Citizen Journalist


Aloha kākou. It’s National Hot Dog Day. The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council has designated today as National Hot Dog day. Whether they are grilled, boiled, broiled, pan-fried, rotisserie cooked, cooked on a stick over a campfire or any other way, hot dogs are a favorite summertime staple. They are loved by children and adults alike plain or garnished with one or a combination of mustard, ketchup, onions, mayonnaise, relish, cheese, bacon, chili, or sauerkraut. Over 25 million hot dogs are sold at baseball stadiums each year.

When your news, national and local, lies to the public, people switch them off. I like watching Newsmax, One American News (OAN), Right Side Broadcast News (RSBN), and there are others that do produce objective news. They have their opinion shows, but they let you know upfront they are conservatively biased. I like conservative bias opinion news. Not only because they lean conservative, but they are honest enough to report both sides of the discussion. That balances the coverage and allows the viewer to make their own decisions on what to believe. They’re not telling what to believe, but you decide based on their reporting. That’s all the viewing public is asking for. Don’t sugarcoat the news, just tell us what you know.

The majority of the public no longer trusts the legacy media. It’s why we call them the “Fake News Media.” The term that President Trump coined for the lousy Communist Nutbag Network (CNN) and Abilio Jim Acosta. He’s ashamed of his Hispanic heritage so he dropped Abilio from his name.

Notice how hostile Abilio Acosta is in his aggressive questioning. Now notice how passive the fake news is today with Branden’s regime. It’s like day and night. It’s because the Fake News Media is mostly liberal bias and will not ask hard questions to the leftists. Only softball questions for the White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Luc Picard. They treated Kayleigh McEnany horribly. Especially that alleged pedophile Nazi Youth Camp counselor, ABC News Johnathan Karl. He ripped out his earphone headset in a fit of rage after embarrassing himself during the last press briefing of President Trump’s administration.

I’m no longer a big fan of Faux News. Simply because as a once fair and balanced news organization, Faux News has chosen to compete against CNN and MSLSD for low ratings and shoddy journalism. There are a few bright spots at Faux News like Peter Doosy. As a White House Press Correspondent, his questioning of Karine Jean-Luc Picard is polite and probing. Of course, the unqualified and unprepared Karine Jean-Luc Picard is inept and clueless. But she’s the first black lesbian immigrant something, something, birthing person to stand at the White House Press podium. That’s the extent of her qualifications.

We went from raggedy Ann Peppermint Patty to the Mop Top Cabbage Patch Child. But don’t you dare question her credentials. They’ll call you a racist. A bigot. A White Supremacist. Even while they spout bullshit to your face, don’t you dare question the first black lesbian immigrant something, something, birthing person. Eyes Roll.

Question: “How does raising taxes on the rich lower inflation?” Karine Jean-Luc Picard has no idea. Like many gender confused birthing persons infesting the Branden regime, they have no specifics to in-depth questions. They just smile and point out that they’re gay. Like that is suppose to inoculates them from any criticism. For the liberal fake news media, that’s perfectly acceptable.

Then there’s the obnoxious reporters that try an antagonize the interviewee with gotcha questions.

Let’s use the Trump angle to accuse the interviewee. The last thing a lazy journalist wants to go against is an experience journalist that knows the business. Kari Lake, a former local television anchor for Arizona, is a Republican running for governor of Arizona. Her opponent says she voted for Obummer. Who didn’t see what that fascist was bringing. I did, and many others that became the Tea Party. So what?

She has savaged the conduct of veteran Australian journalist Liam Bartlett during a fiery video leaked online. The 25-minute interview started respectfully enough before Bartlett accused the Trump-backed Republican of xenophobia and perpetuating conspiracy theories. Video by Sky News Australia.

Ambush journalism isn’t a good look for any news agency. It makes them look tawdry and unprofessional. And then suddenly, one by one, they start waking from their wokeness. It used to be that 60 Minutes was a good investigative news program. Now it’s tabloid crap.

When reporters question if they are the baddies, then they are awakening from their liberal bias. Even my local news here in Hawai’i is very bias in their reporting. It’s extremely leftist content with emphasis on what mainland news channels are broadcasting. The repeat the same talking points and they don’t even question the validity of the story. There was a time when journalism was an art, but not any more.

Aired November 24, 1983 on KGMB TV in Honolulu, Hawai’i. Excerpt from the PIDGIN TO DA MAX comedy special featuring Kati Kuroda, Clyde Yasuhara (as Hauna Charlie and Panty Hiram) , Tammey Takahashi, James Grant Benton (as Ete Bollinbol), Clayton Wai, David Simmons and Maureen Nazarino. Based on the popular book by Peppo (Douglas Simonson). Even dah Hawaiians knew the news was stink.

Al Jazeera of all broadcasts compiles this story. It’s true and they all know it. The community that labels themselves as journalists are frauds. Scripted and spreaders of manure. Many of the best journalists today are smaller organizations that actually do the work of investigative reporting. All the other just cut and paste on the teleprompter the same old bullshit. And they wonder why their credibility is in the toilet.



Partly cloudy and breezy. 40% chance of rain this afternoon. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 11 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 39%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got just over a 1/4 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is at 80%. Barometric pressure is 30.05 inches and dewpoint is 68°. UV index 12. Air quality Index is at 22. Readings taken at 12:27PM HST.

Iulai Iwakālua, 2022
