Doctor WHO

Happy Aloha Friday! There’s a lot in the news today. President Trump has removed preferential status to Hong Kong because of Communist China’s reneging on the One Country, Two System’s policy. I will have more on this in a future post.

Additionally, the President has cut ties with the World Health Organization (WHO) for it’s connection to Communist China. Not a moment too soon. The WHO has failed the world by allowing Communist China to hide the spread of the Communist China Wuhan Coronavirus. The world should work together with the United States to create a new health organization that will not be influenced by communist corruption. We would be all much more healthier and prosperous.

Twitter has chosen to stand against the American people and challenge the President by editing his tweets. Bad decision, Jack Dorsey. Your legal 230 protections are going away. As with other unsocial media platforms that would regulate free speech, we can find other forms of less hostile social media. Plus,I’m old enough to remember when social media wasn’t around. If it all went away tomorrow, it wouldn’t bother me not one bit.

The Communist Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus is turning into nightmare for democrats. These states have the largest death rates due to their criminal malfeasance. The majority of all the deaths in the nation are from these democrat run States. The fake news media doesn’t speak about this at all. Instead, the fake news media talks only about the States that are opening up. They say these Republican run States are going to kill people if they open up too soon. The fake news media has been saying this for weeks.

We’re starting to slowly open up here in Hawai’i. The wishy-washy Governor Ige seems overly cautious and continues to stretch out the lockdown restrictions. Meanwhile, other neighbor islands are going ahead and reopening. Churches are now reopened and restaurants will reopen beginning June first.

It will be interesting to see the actual damage to the economy once we do reopen. I am anticipating the worse. There will be the temptation by the council and legislator to raise taxes. Democrats always resort to taking more of your money because they don’t believe it’s your money.

It’s looking like a nice weekend so I will be spending time in the yard pruning, trimming, and gardening.


Our weather today started again with brilliant sunshine with breezy trade winds and clouds. We got about 1/8 of an inch of rain overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s with humidity at 78%.


Kēia Ka Lā Mei Iwakālua Kūmāiwa


Lockdown Science

Aloha kākou! It’s day 28 of the Say at Home directive and I haven’t been arrested yet. Although that might change soon. Have you been watching the news? More people are being arrested for violating social distancing rule. Are the rules based on any known science? It doesn’t seem so. There’s no science that proves the virus can be caught sitting on a park bench or the beach. You can run and walk on the beach. You can surf in the water. Hundreds are surfing daily in pipeline alone. Some of these social distancing rules just don’t make any sense.

O‘AHU – Sleepy Eye Mayor Kirk Caldwell announced today that City parks will be reopening for designated exercise activities beginning Saturday, April 25.

These designated exercise activities only include: running, walking, jogging, and bicycle riding. The public may still traverse City parks to access the ocean, an open bathroom facility, or a designated Community Garden plot.

However, sitting and standing, could get you arrested for violating social distancing rules. I fail to see the science that biking, running and jogging somehow reduces the risk of contracting the Communist Chinese Kung Fu Flu virus. What if I’m doing yoga, meditation, or just sitting enjoying the view? Will I be arrested for violating social distancing rules? Under these social distancing rules, I would be arrested, fined and jailed for one year. What happened to civil liberties?

“While the public can begin returning to our parks Saturday as part of the gradual Coronavirus recovery, we want everyone to remember at this time that they are not allowed to remain idle or gather in the parks,” said Honolulu Department of Parks and Recreation Director Michele Nekota. “Instead, they should conduct their essential exercise by walking, jogging, running, or riding a bicycle, then leave the park.”

Again, I fail to see the science behind sweaty joggers on bicycle paths not spreading the Communist Chinese Kung Fu Flu on other joggers. Does the CDC support this pseudo science? We’re seeing more of this abuse of citizens by nanny state governors and mayors that will punish people for just exercising their constitutional rights. This isn’t about protecting the public, this is power mad officials overstepping their authority. The authorities are stepping on your civil liberties.

A woman was arrested today in Meridian Idaho for trespassing in a public park. Trespassing? Sarah Walton Brady was in a public park with several dozen parents allowing their children to play and enjoy the sunshine when police officers arrived and demanded the people leave the public playground due to the Covid-19 quarantine orders from Gov. Brad Little. The woman was handcuffed while her children were left alone. The police were not concerned and did not ask who would be watching her children.


New York’s Big Apple Maggot, Bill de Blasio, want’s people to snitch on their neighbors. Use your cellphone to report social distancing violations. Take a picture and text it to this number – 311692 – and police will respond to this location. Remember, this is the idiot that released prisoners from Rikers Island and was surprised by the rise in murders and crime. File this under “DUH”!

It is “unconscionable” that Rikers Island inmates who were released due to coronavirus concerns are committing new crimes, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday.

