Aloha kākou and Happy Aloha Friday. A follow up to a previous posting that I had done about Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG). I had outlined three things that makes a healthy and wealthy society: Energy, Food, and Water. Without these three economic elements, you have chaos. The Marxist environmentalists are pushing to force Green Technology upon nations with the promise of Green Energy wealth. It’s turning into a recipe for economic disaster.

This woke ideology attempts to control capitalism through socialism. A backdoor effort by environmental nutcases to the decarbonization of the planet. Stop producing fertilizer to grow food and feed people. In effect, shut down farms. If you’ve ever wonder why Bill Gates and Communist China are buying up American fertile farmland, now you know why. They believe in planet over people. Gates and the Communist believe we do not deserve to live on this planet. The planet where we were spawned from by the hand of God. According to these elitist oligarchs, they consider, we, the great unwashed masses as unworthy to exist on this planet. Therefore, they’ve decided to cull the herd.

The Marxist liberals have assigned themselves to be our overlords, our planetary stewards, they’ve made themselves the Gods that will decide whose lives live, and whose lives will not exist. Why else are they buying up valuable farmland? Not to grow crops to feed the masses, it’s to starve us out and enslave us. Restricting energy to make fertilizer, run farm machines that plant the land to grow grains, raise farm animals, and manage water irrigation. Cut off those prime necessary elements for survival and you have Sri Lanka.

This is the thread that when pulled will unravel and expose ESG for what it is. What’s more important for a company? Making a profit, or to do “social good?” If a company wants me to invest in them, they better be acting like a fiduciary and make me money. But more and more companies seem to be focusing on social good. Is that a good business strategy? And, what does that mean for the economy and your bank account? It’s not a good strategy and it’s a great way to lose investors.

CNBC is a Fake News investment show that has financially illiterate reporters like Sorkin and Jim Kramer who hosts “Mad Money.” These are the last people you’d ever want to listen to when investing your money.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) on BlackRock joins ‘Squawk Box’ to discuss BlackRock’s ESG ambitions, and how he plans to investigate Wall Street executives who sign on what he’s calling a ‘climate cartel.’ Andrew Sorkin of CNBC, a smug and fake news idiot, doesn’t seem to comprehend Sen. Cotton’s argument. Blackrock is invested in oil companies. The very companies that Blackrock says are not environmentally friendly, are the very companies that BlackRock is invested in. It’s hypocritical. ESG markets are not making investors money. It’s making holding companies like BlackRock money.

Energy, Food, and Water, are the keys to wealth and prosperity. We have those keys, but this regime wants to keep cheap energy under lock and key, and force us to pay for foreign energy such as windmills, solar, and dirty crude oil from other countries. The idea that Green Energy will save the planet is a farce. Decarbonization is denying science of life on this planet. I learned in fifth grade science class that carbon is an essential component for life on this planet. Without carbon life doesn’t exist. Yet, the environmentalists insist carbon is a pollutant.

When only 20 months ago, we were energy independent. The world wasn’t dirtier back then. The air and water was still clean. Pollution didn’t increase. Cheap energy made products less expensive. We didn’t have supply chain shortages. We didn’t have to go to countries with hat in hand begging our enemies for oil. But we are there now. In just 20 months the price of food, energy, and water has become more expensive. Yet, kooks like Annoying Obtuse-Cortez keep saying the planet has only a few years left before we all perish. Where’s the science behind that and why are people listening to Sandy Cortez?

Wanna know what a real insurrection looks like? Investigative reporter Jack Posobiec breaks down the ESG chaos in Sri Lanka and China’s long-term plans for the island. Sri Lanka was ranked 6th in the world on the ESG scorecard when the government was run out of the palace over the weekend. Posobiec explains the connection between the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Sri Lanka, and also, China’s desire to build a port in Colombo as the island country continues to pay-off their debt collectors.

Sri Lanka’s leaders bought into the myth that social economics will bring wealth and prosperity to their country. It did the opposite. Like Sri Lanka, the Netherlands are denying farmers the ability to grow food. By denying the farmers fertilizers, the socialist government is attempting to seize their farmlands. Lands that have been in farmers families for centuries. This socialist intervention in preventing farmers from growing food will cause riots. The Marxist will say it’s for the greater good of the planet. I fail to see how a starving population is good for the planet. It’s these actions that cause countries to go to war.

ESG, Environment, Social, and Governance, is just the latest scheme for communist to take over the world. Europe went through two world wars because of socialist aggression, and it looks like we’re heading in the direction of world war three. There is a way to prevent a world war. Vote the communists out.

President Trump knew that economics of capitalism would free all from the bonds of communist totalitarianism. Leftism brings war, pestilence, destruction, and death. ESG is that which will bring death. If we want to see signs of life, wealth and prosperity, then we need to reject these Marxist ideologies that promise egalitarianism. It’s been tried many times before, and it always fails.



Mostly cloudy. 40% chance of rain this afternoon. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 10 mph, gusts 26 mph. Cloud cover is 44%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 7/32 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70s. Humidity is at 82%. Barometric pressure is 30.07 inches and dewpoint is 74°. UV index 13. Air quality Index is at 19. Readings taken at 12:05PM HST.

Iulai ʻUmi Kūmālima, 2022
