The Setup


Aloha kākou. Pedo-Hitler Biden continues to accuse MAGA supporters as domestic terrorists. Marxist democrats and RINO’s repubics continue to support the theory that average working God fearing Americans are domestic terrorists. We now have hard evidence of a setup by Pedo-Hitler Biden’s and elements withing the regime of Barry the bullshitter Obummer and Hildabeast Clinton, were the coordinators of the election fraud in 2020. Known as the “Big Lie” is actually true. Biden actually said this and it wasn’t a gaffe.


They hid the voting counting because they had fraudulent ballots being brought in to change the voting numbers. They covered the windows so poll watchers could not see the cheating. The Republican Nationial Committee should have been better prepared and anticipated rampant voter fraud, but they were not. Despite the Covid pandemic, the necessary guardrails were not in place. I fear the RNC still isn’t prepared to challenge the election process until after the 2024 election. By then, it will be too late for anything to be done. RNC Chairwoman Ronna Mcdanial seems oblivious to what’s coming in November. The voting machines, mail in ballots, signature verification, all the steps to prevent another 2020 from happening again. Will we see another on January 6th?

Nazi Piglosi had previously denied ten thousand National Guard troops and the Capitol Police were unprepared and were setup to fail. As more of the tapes are released, the more we see what really happened that day. We now know there were more than 200 FBI operatives dressed as Trump Supporters inciting the crowd. That was the beginning of the setup.

Meanwhile, thousands of innocent people have been jailed just for being at the Capitol Building that day. The Nationial Security director has stated they are looking for thousands more that never entered the Capital Building but were merely near the grounds. This regime has put people in prison for 20 years that were nowhere near the Capitol Building but in another state.

The people that were peacefully and patriotically making their voices heard were set up for arrest. For the last three years Pedo-Hitler Biden’s regime has been hunting down innocent Americans. They were set up. As were the Capitol Police. Still today, the message to Americans is, “Vote the Way We Want, Or Else.” The Marxist democrats can’t win on their own merits, they must use lies and intimidation to force Americans to for them or else suffer the consequences.

When President Trump said they’re coming for you, he’s just in their way, that’s been very true. The next election setup is already happening. The GOP is not doing anything to get ahead of a new wave of voter fraud. President Trump won the 2020 election. But in the middle of the night, the counting suddenly changed. People were locked out of the ballot counting.

The setup continues with millions of illegal aliens crossing the southern border. These people are being distributed around the country. Where they can get drivers licenses. In Hawai’i, when anyone gets a driver’s license, they’re already registered to vote. This is the 2024 setup, and the GOP isn’t doing anything to stop it. Americans see what’s going on. They’re suffering with a failing economy, rising crime, and rising cost of living. But, like 2020, the GOP is so sure that President Trump will win the 2024 election, they’re ignoring the evidence of voter fraud being setup. Time is being wasted.


Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 50% chance of precipitation. We received 1/2-inch precipitation overnight. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 5 mph, gusts 16 mph. Cloud cover is 57. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is 94%. Barometric pressure is 29.79 inches and dewpoint is 71°. UV index 3. Air quality Index is poor at 62. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Ianuali ‘Umi Kūmākahi 2024



Aloha Lāpule. President Donald Trump delivered one of his most inspiring speeches during the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Trump not only offered himself for revenge, but he took a shot at Biden and accurately stated, once more, that there would never have been a war in Ukraine if he was the president. Our economy wouldn’t be collapsing. We wouldn’t be facing a nuclear war.

During President Trump’s tenure there were no wars. No world conflicts. Communist China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea were not misbehaving on the world stage. There was for perhaps the first time, world peace. The Afghanistan was still going on, but it was mostly contained, and the process of withdrawal was going smoothly. Despite General Milley Vanille’s incompetence.

The crowds erupted in cheers and chants for the true elected U.S. President, who is running again and will win again. Despite facing an array of malicious persecutions by a corrupt Injustice department. After two failed impeachments by Marxist democrats, President Donald Trump is now engaged in a battle to Save America.

We have new heroes that need to be unleashed from the bonds of censorship. The January 6th videos that Speaker Keven McCarthy has exposed the level of corruption in government and propagated in the Fake News Media. Tucker Carlson’s show seems to be being censored by Fox News at the behest of Marxist democrats and RINO repubics.

Chris Kohls, aka Mr. Reagan gives a great in-depth analysis of why Trucker Carlson is being hog tied by Fox News. Definatly visit his YouTube site for some great commentary and thoughtful perspectives on political and cultural events.

The fact that in this country we have political prisoners, United States Citizens, who are being held without charges for over two years, should frighten every American. Show trials that guarantee convictions and lengthy prison sentences for just entering the Capitol Building and taking selfies. The radical Marxist left has become fascistic and evil. This is the face of Communism and it’s growing in America. If they can do this to them, then they can do this to all of us. We have a regime that cannot be trusted.

