get to make those rules to prevent student from learning “Critical Thinking”.

Nearly every top private school has promised to bring on outside help to address rampant racism. The assumption is that racism is openly practiced in everyday society. It is simply not true. What better way to destroy your country by teaching the next generation to hate your country. What better way to make collective socialism more common place by shutting down debate on societal norms by accusing people as racists.

America has always been a charitable, fair, and kind nation. We’re a giving nation that helps one and another, including other nations. We are not inherently racist and we have never been racists. We fought a civil war to abolish slavery. America has always been a self-correcting nation of justice, equality and opportunity.

It’s not to say racism doesn’t exist, it does, but racism is colorblind. Racism exists in all people’s and in all cultures. What Critical Race Theory does is single out only White People as the racists. Critical Race Theory is racist in itself. Critical Race Theory teaches Racism.

What Critical Race Theory does is to remove Critical Thinking from the student. The ability to think for yourself and not according to the collective hive. If you hate yourself, you’ll hate your country, and you’ll foment incivility in society. You cannot be openminded when you’re taught to hate those around you. That’s what Critical Race Theory does.

Critical Thinking is the skills that we all need in order to be able to think critically are varied and include observation, analysis, interpretation, reflection, evaluation, inference, explanation, problem solving, and decision making. Specifically we need to be able to: Think about a topic or issue in an objective and critical way. Critical Race Theory removes this from the learning process.

This Woke Culture of intolerance is destructive and it must be stopped before our society turns into a dystopian version of 1984. We need to return to a Pro-America culture that follows the Constitutional rule of law. We need to teach our children to love their country, themselves and others. We need schools to stick to teaching the basic skill sets for success and stop this tuition of hate.

We need to purge universities of Marxist professors and required courses that offer no educational value. Courses like gender studies, equity studies, and social justice. We need a return to classic literature and liberal arts that teaches sciences, arts, and humanities. Central academic disciplines including philosophy, logic, linguistics, literature, history, political science, sociology, and psychology.

Critical Race Theory, like Project 1619 needs to be eliminated and banned as Marxist indoctrination. Woke culture needs to be shunned as hateful racist ideology. It is leftist thinking that is destructive. It is hate pornography.

Where ever this leftist ideology takes root destruction follows. Look at cities run by leftists democrats. Poverty, homeless, drug abuse is the fruit of this leftist ideology. It is poison to a society’s health and future.

One only has to look at the leftist model that is Kalifornia and other State’s with single party socialist democrat governments.

John Voight explains how leftist woke culture is destructive. How the once great State of Kalifornia has fallen into a cesspool of socialism. The basic constructs of our nation is at risk if democrats take control of our country. A democrat super majority has created massive debt and out of control homelessness.

If you want to see the health and and success of a nation, just look at how the children are being taught. If they are being taught hate, then they will graduate with a degree in societal destruction.


Today’s weather started with sunny skies and clear weather. Tradewinds were lite. We got 7/8 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s with humidity at 77%.  Everything is drying out after lots of rain last week.

Kēia Ka Lā Nowemapa Kanakolu



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