Liberal World Order


Aloha kākou. The regime has said out-loud what their communist agenda is about: The Liberal World Order. This regime wants you to keep paying record-high gas prices! Paying for Big Government corruption. Americans will have to endure more pain at the gas pump for as long as it takes in the name of the “Liberal World Order,” said Brian Deese a top economic adviser to Jim Crow Joe Branden.

Fake News CNN asks White House’s Brian Deese what he would tell Americans who can’t afford to pay high gas prices if Branden’s Russia-Ukraine war continues to go on for months and years. I wonder where this clown got his degree in economics? Because this regime’s economic policies have been horrendous.

Fake News CNN: “What do you say to those families that say, ‘listen, we can’t afford to pay $4.85 a gallon for months, if not years?’” Brian Deese: “This is about the future of the Liberal World Order and we have to stand firm.” In short, Branden’s regime would rather drag America to war with Russia than take care of America’s economy. Ukraine is Europe’s problem, it’s not our problem. Let NATO deal with Russia in their back yard. We have China to worry about in the Pacific. China is advancing in the Asian Pacific rim and making inroads in South America.

Hours earlier, Branden was asked by New York Times reporter Jim Tankersley during a news conference in Madrid: “The Russia-Ukraine war has pushed prices up. Oil could go as high as $200 a barrel, some analysts believe. How long is it fair to expect American drivers and drivers around the world to pay that premium for this war?” “As long as it takes,” Branden chuckled with glee. “Russia cannot, in fact, defeat Ukraine and move beyond Ukraine. This is a critical, critical position for the world.” Said puddin’ head Joe. Why is Ukraine’s border more important than our own border? Which is being overrun with illegal aliens from all over the world.

This is what irks me beyond belief. Gas prices were going up the day puddin’ head Joe stole the office of the Presidency. He cut off all American energy production. Putin and the Russia-Ukraine war had nothing to do with gas prices. We would be still energy independent if it were not for the puddin’ head Joe. Europe would be buying our natural gas and oil. We wouldn’t have supply chain issues. Russia’s dirty crude oil would be priced so low they wouldn’t be able to wage a war with Ukraine. That’s how President Trump kept Putin in check. Russia has limited exports other than oil. They’re making money now.

Why are we spending our resources on fighting Europe’s war when they have the money and military to defend Ukraine. Branden is draining the National Oil Reserves and not allowing drilling for oil in America. Need I remind anyone that we were an exporter of oil just 18 months ago. We didn’t run out of oil, Branden choked it off. We could have lower gas and food prices if we were allowed to extract oil. But that would upset those in the Liberal World Order.

You know who the Liberal World Order is made up of? It’s the World Economic Forum, it’s the Environmental Climate Nazis. It’s Annoying Obtuse-Cretin, Nazi Piglosi, Chuckles Schumer, and the Marxist democrats that whine about the planet being destroyed in a few years from now. It’s the radical Environment Protection Agency that the Supreme Court slapped down for their over-reach. All that effects our economy, and we’re supposed to deal with this for the next two years. My question is, will we still have a county left in two years? Given the damage that this regime is doing to our economy, I’m not very optimistic.

The Liberal World Order. They’re liberal with spending your money, but illiberal with our economic freedoms. They’re liberal philosophy is pro-Marxism and intolerance of capitalism.

WWII Marine veteran Carl Dekel reflects on 100 years of life, service, and sacrifice. He’s driven to tears at the direction of this country. How all the gains are being destroyed by this Liberal World Order. This hero is 100 years old and he’s more conative and functional than Jim Crow Joe Branden. The Greatest Generation that defeated the Nazis and saved the world sees the Marxist democrats destroying our country from within. All for the Liberal World Order that will accomplish what Nazism could not do. Democrats has fully embraced communism.

Our society is breaking down into complete debauchery. Nude men and women parading in the streets in the name of gay pride. Concerts featuring pornographic themes of women wearing penis strap-on’s. Trangender men dancing suggestively in front of young children while their parents cheer them on. Schools that are teaching kids to transition their gender with life-altering drugs and surgeries. Children books and movies showing sexual promiscuity. Especially Disney which has gone all woke with grooming children into pedophilia. It’s enough to anyone with moral American values want to cry.

But it’s not just the Marxist democrats, it’s also the RINO repubics. Weak leaders like Kevin McCarthy that spend more time talking and little action. Many in the republican leadership have no backbone. They’re too afraid of the Fake News Media will write hurtful things about them. They bend to the Marxist democrats so they can remain in the D.C. social circles. They’re Cowards.

Kevin McCarthy is so afraid of the Fake News Media that he can only commit to “possibly” running an investigation into Jim Crow Joe Branden’s business dealings. In an op-ed in the New York Post. Kevin McCarthy, Jim Jordan and James Comer, penned a promise to investigate the Branden crime family. A lackluster attempt to bring justice to the criminal activity by Marxist democrats. They promise that any investigations will follow the law. Which translate into we’ll go through the motions, but we’re not committed into issuing any criminal complaints. They’re simply not interested in holding criminals to account. Meanwhile, the American people are being screwed. They are bow to the Liberal World Order.

Bank of America said America’s Gross Domestic Product is not expected to grow during the April-June quarter of 2022, according to Breitbart. We are heading into a recession and this regime is talking about spending more money. The previous GDP estimate was for 1.5 percent growth. My analysis sees no growth, but negative GDP. If that happens, then we could be heading for an economic collapse. I hope that will not be the case, but I’m a realist. About the only good news is from the Supreme Court. Abortion, Gun Rights, and EPA rulings have been a beacon of hope.

We cannot survive a Liberal World Order. It’s the black heart of nihilism. It needs to be rejected and abolished. We need to return to fiscal sanity and limited government. No one seems to want to run on that platform. Ever wonder why kids growing up in the 1950’s and 60’s didn’t shoot up schools back then? Because they were raised to respect their God, Parents, and their Country. It’s time we moved back to those American values, return prayer back to schools, and recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag at the beginning of every school day.



Mostly cloudy with scattered showers. 46% chance of rain. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 6 mph, gusts 20 mph. Cloud cover is 74%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 7/16th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is at 85%. Barometric pressure is 30.08 inches and dewpoint is 69°. UV index 12. Air quality Index is at 25. Readings taken at 12:05PM HST.

Iulai ‘Elua, 2022