The mayor of Los Angeles has urged citizens to “snitch” on businesses and people that violate the city’s stay-at-home order, and has promised “rewards” for those who do so. “You know the old expression about snitches?” asked fascist mayor Garcetti. “Well in this case, snitches get rewards,” although it remains unclear what those rewards might be.

Health officials in Sweden say the country’s relatively relaxed COVID-19 prevention and mitigation strategies may be working to flatten the cure of new COVID-19 infections. The death toll in Sweden is higher than those in the Scandinavian region of Europe, which also includes Denmark and Norway — countries with smaller populations — but it falls significantly below those of Italy, Spain, and the UK, Bloomberg News reported.

While other countries, cities, and states around the globe enacted strict social distancing rules that closed businesses and ordered residents to stay home,  Sweden took a different approach to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic, keeping businesses and schools open. The country’s leaders have called on citizens to practice social distancing by choice rather than through a mandate.

Sweden isn’t following the social distancing lockdown as recommended by the WHO.  Sweden trusts their citizens to do the right thing and apply good hygiene sense. There’s no need to apply draconian rules. People are allowed to move around freely. Shops are open for business and people are working. The science of citizen lockdown is just over-reaching nanny state tyranny.

The World Health Organization (WHO) on April 8 called on the Sweden to enact stricter measures to control the “spread of the virus, prepare and increase capacity of the health system to cope, ensure physical distancing and communicate the why and how of all measures to the population,” according to CNN.  We all know the WHO is unreliable science bought and paid for by the Communist Chinese, and CNN is just fake news.

Why hasn’t Kalifornia, with its two largest cities, not been effected as severely by the Communist Chinese Kung Fu Flu as New York has been? The West Coast was the entry point of the virus. Washington State is also where the first deaths were reported in a elderly care home. With Kalifornia’s huge homeless problem and crowding, you would expect more cases of the virus and deaths, but they haven’t materialized. Why is that? Are the people of Kalifornia more asymptomatic than other states? That’s doesn’t seem to follow the science, but these are the results.

We’re finding out now that the virus has been in the country longer than anyone expected. In particular in Kalifornia, they reported 2,318 new Communist Chinese virus cases on Monday, marking the highest one-day jump the state has seen. Santa Clara county announced the autopsy of a patient that died on Feb. 6, that was 23 days before the virus was declared in the United States. Which means more people were infected long before and the fatality rate is much lower than projected. Why this matters: The first known death from COVID-19 in the U.S. was declared on Feb. 29 to be a patient in Washington state.

It appears the virus isn’t as bad as first predicted. The “experts” at the CDC, NIH and WHO all said millions of people will die by the virus. It was their recommendations to impose strict social distancing and shutting down the nation’s economy. They were the ones that said to President Trump, “We Have To Shut This Down, NOW”!

Notice that all these mayors and governors are democrats. They want to damage the country and the economy. They believe this will bring them power. This is why these states are using gestapo tactics. The are collecting information on people to put into a democrat database. They’re collecting your personal information, your health, money, political affiliations, the number of people living in your home, and using that information to seize control over the state. This is classic communism control. They are using fear of arresting people to keep the public in submission. Demonstrators, church goers, and constitutionalists will be targeted for police harassment.

It’s no secret that the democrats want to see the country damaged. They believe it will hurt President Donald Trump. Especially with a Presidential election scheduled in November. This is why you see the fake news media coordinate their anti-Trump daily message. Where is the media getting their message from? Remember that after the Communist Chinese complained about calling the virus the “Chinese Wuhan virus”, the media stopped calling it the Chinese virus. The fake news media said calling the Communist Chinese virus is racism. Notice they never call the virus the Communist China Wuhan flu anymore. Now it’s always called the coronavirus. The fake news media is getting their messaging from Communist China. There’s no doubt about that. They parrot the Communist China talking point immediately right after the Communist Chinese make a public statement. The fake news media repeats the message, almost word for word. Notice the fake news media doesn’t not mention the origin of the virus was in China anymore. Instead all their focus is on blaming the virus on President Trump’s administration. It’s a smear campaign by the fake news media.

The democrats and fake news media are secular fascists that live by the nanny state tyranny. Meanwhile, elective surgery’s are being put on hold. It’s causing healthcare workers to be laid off and patients without necessary care. This puts fear in the minds of people that hospital emergency rooms are flooded with COVID-19 patients. However, the flood of coronavirus patients has NOT appeared.

To date, there are over 2.5 million people worldwide have tested positive for the virus. The total number of world deaths is 177,496. In the United States, there are 820K tested positive, 75K recovered, and 45K deaths. Note the number of recoveries verses deaths. From a statistics point of view, that pretty low when compared to the common flu virus and other medical related deaths. In Hawai’i there are 586 confirmed cases, 437 recovered, and 12 deaths. Source: John Hopkins Coronavirus Research Center

The democrats and the fake news media wants you to live in fear. There’s no reason for this over-reaction by government. Remember that a life lived in fear is only a half life lived. Let’s get back to work. We have a country to save. Remember that Nazi Piglosi held up small business relief aid to put money in the bill for her big business friends while showing off her $24,000 refrigerators and $12 pint ice cream.



