Monkey Business


Aloha Lāpule. For the second time in two years, the World Health Organization (WHO) has taken the extraordinary step of declaring another fake global emergency. This time the cause is monkeypox, which has spread in just a few weeks to a few dozens of countries and infected a few thousand people around the world. New York City had logged 839 monkeypox cases. Most of all of the cases are men who have sex with other men, according to the city’s Department of Health. Welcome to the Big Apple, don’t mind the maggots. Here’s a solution to stop the spread of monkeypox, stop having illicit sex with other men.

According to the Centers for Disinformation and Confusion, there are currently two monkeypox vaccines licensed by the FDA in the United States, and the effectiveness of both vaccines have not been supported in any human studies. Yet, the government wants to jab everyone with a monkeypox vaccine. Just like Coof Juice Fauci Ouchy, the government and Big Pfizer wants to experiment on people with unproven vaccines.

Something in the news that not so funny, but horrible. The Centers for Disinformation and Confusion (CDC) confirmed on last week of the first two U.S. cases of monkeypox in children, both adjacent to the gay community. One is a toddler who lives in California and the other is in an infant who is not a resident of the U.S. and was “transiting through” the Washington, D.C. area when the test was done. Children in the gay community are contracting monkeypox by adults that prey on children.

Does this suggest that gays are having sex with children? It could, the story doesn’t clearly explain how the children contracted monkeypox. But we know people can get monkeypox by close contact to someone infected through bodily fluids and sores.

Listen to “Groomer” Richard Levine, the male pervert that has been declared “Woman Of The Year.” This is Jim Crow Joe Branden’s four-star admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. This ghoulish pervert wants to give children hormone blockers and damage children for life. This guy is a child predator.

If you were not convinced that a violent war against children and women is being conducted by these liberal perverted freaks, listen and believe. This is the far-left Marxist state saying that children should be experimented on by the government. Take the parents rights away and force children to transitioning into sexual playthings for these pedophile monsters. And the Fake News Media is right there supporting these atrocities.

The World Health Organization is considering calling in the Vaccine Police to start locking-down people in homes. Jabbing them and isolating people like they do in Communist China. How long before mask mandates will return? They’re already going to force the obedience face diapers on people in Kalifornia. Other states run by Marxist democrats are considering returning to Covid mandates. It’s a public health emergency, don’tcha know. Wouldn’t a repeat of Covid mandates be fun again.

Monkeypox was discovered in 1958 when two outbreaks of a pox-like disease occurred in groups of monkeys being used for research. It’s spread mainly through human contact with infected rodents, but can sometimes be spread through skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. There are two known types (clades) of monkeypox virus — one that originated in Central Africa and one that originated in West Africa. The current world outbreak (2022) is caused by the less severe West African clade. But Let’s Panic Anyway.

I question the timing. Just before midterm elections and the WHO declares a public emergency. Now, just as we’re starting to ease back into regular life, we’re hearing a lot of Fake News Media stories about monkeypox as an emerging public threat. However, monkeypox is a rare disease. It’s spread through close contact like kissing and sex. The media says experts are still learning about how monkeypox spreads in humans. This from a virus that was discovered in the 1950’s, and they still need to study it?

Preventing monkeypox is as easy as preventing unwanted pregnancies. Don’t let your hormones take control of your brain. Use a modicum of prevention. Abstinence is a good start.

I keep hearing talk about a new Covid variant. Of course we’re told that each variant that appears is more contagious and deadly than previous variants. Can the CDC and the WHO hype this hoax up more than it already is? There are people still wearing obedience face diapers, riding around in their vehicles with the windows rolled up. Living in fear is no monkey business.



Most cloudy with intermittent showers. 30% chance of rain this afternoon. Tradewinds are from the east at 10 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 80%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 5/32 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is at 85%. Barometric pressure is 30.09 inches and dewpoint is 68°. UV index 8. Air quality Index is at 22. Readings taken at 11:00AM HST.

Iulai Iwakālua Kūmāhā, 2022


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