The Recap


Aloha kākou and Happy Aloha Friday. Last night’s Presidential debate was a disaster for Pedo-Joe Biden and a vindication for President Trump. Despite the CNN host network overt hostility towards Donald Trump and we MAGA supporters. For years ordinary people, conservative, working class Americans suffered through insults and derogatory smears by CNN panels. Which was surprising that CNN did a fairly good job with controlling the debate and the content of the questions. I expected a three person (two and one half) against one debate.

The questions were reasonable and somewhat non-partisan. Fair and unbiased. Although Jake Crapper and Dana Rash did jump in to save Pedo-Hitler Biden after freezing up and getting lost in mid-sentence. CNN, to its credit, did not interrupt President Trump or fight with him as Chrissy Wallace did in the 2020 debates. There were no Candy Crowley moments of correcting and deflecting President Trump’s responses. As during the Obama-Romney debate in 2012. Maybe CNN is finally getting the message that their ratings are suffering from lack of viewership.

CNN only got 8.7 million viewers over Faux News 8.8 million viewers. However, when you combine CNN’s sub outlets the number increased to 9 million viewers. MSDNC got a pathetic 4 million viewers. Altogether there were 50 million viewers. It’s actually a low number when compared to past debates. Most people opted to watch the recaps and commentary. I actually thought the debate was well worth watching. You really got to see the candidates on their own.

Chunk Yogurt of the Young Turds lamented the crash and burn of Pedo-Joe Biden. I find myself in agreement with Chunky Yogurt for the very first time. Will wonders never cease? I believe the fake new media was woefully unprepared for Biden’s debate performance. The gasps were audible across the internet.

One of the constant complaints I have, amongst other complaints, about the fake news media is how they construct a question. It’s never a question, it’s an accusation in the form of the question.

These so-called journalists are actually far-left activists. They take a hostile position and ask the same question over and over, hoping to get that “gotcha” answer. When an immature journalist takes on a pro in the industry, they end up in a huge faceplant on the floor of humility. Tucker Carlson gives a masterclass on how it’s done.

I can’t believe this pretend to be journalist continues to berate Carlson with a straight face. There are too many of these people in the journalism industry. The goal is to knock off the target from answering the question while defending themselves against an accusation. This is pathetic.

The Media Meltdown was glorious last night. X (twitter) was buzzing with comments from the left. Defeat and depression were palpable. Other unsocial media sites opted to censor comments about the debate. The censorship machine was running on all cylinders, Whereas X was the only open forum available.

To Recap the recap, the debate was a total disaster for the Marxist democrats. This morning they’re in recovery mode, the stages of denial. President Trump is holding a rally in Virginia and Pedo-Joe is off somewhere with his harpy elder abusing wife, Jill, playing Visiting Angels.

What the debate successfully accomplished is that Pedo-Joe Biden is incapable to be President. It’s even more dangerous between now and January 20th, 2025, when, God Willing, President Trump is sworn in as the 47th President of these United States. Hopefully, we can elect enough Republicans to take the House and Senate for four more years. We can accomplish a lot to restore the economy and defeat the Deep State corruption. We have an oligarchy of unelected people in government that is running our country. We now know that the CIA did interfere with the 2016, 2020, elections, and is planning to rig the 2024 election. The DOJ, FBI and other three letter organizations need to be purged of communist corruption that has embedded and infiltrated into the highest levels of government. They are the threat.

President Trump needs our help more than ever now to right this nation back onto the Constitutional path. We all must get involved to help restore our Republic. “We have met the enemy, and they are us,” to quote Walt Kelly’s comic strip Pogo. Let’s Make America Great Again and Vote for President Donald Trump. Vote Early to ensure your vote gets counted before election day. MAGA

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 70% chance of precipitation. We received 3/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 10 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 57%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 80%. Barometric pressure is 29.99 inches. Dewpoint is 71 and UV index is 11. Air quality Index is great at 16. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune Iwakālua Kūmāwalu 2024