Frenzied Flames


Aloha kākou and Happy Aloha Friday. Not since the Vietnam War have I seen anyone purposely self-immolate. Back then it was Buddhist Monks protesting the war. But now it’s becoming a trend with the unhinged left. A monkey sees, monkey do phenomena that has happened twice now. First it was a military serviceman protesting against Israel. This latest event in NYC seems to be someone protesting tyranny in government. More information is yet to be revealed.

This self-martyrdom explained in political manifestos will have either little or no understanding. What was shocking then, is not so shocking anymore. Everyone has become numb to the horror. Everyone reaches for their cellphones to capture the moment and repost it on unsocial media. It’s physical and psychological terrorism. Flames are used to frighten people into a frenzy of fear.

Perhaps it’s related to the latest trend on university campuses where religious intolerance is allowed. Pro Gazan Palestinians threatening violence against Jews is accelerating. This isn’t any different from radical IslamoNazis that burned people alive. IslamoNazis torched Yazidis, Christians, Jews, and other Muslims. Will the Pro Gazan Palestinians be the new BLM-Antifa domestic terror groups?

They’ve infested into universities spreading religious bigotry against Jews. They’ve flooded the rainbow blue city streets causing havoc. They threaten people with violence and with impunity. Law enforcement is paralyzed to stop them. Muslim democrat antisemites in congress praise and support these islamo-fascists in the name of Palestine.

Accuracy in Media visited the Columbia University and NYU campuses to further expose the extent of antisemitism on campus. AIM asked students to sign a thank you card for Hamas in response to the October 7 attacks in Israel. Several radical, antisemitic students were more than happy to oblige.

Frenzied Flames are growing across the nation, and it being allowed to happen. Just a BLM-Antifa was allowed to burn down cities in the name of racial justice. Are we about to see this lawlessness happen again just before the 2024 Presidential elections? It seems well coordinated to force the government to take some kind of action. Are more restrictions on Constitutional rights being considered? Or will be see violent protests spread across the nation. This is why we need strong law enforcement to stop this before it gets out of control. We cannot rely on Pedo-Joe Biden’s regime to bring law and order.

Stay safe out there America. We can change this in November. Tomorrow, President Trump will hold a rally in North Carolina. I’m sure Trump will address this growing fascism in America. Let’s help to save America before it’s too late. MAGA.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with scattered moderate showers. There is a 60% chance of precipitation. We received 3/32 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 19 mph. Cloud cover is 51%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 84%. Barometric pressure is 30.09 inches. Dewpoint is 68° and UV index is 11. Air quality Index is good at 29. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila ‘Umi Kūmāiwa 2024