Our weather today was sunny with some passing clouds. Temperatures were in the upper 70’s with humidity at 80%. By late afternoon the south west breezes carrying warm moist air had made it very uncomfortable. This evening has cooled and a short shower as passed over.


Kēia Ka Lā Iwakālua Kūmākahi, ʻApelila

WHO Are You



How are we supposed to trust the “experts” that keep giving us the wrong information? They have no experience with anything like this before. So how can they now claim to be experts? The Center for Disease Catastrophes, Dr. Fhony Fauci, went on fake news CNN to publicly discredited himself by inferring the United States didn’t act soon enough to stop the virus. That sent the fake news media monkeys into a frenzy of disinformation.

Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday that calls to implement life-saving social distancing measures faced “a lot of pushback” early in the US coronavirus outbreak and that the country is now looking for ways to more effectively respond to the virus should it rebound in the fall.

That’s funny? I don’t remember when that happened? In fact, Fauci’s comments are completely the opposite from what he said before. Fhony Fauci said that the President was right in restricting travel from China and that decision prevented more deaths. The only push-back was the leftists socialist democrats and fake news media claiming it was xenophobia. Fhony Fauci is a media whore that loves to get his face in front of a camera. Fhony Fauci is an enigma of misinformation. Who is Fhony Fauci? When he’s with the president he’s Dr. Jekyll and with CNN he’s Mr. Hyde.

Fauci didn’t mention that he had it wrong from the very beginning! It was his job to prepare the country for any viral pandemic and he failed. 21 January he said Americans have nothing to worry about. Instead the CDC relied on the World Health Organization (WHO). That proved to be a fatal mistake.

President Trump today announced suspending funds to the World Health Organization. The fake news media is having a fit and a canary. After what the WHO did to the world, the deaths, the economies, all the misinformation to protect Communist China is inexcusable. It’s criminal. The WHO and Communist China has to be held accountable. Director Tedros needs to resign and the WHO investigated for deliberate spreading of the Communist Chinese Kung Fu Flu. The fake news media is protecting the WHO and Communist China by attempting to place the blame for the pandemic on President Trump.


What I don’t understand is how other journalists, people who I believed were stand-up objective journalists, defending and protecting idiots like Brian Karem. The fake news media is a elitist club of cocktail swirling nobodies that believe everyone agrees with their fake news propaganda. Just like the WHO and CDC they a often wrong.


Who the hell are these people? What is their connection to Communist China? How are they qualified for the position they’re in? Just how corrupt is the WHO, the CDC, and the NIH (National Institute of Health)? Where is the oversight into these organizations that get millions of taxpayers monies and are consistently wrong in preparing for a pandemic? Why is it the sole responsibility of the Federal government and the President to do the work which they are being paid to do? Why do we need these organizations if they cannot do their jobs?

The chain reaction around the world started a pandemic panic. From toilet paper to cleaning items. Store shelves were emptied within hours and remained empty for days.

Something is mentally wrong with the democrat governors. Especially New York’s governor, Andrew “Fido” Cuomo, the big apple maggot that thinks he’s the King of New York. After President Trump said he’ll make the decision to open the federal government, Fido jumped to the cameras to breathlessly panting that he’s sue! Yet, President also said the States will make their own decision to open for business.

So the President is respecting the boundaries of Federalism, but the dumbocrats hear something else. Ironic, this whining crybaby was complaining the President wasn’t doing enough to help his state of confusion, and now he doesn’t want Trump to open up the government. What a moron.

Meanwhile, in other states with democrat governors, Constitutional liberties are being eroded with draconian restrictions. You can’t attend church services. You can’t purchase items the governor deems non-essential. Yet, you can purchase liquor with no restrictions. Luckily we have not reached this here in Hawai’i, but there are those that want to place further restrictions on people here. The mayor of Honolulu has made it a requirement for everyone to wear a mask when going outside or face arrest and fines. This is the direction we are going.


The world is closed for business. Thank you and please come again



Our weather today has been cloudy with some scattered showers. We were under a flood advisory, but that has expired. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s with humidity at 90%. I have the sads that Merrie Monarch Festival was canceled. So I’m posting this video meme from the Great Solmemes.