We cannot fear this regime, but we can be activists of change. We Must Vote Them Out. Become the Retribution and reclaim our heritage back from the Marxist, Racists, and Neo-Nazis that are stealing our elections, our freedoms, and our way of life. Don’t give in to the argument they use that Freedom is a Threat to Democracy. Their democracy is totalitarianism and oppression.

Ever wonder why this regime calls out three quarters of Americans as white supremacists? Why are we seeing so much violence in the streets, classrooms, and hate speech? It’s being promulgated by the Marxist democrats. Their allies are fear and control. Threats and intimidation are how they keep citizens under the boot of tyranny.

Attacks on religion and prolife centers are frequent and growing. While abortion abattoirs are killing children like the Nazis did in World War II ovens. We have a declining population and we’re allowing the murder of innocents to enhance the decline of our species. This has got to stop, otherwise retribution will be at the hand of God.


Today’s Weather: Overcast and scattered rain showers. 60% chance of precipitation. Tradewinds from the east northeast at 3 mph, gusts 15 mph. Cloud cover is 45%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 3/64 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70s. Humidity is 81%. Barometric pressure is 29.99 inches and dewpoint is 70°. UV index 11 Air quality Index is moderate at 56. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Malaki ‘Umi Kūmālua 2023

Pray For Justice


Aloha kākou. Christmas is coming soon. For almost two years America has had one thousand political prisoners locked up in solitary confinement prisons. Most with no charges against them and without trials. Thos that did go to trial were sentenced to cruel and unusual punishment. Lengthy prison sentences for just trespassing. The FBI is looking for another three thousand people to lock up in prisons just for attending President Trump’s January 6th, 2020, rally in Washington D.C.

The coup d’état that installed a Hitlerian fascist to destroy our Constitutional Republic is complete. We no longer have a two-party government. We now have uniparty, a one political party system, where opposition parties are outlawed: a one-party, monoparty. Our Constitution is being swept away by unlawful acts being committed against the American people.

What happened on January 6th, 2020, was a setup by both parties to frame President Trump. It was to destroy populism from political discourse. The establishment system that was made up of Marxist democrats and RINO repubics schemed a hostile takeover of our nation. Evidence is coming out now that the three letter spy agencies were also in on the treasonous takeover.

The ringleader was Nazi Piglosi. A January 6th, 2020 report released shows the House Speaker bears responsibility for the failed police response to the January 6th riot. We know that the FBI dressed as Trump supporters were in the crowd inciting violence. We know Antifa was there also. The riot was planned weeks in advance and started before President Trump was finished speaking at the Ellipse.

“The Speaker of the House and Democrat leadership were closely involved in security decisions in the lead up to and on January 6, 2021,” the report bluntly states. The report shows how then-House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving had “carried out his duties in clear deference to the Speaker, her staff, and other Democratic staff.” Nazi Piglosi specifically directed the National Guard to stay off Capitol grounds on January 6th because of “optics.” Pelosi was more concerned about optics than the safety of her colleagues and the American people. Nazi Piglosi was filming a documentary on that day to chronical the anticipated riot she and others planned.

To add insult to injury. After the January 6th riot, Nazi Piglosi forced the Sergeant at Arms to resign. Following his resignation, a staffer in the House sergeant at arms office sent an angry email to Irving suggesting Pelosi had made him the fall guy for her own incompetence. Again, more evidence of a coverup. Nazi Piglosi was ultimately in charge of Capitol security. I believe it was deliberate to incite a riot.

The Omnibus bill that was just passed this week gives the FBI more taxpayer money. Now the Fascist Bureau of Incompetence (FBI) is running around the country hunting down Trump supporters that were present on that day. Where they will raid homes in the middle of the night and haul away innocent people to rot in prisons without being charged with a crime. All because they are supporters of President Trump. We have turned into a fascist state.

Star Wars could not have said it better in this clip. Our liberties and freedoms are being curtailed. Elections are fixed and rigged so the opposition will never win.

This Christmas and Hanukkah season, please pray for the political prisoners and their families. What is happening to them is a crime and goes against everything we built over the last 250 years to secure the blessing of liberty and to our posterity.



Clear skies with some clouds. 10% chance of precipitation. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 23 mph. Cloud cover is 10%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got NO precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70s. Humidity is 77%. Barometric pressure is 29.93 inches and dewpoint is 68°. UV index 7. Air quality Index is moderate at 75. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Kēkēmapa Iwakālua kūmālua 2022




Aloha kākou. The DNC’s KGB, aka the lying FBI, quietly released a news briefing on Friday hoping that no one would notice. After almost 8 months of persecuting, harassing, and detaining Americans for minor crimes the DNC KGB could find no coordinated effort to accomplish an insurrection on January 6th, 2021. They lied and made all it up.


WASHINGTON, Aug 20 (Reuters) – The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials.

Though federal officials have arrested more than 570 alleged participants (political prisoners), the DNC KGB at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump, according to the sources, who have been either directly involved in or briefed regularly on the wide-ranging investigations.

