The Eighth Day


Aloha Lāpule. And on the eighth… day, God made a farmer. Radio personality Paul Harvey’s touching soliloquy about the American Farmer in 1978. What makes his touching speech so timeless is how the left seeks to destroy farming. Those environmentalists liberals that never planted a crop, never harvested a grain, and never suffered a crop loss due to weather, fire, or some other calamity. You see, these liberals are gardeners, at best, but not farmers. Their idea of food’s natural habitat is a grocery store. They don’t know and neither do they care how food stacked itself on the store shelves. They just expect it to be there when they need it.

These environmentalists might have once a year gone out an planted a tree seedling. But did they ever go back to see how the tree was growing? Did the environmentalist ever check on their single day effort to help the planet’s sustainability? No, they went though the motions, made themselves feel good in the moment. That they achieved something to satisfy their egos at the time. Then afterwards, they forget all that was done to save Gaia, their Mother Planet. The religion of the liberal world order.

Environmentalism has become malignant with militancy. It has become a commercialized feel good event at Super Bowl commercials and special programming shows. In between commercial breaks of “Brought To You By” which prominently features pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer.

Liberal government’s “Zero Emission” policies and energy transitioning from oil and natural gas fossil fuels, to so called renewable energy sources that don’t exist today. How can the government replace current abundance of cheap energy sources with nonexistent expensive sources of energy? It’s easy when you listen to the wailing of the environmentalists claims of planetary destruction. Rising oceans, increasing storms, and a roasting planet burning with a fever. All caused by man-made carbon dioxide, so they claim. Still waiting on the science to prove those claims.

There is a “deafening” media silence on protests around the world protesting against the elites, according to Webster University Assistant Professor Ralph Schoellhammer. “They are significant protests – we’re talking about 30,000 people in The Netherlands,” Prof Schoellhammer said. – Sky News Australia.

These protests are what Nazi Piglosi once called, “Astro Turf.” It’s dismissed by the political elites and the fake news media. The focus pushes the false narrative that the climate is being damaged by fossil fuels and therefore we must shutoff all sources of energy. It doesn’t matter if the costs of energy and food will cause global inflation and starvation. The media that considers gender equality more important than cheap energy availably. You are expendable. You have no value. It’s Planet Over People.

The Rebel News team with Lewis Brackpool in the Netherlands follows a tractor convoy of protesting farmers and their supporters. They rightly feel that their government is becoming less of a democracy and more of a tyrannical oligarchy of fascism. They know that restricting what farmers plant today, this year, will be severely felt in food shortages next year.

Very little media coverage has been given to what happened in Sri Lanka. Indeed, when it comes to third world countries starving for energy, food and clean water, the fake news media just looks away. It’s been this way for as long as I can remember. The mass migration we’re seeing in the world is because of the lack of energy, food and clean water in those countries. It’s not because of environmental disasters, it’s because of the lack of economic opportunities. These third world countries are denied access to cheap affordable energy. Instead, these countries are being forced to adopt unreliable and unaffordable  green energy.

Challenged by modern society about exactly what is the role of the farmer in the liberal world order? A lone farmer mounts a defense based on one phrase: “Get back to me.”

The farmers are often blamed for using chemicals to work the land. From fertilizers, to weed and insect repellents. The fossil fuels used to plow and harvest the land are looked at as evil CO2 emitters. This follows the liberal world order where electric vehicles need to replace combustion engines. I don’t know any all electric farming equipment. This is one of the reasons why rich elitist’s governments deny third world countries access to cheap plentiful fossil fuel energy sources. They are back to the question most Americans are asking themselves, do we either buy gas to get to work, or food to put on the table.

As the governments make it harder for working people to build a quality of life through their labor and toil. To work the land and feed a nation. When there’s plenty from the harvest, the abundance is shared with the world. But why should have to have food banks, and bread lines, to feed people with enough food to survive? When economic opportunities will provide all of what the world needs to feed the populace. Get the government bureaucracies out of the way, and let the markets thrive.

Sadly, these people running governments sit in air conditioned offices. They never leave the confines of their bureaucratic bunkers made of glass, steel, and concrete. They never go out beyond the confines of urban enclaves and into the countryside. They’ve never picked up a farm tool, broke a sweat, and got dirt under their fingernails. They’ve never had to go wanting for clean water, plentiful food, and reliable energy. The live in a bubble of their own worldly making, and believing they know what’s best for our needs.

And On The Eighth, Day, God Made A Farmer



Mostly cloudy and breezy. 70% chance of rain this afternoon. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 10 mph, gusts 23 mph. Cloud cover is 60%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 5/16 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70s. Humidity is at 82%. Barometric pressure is 30.04 inches and dewpoint is 71°. UV index 11. Air quality Index is at 21. Readings taken at 12:03PM HST.

Iulai ʻUmi Kūmāhiku, 2022
