WinRed WinBig

2024-05-30 11.27.34

Aloha kākou and Happy Aloha Friday. My “Stars and Stripes Flag in Distress” will continue to fly over my lanai until further notice. In the meantime, we’re finding as much spare cash to donate to President Trump Presidential Campaign. This is our third donation after finding coins hidden in the couch pillows. If we can scrape up enough money to place another donation we will. We must elect President Trump back.

Yesterday, the WinRed, the payment processor for Republican campaign donations, crashed after so many people tried to donate after Pedo-Hitler Biden’s Rigged Kangaroo Sham Trial.

“So many Americans were moved to donate to President Trump’s campaign that the WinRed pages went down,” the Trump campaign said in a statement on social media.


Over thirty-eight million dollars have been donated since yesterday. The majority of donations were from small dollar donors. You don’t need polling data to see where the majority of working-class Americans are going. Their money speaks loudly. If the Marxist democrats thought they could discredit President Trump by falsely convicting him on thirty-four false felony charges, they severely miscalculated the American people.

At a press conference today Pedo-Joe Biden was asked a question: “Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. What’s your response to that, sir?” a reporter asked Pedo-Joe Biden. Biden shuffled away, stopped, turned around, and flashed an evil smirk before shuffling away again. Pedo-Hitler Biden is obviously pleased with himself. The Biden Regime is a dictatorship.

Just how evil is Pedo-Joe Biden? The latest example of the weaponization of our legal system, Pedo-Joe Biden sentenced an 73 year-old elderly woman in prison for 25 years. Her crime, protesting abortions. Paulette Harlow is one of a dozen pro-life Americans the Biden regime has targeted with prosecution for protesting abortions while it ignores hundreds of pro-abortion crimes committed across America.

Americans of all walks of life are under attack by the Marxist democrats. Marxist democrats are resorting to disinformation offensives to trick people into believing the economic, immigration, and world war crisis they created. In Hawai’i, Senator Brian Schatz-His-Pants is trying to convince people that gas prices are caused by Oil Companies Price Gouging. When it was Pedo-Hitler Biden’s environmental policies that shutdown the Keystone XL and other Oil Pipelines. Gas was a $1.58 in 2020 before President Trump was cheated out of his reelection. Now gas prices are over $5 dollars on the islands.


CP3Memes made this excellent comedy parody of Marxist democrats as retarded people. Using historical educational films format. We have very stupid people running our government. I don’t know which is worse. The people elected to office, or the people that voted for them. Both, I suspect. It’s time for the American people wake up and get involved in doing something before a larger disaster happens. This goes for both parties.

WinRed — WinBig

This is how we restore the Repubic back to the people. This is how we right our economy, reduce spending, restore manufacturing jobs, and return to a better standard of living. A standard that existed with President Trump. The Marxist democrats retarded policies are destroying this nation. The only way to restore our government is to Vote to Save America. Vote MAGA. Vote Trump 2024. Don’t let the fake felony charges scare you away. Crimes against America are by this regime. Marxist democrats had four years to make things better and they failed. They’ve made things worse. They’ve created a totalitarian state where personal freedoms are being eroded away. Marxist democrats are the real criminals. Get involved in Saving America from this tyranny. Do whatever you can: donate, write letters to congress and the local newspaper. Run for local election. Every little bit will help restore our Republic back to health.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with scattered moderate showers. There is an 80% chance of precipitation. We received 3/8 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 11 mph, gusts 23 mph. Cloud cover is 87%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 86%. Barometric pressure is 30.08 inches. Dewpoint is 70° and UV index is 11. Air quality Index is great at 23. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei Kanakolu Kūmākahi 2024