Marxist Coup D’état


Aloha kākou. What will a real insurrection look like? Will it look like Sri Lanka? Denmark? USA? We haven’t seen a real insurrection, but we are witnessing a coup d’état by Marxist element in our Republic. Has habeas corpus been eliminated in Washington D.C.? It seems so. Individuals without any recourse are being held in jails with no charges. People hauled before an unconstitutional show trial under the threat of imprisonment. This is happening in this country now where the Marxist democrats and RINO repubics are attempting to seize power. All of the citizens in this country are in grave danger. I’m not kidding.

Julie Kelly and Lee Smith ask the question: Will The Democrat Party’s October Surprise Be the Arrest of President Donald Trump on False Charges? They’re certainly moving in that direction. The J6 Show Trial has already denied due process to actual witnesses. While allowing hearsay hussies to testify about hearing things they were neither a witness to seeing. This is how third world countries purge their political opposition. They throw them in prison and deny them their human rights.

Charges are being fabricated to drain the finances of people that have no connection to the J6 melee. These people are being charged with conspiracies’ that have no merit. They can’t prove the charge so they will drain their ability to bring a defense to prove their innocence. It’s an attempt to intimidate and destroy a person’s due process and legal rights. It’s political prosecution.

Pete Bootiekisser justifies attacks against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh having forced to leave Morton’s steakhouse after leftist activists descended on the restaurant to harass and incite violence. Because “these protesters are upset because a right … that a majority of Americans support was taken away.” That’s a lie. The Majority of American find Abortion Repulsive and Abhorrent.

Bootiekisser said, “Settled case law in the United States has been that the Constitution protected a right to privacy and that has now been thrown out the window by justices,” Bootiekisser said, invoking the argument that abortion was protected under the Fourth Amendment – an argument rejected in Dobbs.

Everyone knows the Supreme Court reviewed the abortion ruling and concluded it wasn’t in the Supreme Court’s authority to rule this horrific act of infanticide as “settled law.” Instead the 10 Amendment of the Constitution puts the abortion question back to the people and the States, to decide the legality of infanticide. This is not a privacy right. It’s a right to life.

Bootiekisser and his boyfriend, Caustic, are child molesters and perverts. They are pedophiles. This clown Bootiekisser cannot manage the Department of Transportation, but he’s lecturing us that violent mobs are acceptable chasing after Supreme Court Justices. That is clearly mob intimidation. This regime is sanctioning mob violence. Meanwhile, our country is being squeezed out of energy, food and the products need to sustain a minimum quality of life.

What this regime is doing is giving the green light for violent Marxist groups like ShutDownDC to attack and intimidate Supreme Court Justices. If this terror group were attacking that unwise far-left kook Latinx Sotomayor, the far-left fascists would be rioting in the streets. With the approval of Jim Crow Joe Brandon. But because these are Constitutional Justices, it’s open season of the number of attack on Kavanaugh, Barrett, Gorsuch, and Thomas. To the point of open racism.

ShutDownDC, is the terror group responsible for the Morton’s restaurant attack against Justice Kavanaugh and his family having dinner. They have put bounties out for ‘sightings’ of Conservative Justices. $50 for a confirmed sighting and $200 if they’re at the location when ShutDownDC arrives to threaten the lives of the Justices and their families. Anyone that happens to be in the company of the Justices are targets of this terror mob. These are Nazi Piglosi’s and the Marxist democrats Stormtroopers. They operate with impunity.

We Haven’t Seen A Real Insurrection In This Country…, Yet.



Partly cloudy, sunny and breezy. 40% chance of rain this afternoon. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 12 mph, gusts 26 mph. Cloud cover is 66%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1/16th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70s. Humidity is at 71%. Barometric pressure is 30.04 inches and dewpoint is 67°. UV index 11. Air quality Index is at 19. Readings taken at 1:15PM HST.

Iulai ʻUmi Kūmākahi, 2022


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