With the help of Nazi Piglosi, the Marxist democrats and cowardly RINO republicans, they pushed a false narrative that President Trump coordinated an armed insurrection. Except no one was armed. The DNC KGB coordinated with BLM and Antifa to infiltrate into President Trump’s “Save America” rally and then attack the Capitol Building. Nazi Piglosi, the Marxist democrats and RINO republicans knew what was coming. They planned and approved for the FBI with BLM-Antifa to smash windows, break doors, and damage the interior of the Capitol building. The FBI coordinated the Riot.

Listen to how frantic the far left Fake News MSDNC idiots are breathlessly observing the protestors. Protestors with their cellphone out taking pictures and selfies. The protestors are staying within the roped walkway. The protestors are not pulling down statues, like BLM-Antifa did in around the county. The protestors did start fires, like BLM-Antifa did in major cities. Protestors are not damaging anything in the Capitol building. However, listening to the Fake News MSDNC idiots, you’d think the end of the Republic was at hand. All those Mee-Maws wandering around with cellphones. Oh the Horror. The Horror.


Public Enemy Number One: Mee Maw has a cellphone and a American Flag. Should be considered armed and dangerous. Do Not Approach. Contact the DNC KGB. The FBI will storm her house in the early hours of the morning, bust everything up, push a dozen guns in her face, chain her hands and ankles, throw her in the back of a paddy wagon and hold her in solidary confinement for months without any charges. That’s our Injustice Department.

Contact the DNC KGB and they will falsely charge you with a crime. They Hate Americans. They Love BLM-Antifa. They are controlled by the Marxist democrats. They pledge their allegiance to Communist China. The FBI is a Criminal Mob of Fascists.

This is why the FBI dropped this news on a Friday when the senile Jim Crow Joe was attempting to blame President Trump for his blunder in Afghanistan. The DNC KGB was hoping you wouldn’t notice that they have no evidence that the political prisoners they’re holding are innocent of all charges. There Was No Insurrection.

Remember how these unelected assholes claimed this was the greatest attack on the Capitol since the Civil War. They Lied. Remember how AOC and other Marxists claimed their lives were in danger, but AOC and others were not in the Capitol building that day. They Lied. Remember how the Fake News Media for weeks tried to claim that more attacks were being coordinated by President Trump and others. THEY LIED.


On the evening of June 1, 2020, BLM and Antifa has been rioting for days over the criminal drug addict that killed himself in a drug overdose. That dirty smelling scumbag George “Kirby” Floyd. This animal should have been put down long ago. But Nazi Piglosi deified this toilet trout POS as some kind of God. This is when all the Marxist democrats were defunding the police.

St. John’s Episcopal Church on H Street, which has stood in D.C. since 1816, was set ablaze by BLM-Antifa. Every President has attended this church since the founding of the nation. The church is within walking distance of the White House. The church has been a National Historic Landmark since 1960.

Were any of these BLM-Antifa rioters charged with any crime? NOPE. Were they hunted down by the DNC’s KGB like the J6 protestors. NOPE. Are any of the BLM-Antifa scumbags rotting in prison? NOPE. Instead, when BLM-Antifa get arrested, they are released immediately. No Bail, No Fines, No Court Dates, No Nothing. That’s how our legal system has been corrupted by the Marxist democrats.

President Trump walks from the White House to St. John’s Parish after it was burned the night before. Pastor Steve Cioccolanti narrates Trump’s fearless walk on the open streets where rioters had just demonstrated to make a symbolic gesture at St John’s Church (which had been burned) to hold up the Bible. On this Book we stand and will succeed against all enemies foreign & domestic!

General Milley Vanillie has said it was a mistake to have been present with President Donald Trump in front of St. John’s church in Washington D.C. “I should not have been there,” the cowardly General said in a pre-recorded video. Milley Vanillie and the defense secretary, Mark Esper, were widely criticized for participating during George “Kirby” Floyd protests in Washington D.C., with many former defense officials saying the two were helping Trump’s efforts to politicize the military. This Is How Cowards Like Milley Vanillie Lose Wars.

President Trump was right about Milley Vanillie, he’s a LOSER. “President Donald Trump said Wednesday on Newsmax TV’s “Greg Kelly Reports” that he knew he had hired a “loser” in General Mark Milley, who served as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.”

Now that the DNC KGB has admitted there’s no evidence against the J6 political prisoners, they should be released and compensated for false arrest. Chrissy Wray, the inept FBI director should be fired and imprisoned. Others in the FBI should be investigated and fired if they helped to manufactured evidence and failed to release exculpatory evidence. Why else do you think Nazi Piglosi will not release the Capitol surveillance video. It shows just how corrupt this government is and how evil these people in congress are.




Today started with clear skies and few clouds and very blustery. Tradewinds are from the north at 10mph with gusts at 27mph. Cloud cover is 30%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1/16 inch  precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the low 78’s. Humidity is at 77%. Barometric pressure is 29.89 inches and dewpoint is 71 degrees. UV index is 13.

ʻAukake Iwakālua Kūmākahi, 2021
