Confession And Projection


Aloha kākou. Hildabeast Clinton recently sat down with election fraudster Marc Elias and made a series of curious confessions which she projected onto President Trump. It was an astonishing extrapolation of Hildabeast’s corrupt political history all laid out. The twice failed presidential candidate lamented how things would have been, should have been, and could have been different. If only she had been president of the United States.

In this interview, Hildabeast projects a deep psychosis and hatred for President Trump and the American people. The voters didn’t want her and that has been Clinton’s obsession for years since the 2016 election. She’s never gotten over the fact that she lost to Donald Trump. Despite that Clinton used Marxist democrat dirty campaign tricks to try and discredit Donald Trump. The Russian dossier, the peepee tapes, calling voters deplorables, and a dozen other manufactured scandals weren’t enough to convince the American electorate to vote for her. Hildabeast public reputation had already proceed her.

In this interview, Hildabeast Clinton is clearly talking about herself in this bizarre confession that she projects onto Donald Trump. Listen as she goes through a litany of grievances, regrets, and an admiration that Trump was a strongman upon world politics. I sense a great deal of jealousy.

“Trump was just gaga over Putin because Putin does what Trump would like to do: Kill his opposition, imprison his opposition, drive journalists and others into exile, rule without any check or balance.” “That’s what Trump really wants… he only sees strongmen leaders. He sees Putin, he sees Xi, he sees Kim Jong-un in North Korea.” “Those are the people he is modeling himself after, and we’ve been down this road in our, you know, world history. We sure don’t want to go down that again.”

This is clearly an admission of admiration of President Trump, but from an alternate universe perspective. Everything that President Trump wasn’t, the Hidlabeast wanted to be, a dictator’s wet dream. As president, Hildabeast would have been a hardline dictator. Killing the opposition, controlling the media, and becoming the likeness of Putin, Xi, and Kin Jong-un. Every world dictator that the Hildabeast ever dreamt of being was her idol. She was denied entry into the political history books as a hardline absolutist, and she became bitter and vindictive.

Hildabeast Clinton’s insidious accusation that President Donald J. Trump wants to “kill his opposition” is actually a self-confession. Many of Clinton’s acolytes seem to have a pattern of committing suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head multiple times. Associates close to the Clintons have a bizarre habit of dying by the most mysterious means. Subsequence investigations into these “Clinton Suicides” have all been inconclusive and were quickly covered up by a doting Fake News Media.

One notable scandal, among the many scandals, was the Russian Uranium deal known as “Uranium One.” Hildabeast Clinton was masquerading as Secretary of State for Barry Hussein Obummer’s regime. The deal sold vast amounts of American Uranium stockpiles to the Russian’s. In return, the Clinton’s profited handsomely from the deal. This deal compromised Americas National Security, but no one was ever prosecuted.

It was John Soloman of “Just the News” that uncovered this national security breach that netted the Clintons millions of dollars. The Russian deal included a cast of characters including the FBI, Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, and others that conspired with the Clintons to frame President Trump in the now infamous Russian Election Collusion deal. The Deep State hid documents of the Clinton-Russian deal and attacked witnesses that came forward during Trump administration.

If this has a ring of familiarity, then you would be correct. The GOP has been deliberately slow to investigate and has failed to prosecute. Meanwhile, the Marxist democrats continue to sell America to the highest bidders. It’s as if nothing ever changes, and the corruption continues at taxpayers’ expense.

Confessions and projections at the expense of our freedoms. If President Trump is successful winning the 2024 election, he will then have only four years to aggressively prosecute the Deep State corruption. While righting the economy and restoring world peace. This could be a problem if allies believe after Trump’s term the Deep State will return back to power. Then we’re back to square one and nothing changes except for the continuing decline of the United States. The GOP must be replaced with MAGA loyalists to restore the country back to the people and for the people. We’re never going to have another chance at this again unless we do our part and get involved. Make the difference to Save America First.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with numerous moderate showers. There is a 40% chance of precipitation. We received 9/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 21 mph. Cloud cover is 62%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 84%. Barometric pressure is 30.10 inches. Dewpoint is 69° and UV index is 6. Air quality Index is good at 24. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila Iwakālua Kūmākolu 2024