Herculean Failure


Aloha kākou. Americans trapped in Afghanistan must pay to be evacuated. In Jim Crow Joe Biden’s America, everything is free EXCEPT an evacuation from the terrorist-ridden mess he created. I just verified this on the U.S. Embassy of Afghanistan’s website! Unbelievable!

Illegal aliens are allowed to enter the country free. They’re given free housing, free food, clothing, money, jobs, and they’re allowed to travel anywhere they want in the country. Unvaccinated for Covid, unchecked for diseases, no criminal background checks, and no accountability. But Americans trapped by 7th century savages in Afghanistan must pay Mr. 10%, the Big Guy, Jim Crow Joe, a fee to be rescued. It’s the Marxist democrats “Americans Last” policy.

Britain and other countries are going into Afghanistan to rescue their people, but our traitorous Secretary of Defense Lloyd “Ursus” Austin says we can’t, “We don’t have the capability to go out and collect large numbers of people.” No, General Ursus is more interested in hunting down nonexistent insurrectionists within the ranks of the military. He believes our military personnel are the enemy and not the Taliban. General Ursus is a Racist Woke Bastard, don’tcha know.



Anyone remember when Barry the Bullshitter Obama, Jim Crow Joe Biden, and Hildabeast Clinton, abandoned the Ambassador to Libya and our soldiers to be slaughtered by Islamic militant group Ansar al-Sharia? Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and U.S. government personnel Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty died in the attack at the Mission and the nearby Annex in Benghazi. This is a repeat of Benghazi, but at a massive scale. Over 10,000 Americans left behind in Afghanistan, deliberately. This is worse than the fall of Saigon.

Message from President Donald J. Trump:

“First you bring out all of the American citizens. Then you bring out ALL equipment. Then you bomb the bases into smithereens—AND THEN YOU BRING OUT THE MILITARY. You don’t do it in reverse order like Biden and our woke Generals did.

No chaos, no death—they wouldn’t even know we left!”

This was the plan that President Trump put together and it was proceeding flawlessly. But Jim Crow Joe hate for Trump tore that plan up and allowed the Taliban to capture Afghanistan. Now, the Taliban has access to billions of dollars of American weapons. American military technology that the Russians and Communist Chinese would love to get their hands on.

But where are the GOP leadership? Where’s Cocaine Mitch McConnell? Where’s Kevin McCarthy? Why are they not calling for impeachment of Jim Crow Joe? This jerks and the RINO’s had no problem impeaching President Trump for nothing but a phone call. January 6 riot was caused by Nazi Piglosi’s DNC KGB, plus there was no investigation and exculpatory evidence was not permitted to be presented. Our government is communist controlled by oligarchs.

House Drinker Nazi Piglosi (Dipshit-CA) praised Jim Crow Joe on Tuesday for taking “decisive” action in Afghanistan. Piglosi was asked in an interview with San Francisco’s KPIX whether Jim Crow Joe should have left a “stronger” military presence in Afghanistan. “May I just say that I commend the president for the action that he took,” Piglosi replied. “It was strong, it was decisive, and it was the right thing to do. We should have been out of Afghanistan a while back.” This is the same drunkard that called MS-13 gangs “Children Of God.”

Outrage Afghan Woman Sends Message to Joe Biden: “You Destroyed Not Afghanistan But The World — and You Call Yourself a President.” Don’t expect to see this on any of the Fake News Media programs. They’re there to protect Jim Crow Joe Biden from bad press. The Fake News Media will go out of their way to accuse conservatives as being no different than the Taliban because they disapprove of women murdering children in the womb.

An MSNBC columnist used his platform on Tuesday to tell pro-life Republicans that they are no better than the women-hating Taliban. “Look, nobody is saying the GOP and the Taliban are equally bad,” Dean Obeidallah wrote. “But in just the past few months, we’ve seen Republicans champion measures to deprive women of freedom over their own bodies, as well as oppose laws to protect women from violence and ensure that women are paid the same wages as men. And they’ve done so, at least in part, to impose their religious beliefs on all others.” Obeidallah is a pro Palestinian Arab that believes women should be wearing burqas, only allowed out when accompanied by a relative, and considers women as property of men. He’s an advocate for Sharia Law in the United States. Tells you a lot about how he feels about women and women’s rights. But the leftists will try an deflect their hatred of America by making false accusations. It how they brainwash people to hate their country.

The catastrophe that is unfolding in Afghanistan is not just a United States problem, it also a problem for Great Britain, France, an other nations involved in Afghanistan. It’s a NATO problem. The Communist Chinese will take advantage of Afghanistan’s richness of Rare Earth Minerals. Afghanistan’s opiate trade will only increase with the Communist Chinese shipping more drugs around the world. The Communist Chinese know that as long as you give the War Lords lots of money, you can do anything you want. They’re uneducated goat herders with no desire to integrate in the real world. They don’t care. The ripple effects of this disaster will last for decades. This is what happens when you vote democrat and not thoroughly vet republicans from RINO’s.



Today started with clear skies and few clouds. Tradewinds are from the east at 10mph with gusts at 26mph. Cloud cover is 17%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got just under a 1/16 inch (3/64) precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the low 80’s. Humidity is at 69%. Barometric pressure is 30.01 inches and dewpoint is 68 degrees. UV index is 12.

Tropical Storm Linda, which weakened from a hurricane overnight, is set to enter the Central Pacific basin. At 11 a.m. today, the center of the storm was about 1,015 miles east of Hilo, with maximum sustained winds near 50 mph. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 80 miles (130 km). The storm is continuing to weaken as it enter colder Pacific waters. It most likely will become a rain even over the islands.

ʻAukake ‘Umi Kūmāiwa, 2021


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