
This is the Capitol Coward that murdered Ashli Babbitt. A white woman, 5.2 tall, 120lb that only wanted to exercise her First Amendment Right to protest the Marxist democrat coup d’état happening to our Republic on January 6th, 2021.

Michael Byrd is a coward, a murderer, and no doubt a racist. He should have never been a capitol police officer. Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd, a 28-year law enforcement veteran, 53 years old, stepped forward to identify himself and brag as the officer who gunned down and murdered the 36-year-old Air Force vet, Ashli Babbitt, in an interview with Fake News NBC’s Lester Holt Thursday evening. Now that the Capitol Coward has been exonerated for murder, he feels embolden to brag about murdering a White Unarmed Woman. Byrd, who joined the force in 1993, also made headlines in 2019 for leaving his loaded gun in a Capitol restroom, according to the Daily Mail. He should have been fired from the job right then and there. How does a cop forget his gun in the Capitol restroom? Was he sleeping in the stalls? Michael Byrd believes he’s some kind of hero for killing an unarmed white woman, and many Marxist democrats and RINO republicans also believe this coward is a hero.

Of course the NBC interview sympathizes with Michael Byrd, even bringing on the tears and fears to portray an unarmed white woman as somehow a dangerous threat. She must have really scared the shit out of this toilet trout. I don’t know where it says in his training to shoot first and ask questions later. It’s not like he couldn’t see Ashli Babbitt, he could see her and he could tell she was unarmed. He could also see the armed Capitol police officers standing behind her. But Michael Byrd didn’t fire at the capitol police, he fired and murdered a woman that posed no threat to either him or anyone else.

I’m sure if someone looked deeply into Michael Byrd’s background they’ll probably uncover a checkered past of abuses, bullying, and who knows what else. Does Michael Byrd have a drug and alcohol problem? When was the last time he was tested for substance abuse and had a psychological test examination? We’re learning that a number of Capitol police officers have questionable backgrounds. Remember that creepy Capitol Hill Antifa officer with the neck tattoos? Apparently, Capitol Police qualification are not as stringent as other police departments. Hire the trigger happy punks, put a uniform on them and give them a loaded gun to play with. Are there background checks for these people?

Members of the US Congress are protecting this coward. He’s got friends in high places apparently, and they want to protect him. This includes both Marxist democrats and RINO republican’s that betrayed the American people on January 6th, 2021. As Buck Sexton tweets out, “The new standard for lethal force for Capitol Hill Police is to be scared of an unarmed woman 15ft away and instead of shoving her or trying less than lethal force, just panic shoot her in the neck. Damage this does to our sense of equal justice is severe.”


Imagine if the roles were reversed. If Michael Byrd were a White Officer and Ashli Babbitt was a Black Woman. You damn well know that that officer’s name would be immediately released and charged with murder. That officer would be rotting in prison for life. Instead, racism in this Woke Culture excuses a black man for killing an unarmed white woman. You could expect more DC riots by BLM and no one would stop the violence because the would be accused of racism. What did Baltimore’s Black Mayor say about BLM rioting? “Give Them Space To Destroy”

There was no justification for the murder Ashli Babbitt. There were armed Capitol police in riot gear standing behind Ashli Babbitt. The following picture is a screen shot of a video that I captured on the internet that shows the moment that Ashli Babbitt was murdered by Michael Byrd. As Ashli Babbitt laid on the floor bleeding to death, armed Capitol police were present behind Ashli Babbitt. There was no justification for the murder of Ashli Babbitt. No one was in eminent danger.


Moments after the fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt. You can see there were heavily armed Capitol Police right there behind the victim that Michael Byrd murdered in cold blood. She posed no threat to the Capitol building, no threat to any of the members of Congress, and the Capitol Police in riot gear were clearly present at the time.

The January 6th protest has been made a political whipping post by the Fake News Media by writing and broadcasting lies about what exactly happened that day. The Fake News Media tried to blame the death of Officer Brian Sicknick on Trump supporters, when Brian Sicknick died of natural causes. As a matter of fact, all those that died on that day or after were all from natural causes. Only Ashli Babbitt was murdered by the Capitol Coward, Michael Byrd.

We had to wait almost 8 months before learning the name of the murdering Capitol Coward. Many people knew who he was, but couldn’t say. Only after the corrupt Capitol Police exonerated this murderous lunatic did Michael Byrd volunteered to reveal himself. He didn’t have to expose his identity, he could have remained anonymous. But he boo-hoo’ed to Fake News NBC that he was getting death threats. Gee, that too bad, Byrd. Ashli Babbitt’s husband is also getting death threats and he’s also a victim of your cowardness. I have no sympathy for this Capitol Coward, Michael Byrd. Byrd will have blood on his hands for the rest of his miserable life.

Both the Marxist democrats and RINO republicans are complicit in the murder of Ashli Babbitt, the destruction of our Constitutional Republic, and the crime of holding uncharged Political Prisoners as insurrectionists. Congress is murdering our freedoms for political gain. Ashli Babbitt will forever remain a National Hero for defending our Constitutional Liberties and Serving Our Nation as a Military Hero.



Today started with scattered showers and cloudy skies all day long. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 8mph with gusts at 21mph. Cloud cover is 60%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got just over 15/16ths inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is at 91%. Barometric pressure is 29.92 inches and dewpoint is 69 degrees. UV index is 10.

ʻAukake Iwakālua Kūmāhiku, 2021


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