Press Passivity


Aloha kākou. We’re told by Jim Crow Joe that the evacuation of Americans trapped in Afghanistan is the greatest effort in world history. The Fake News Media sat passively by and accepted Jim Crow Joe’s claims that no Americans are being stranded in Afghanistan. This message was echoed by Press Secretary Jen Psssaki and others in the State department.

Remember how the Fake News Media yelled and screamed at Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany? Called her insulting names and constantly interrupted Kayleigh’s answers. They were so rude to Kayleigh McEnany because she was prepared and had answers which angered the Fake News Media attempts to trip up McEnany. Not like unprepared circle jerk Jen Psssaki that has to bullshit her way threw her answers.

Remember how ABC News Jon Karl, the Nazi Summer Camp instructor, threw his earpiece in disgust and anger. Waved his spindly little arms around like some deranged chimpanzee. A hostile White House Press Corps is now suddenly polite and passive with this regime. No raised voices and no fits of anger. Nope, because these Fake News Media morons help drag the senile old fart across the finish line.

We are hearing disturbing reports that unvetted refugees are being flown into the US. Fewer SIV holders and American citizens on flights. Looking forward to being briefed at Fort McCoy today. — Senator Ron Johnson

Take a look at the following picture. Predominantly men of military age, a few women and children, no Americans to be seen. We have no idea if they’ve been vetted. We have no idea if any are Taliban terrorists. We have no idea who they are. We just know they’re coming to America and dumped into communities around the country. Most likely to be dumped in Minnesota’s little Afghanistan where anti-American shit-beetles like Ilhan Oman and Rashida Tlaib can radicalize them to hate America and adopt Sharia Law. They’re not going to assimilate into our culture.


About only 5 percent of the people the United States has evacuated from Afghanistan are Americans seeking safe passage home. More than 82,300 have been airlifted from Kabul since the government’s collapse nearly two weeks ago, but the Pentagon says that, as of Wednesday, only 4,400 Americans were rescued in those evacuation operations. That’s because the Taliban are taking their passports and beating them and preventing them from getting to the airport.

The State Department also confirmed that a majority of the people whisked away on flights from Kabul are not U.S. citizens. On Tuesday, Politico national security reporter Alex Ward reported leaked numbers indicating that in just 15 hours on Aug. 23, the United States evacuated approximately 6,916 people from Afghanistan. Only 483 of those were American citizens while the rest were Aghan nationals.

Top Jim Crow Joe officials and administration allies have begun aggressively touting the success of their evacuation efforts in war-torn country, offering frequent updates on the number of evacuees. They’ve framed the operation as historic — in line with the Berlin airlift — declared that they’re “over performing” their own metrics, and trumpeted the president as “defying expectations.” The Big Lie.

Psssaki Left Perplexed When Confronted About Taliban Not Letting People In To Airport. If only someone could have predicted this. Oh, that was President Trump that warned us that Jim Crow Joe would abandon Americans, allies, and those Afghanis that helped us. Now the State Department has issued warning Americans not to go to the Kabul airport. It’s too dangerous.

Psssaki: I Wouldn’t Say Afghanistan Withdrawal Has Been “Anything But a Success”. “No Americans are being stranded in Afghanistan”, said the What would you describe it then? Remember all the hostages President Trump brought back? People forget about the successes President Trump had negotiating the release of hostages. Basically, President Trump threatened to kill the hostage takers, their families, their cats and dogs, cattle and goats. Fear is a great motivator when done the right way.

This would make a good presidential portrait. Just the back of Jim Crow Joe’s brainless skull. This clown take orders from the Taliban. After taking no questions from the Fake News Media, this clown grins and giggles walking away.


Fraudulent president

Of course, Jim Crow Joe, the cowardly dolt blames President Trump for the fall of Afghanistan. Jim Crow Joe says the Buck stops with him, but there’s always someone else’s fault for his blunders. As Kash Patel outlined, President Trump instructed the Defense Department to arrange a “conditions-based” withdrawal plan from Afghanistan. A methodical exit plan that would preserve our national interests, protect our citizens, allies, translators, and our military assets. The plan ended up being fairly straight forward: The Afghan government and the Taliban were both told they would face the full force of the US military might if they caused any harm to Americans or American interests in Afghanistan. Violate the terms of the agreement, and suffer the weight of our Military might. There was no timeline for withdrawal. After 20 years, it was going to take time to complete. All the Taliban had to do was wait.

But Jim Crow Joe decided to go his own way and the Taliban pounced. The idiot closed down Bagram Air Base which had two runways. It was a fortified Military base positioned strategically placed between China, Pakistan, Iran, while still in Afghanistan. Then the Idiot In Chief withdrawal all the soldiers leaving American civilians at risk. Then the idiot set a hard date for withdrawal of August 31st. This put this disaster in motion. This senile old shitbag blames President Trump for his incompetence.

Afghan Man Trying To Escape Has BRUTAL Message For Biden “You Made The Deal With The Taliban. Everyone knows who is the blame for this disaster that will soon turn into a hostage situation. I don’t want to imagine the horrors the Taliban will inflect upon our citizens. I’ve seen what the Taliban is capable of doing.

American Mom Trapped in Afghanistan PLEADS For Help. “Every moment a car passes by, I feel like they’re going to pull in and execute us. I don’t know if I’m going to see my children again…We’ve given up on the hope of going to the airport. It’s not possible” This is heartbreaking.

There’s no way this regime will completely evacuate Americans out of Afghanistan. We are looking at the largest hostage situation in history. Our allies will not allow us to land at their airports and setup operations. The Fake News Media is passive, but with the exceptions of a maybe one or two reporters, we have no information. In a sense, this Marxist regime being run by criminal democrats is holding the entire nation hostage.



Today started with some rain and cloudy skies. It has remained cloudy and blustery all day. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 9mph with gusts at 23mph. Cloud cover is 40%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got slightly over 1/4th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is at 84%. Barometric pressure is 29.98 inches and dewpoint is 69 degrees. UV index is 13.

ʻAukake Iwakālua Kūmālima, 2021
