It Has Been Decided


Aloha kākou. The play is in its final act. The story’s ending is predictable. Despite what the “legal experts” are saying that there’s no crime. The trial to convict President Trump was over from the beginning. These fascistic Soviet show trials will wrongly convict Donald Trump. These trials are to deliberately hurt Trump’s election chances in November 2024. They {Uniparty) don’t care. A conviction is eminent, and it doesn’t matter if President Trump is innocent. Trump’s conviction is preordained.

Corrupt attorneys Marcia Clark and Mark Geragos join Fake News Media Megyn Kelly to discuss the coordination of what might happen if Trump is found guilty, the possibility of actual jail time awaiting sentencing or a suspended jail sentence, whether he might have to wear an ankle monitor, and more. The Fake News Media is salivating at the idea of convicting an innocent man.

Four indictments, all politically modified charges from misdemeanors to felons to have the greatest damage to Trump’s campaign. No discernable crime has been charged against President Trump. Soros and the Marxist democrats have funded corrupt District Attorneys. There is a connection between Soros and the Pedo-Joe Biden’s lawfare election interference against President Trump. That has been established.

All four of the show trials against President Trump are falling apart. In each case, Pedo-Joe Biden is the center character in this macabre Soviet style show trials against President Trump. Selective targeting and differential treatment of political rivals is something out of the banana republic. Marxist democrats spent four years over Trump’s presidency trying to tie a Russia connection to the 2016 election. Hildabeast Clinton paid for fabricated evidence. Witnesses gave false testimony and were convicted of perjury.

The Marxist democrats waited until now to try and bankrupt Trump, steal his properties, and sentence him to prison. This is nightmarish stuff in a country that used to pride itself as the bulwark of the rule of law. That image has all collapsed now. The reputation of the United States as a Free and Just nation has been irreparably damaged by Pedo-Joe Biden and the Deep State.

Now that President Trump populism is growing across all sectors of America, Pedo-Joe Biden and the Deep State are panicking. They’re desperate to convict President Trump of anything. Now, they have invented a crimeless crime. This is the first time in history where anyone in the United States of America is being convicted of a crime that doesn’t exist. This is Soviet style authoritarian fascism.

At yesterday’s House Weaponization of the Federal Government Committee hearing, Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) questioned witnesses about alleged lawfare tactics, and decried Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY).

Note that Fat Alvin Bragg jury shopped for people that despise Trump to insure a conviction no matter what. The judge is prejudicial, the jury is prejudicial, and the Fake News Media is prejudicial. The trial is fixed. Judge Merchan is determined to find a way to imprison Donald Trump. His illegal gag orders are unprecedented in legal circles. Merchan’s daughter is raising money for corrupt democrats like Adam Schitt. There is so much corruption that it’s out of control and it’s snowballing onto the American people’s lives. Our standard of living is at stake. We’re losing our nation to Marxism.

President Trump has been found guilty before the trial even started. Before any evidence was presented. The witnesses are corrupt convicts. The charges have not been defined. This New York State court is railroading Donald Trump. A conviction is imminent. A legal system so corrupt to convict President Trump for no crimes, will inevitably come after the people. Trump is holding back the dam from bursting upon this nation.

This orchestration of injustice against Trump and the American people is stunning given Pedo-Joe Biden’s crimes. The surrender in Afghanistan, the Ukraine and Iran wars that this regime and the Uniparty is funding. The border invasion crossing our border is an impeachable offence in itself. The drugs, crime, and human trafficking. All adding to the human suffering of these illegals and the citizens of this nation.

The spying on Christian Americans by the three-letter agencies. The attacks against Jews on University campuses. The corrupt prosecutors that jail Christians and parents defending their children. People defending their lives from violent criminals are prosecuted and the criminals are set free to harm the citizens of this once great nation. The Marxist democrats are selling out America to the United Nations and the World Health Organization usurping our sovereign nation.

Marxist democrats see the people that Trump is drawing to his rallies and they’re desperate to convict Trump by any means necessary. I believe the Marxist democrats will attempt an assassination against Donald Trump. If that happens, this regime, the democrats, and the Uniparty will come after the American people. Already this regime is corrupting the youth of this country. We’re looking at “Struggle Sessions: like those of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution happening here. Millions died under these communist regimes. It’s quickly happening here and we’re not ready to stop it. Once it starts it will quicky steam roll over our Constitutional Republic.

The world can no longer look to America’s prestige as a nation of freedom and rule of law. We cannot lecture other countries about injustices and the rule of law. Marxist democrats have tainted legality and due process to third world status. They Don’t Care. It Has Been Decided.

We can thank Pedo-Joe Biden, Barry the Bullshitter Obummer, Hildabeast Clinton, the entire Marxist democrat party and the cowardly RINO repubics that make up the Uniparty. They have destroyed the reputation of United States of America. We’re now a joke in the eyes of the world. Hypocrites, including the former Vice President, Mike Pence and others have betrayed the American people. The Deep State Alphabet Agencies, FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS, and other key parts of the government has forever ruined the credibility of the United States of America. There is no recovering from this. The damage is done and it’s about to get much worse. Help Save America From Communists. Vote Trump 2024. Vote MAGA.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with possible showers. There is a 40% chance of precipitation. We received 1/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the southeast at 18 mph, gusts 33 mph. Cloud cover is 34%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is 86%. Barometric pressure is 29.90 inches. Dewpoint is 72° and UV index is 11. Air quality Index is great at 17. Readings taken at 12:00AM HST.

Mei ‘Umi Kūmāono 2024