Kēia Ka Lā ʻUmi kūmāhā, ʻApelila


Why Taiwan


Very little has been said about Taiwan’s effort to control the Communist China Wuhan Pandemic Coronavirus. The island nation has a population of about 23 million. Taiwan has reported about 300 coronavirus cases with only three deaths. Even though Taiwan is close to Communist China’s borders, and there is travel back and forth between the two nations, this is an extremely low number of cases as compared to the rest of the world.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes Taiwan only as a province of Communist China. I consider Taiwan as an independent nation with it’s own functioning capitalist government. The WHO will not recognize Taiwan as a member of the organization. The WHO will not acknowledge the best practices the government of Taiwan has put in place. History prepared Taiwan when it was heavily hit from the SARS experience 17 years ago. The WHO, has a lot to learn from Taiwan. That can best be accomplished only if Taiwan has a seat at the WHO. Because the WHO is corrupted by Communist China, little will shared with the world of Taiwan’s success rate at preventing the spread of the Communist Chinese Virus.

“Taiwanese authorities took 124 actions starting in December, when most of the world was oblivious to the threat. Among those actions, Taiwan activated a command response center, which holds daily briefings, sent a fact-finding team to China, imposed travel bans and quarantines, and restricted the export of medical supplies”.

I linked an opinion article written by Young Kim. Ms. Kim is a former State Assemblywoman and currently a Republican nominee for California’s 39th congressional district. Consider voting for Young Kim. California need more conservative leaders like Young Kim.

Taiwan is a beautiful country. I’ve been there many times and always enjoyed my stay in Taipei. Visiting the night markets is where you can find some great Taiwanese food. The people are very friendly, and many do speak English. Taiwan’s official language is Mandarin and there are many other indigenous languages spoken. here.

The corruption at the WHO, by Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, is becoming more apparent. The control that Communist China has over the WHO has put the world in great harm. We now know that Communist China has been pulling the WHO’s strings. They’ve put out false information about the virus transmission. This has caused many countries not to properly prepare for the pandemic. Why Taiwan was prepared is because they know Communist China well. Communist China continues to send out propaganda which the Fake News Media disseminates like useful idiots. The media never verifies Communist China’s information and never puts a disclaimer that China’s information hasn’t been verified.

Doctor Fauci praised Tedros as “outstanding person,” adding, “I mean, obviously, over the years, anyone who says that the WHO has not had problems has not been watching the WHO. But I think, under his leadership, they’ve done very well. He has been all over this. I was on the phone with him a few hours ago leading a WHO call. ”A reporter then said, “The World Health Organization was praising China for its transparency and leadership on their response to the pandemic.” I often wonder whose side Doctor Fauci is on. The influence Communist China has on Tedros  and the WHO should have people wondering just how much can the WHO be trusted.

The misinformation by the media has people doing some strange things. CBS News posted a video of a nurse in tears saying she quit her job at the ICU hospital because they were not supplying Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). It was a Hoax.

CBS released a statement Monday evening stating:

“Imaris Vera, the nurse in this video, clarified her experience on Monday in a tweet: ‘We were each assigned 1 N95 per 1 covid patient’s room but was not allowed to wear it outside of the room, wear our own N95 mask around the Nurses station or Halls, which I came prepared with.'”

The video went viral on unsocial media. The video was also shared by Democratic nominee hopeful Bernie Sanders, who called it “insane” that nurses were “being forced to care for the sick without masks and respirators.” It was a hoax. CBS News failed to reveal the nurse was having some emotional problems. This is another example of how the Fake News Media exploits fear and panic in the public. There’s only one reason why CBS pushed this story, and that was to hurt the Trump Administration efforts to fight the COVID-19 virus.

Because of the Fake News Media and their bias coverage people are panicking and making poor decisions. The media misinformation regarding a malaria drug has people and businesses doing some crazy things.

As the President said at today’s Coronavirus News conference, “I wish we had we had a fair media in this country and we don’t.” Another  question by a unprepared MSM reporter asked about an inspector general report that hospitals don’t have enough testing equipment. When The President asked who was the inspector general making that claim, the reporter didn’t know. She was unprepared and had no corroborating information.

Another fake news reporter started a question with an accusation, “The Paycheck Protection Program has gotten off to a bad start,” The President explained there is no problem, but there were some glitches, but they are resolved. Then the President asked the reporter if they could ask a question that was fair and not misleading. Again, this is how the Fake News premises a question with an accusation. It’s damn unprofessional and misleading. It hurts objective journalism by defining a political narrative.

Johnathan Karl, at Fake News ABC, and Fox News, Kristin Fisher, got their asses handed to them by quoting a former HSS IG Obama official, Christi Grimm, in a misleading question regarding testing kit shortages. After it was revealed the HSS IG inspector was an Obama appointee at the news conference, the President scolded both Karl and Fisher for the misleading questions. They were quoting false information in an attempt to hurt the administration.


Fisher and Karl both said they didn’t know the name of the HSS IG. They were either lying, or completely unprepared for the President to aks the name of the HSS IG. I suspect they knew, but were lying. Fox News has been going downhill lately in the direction of CNN.

Notice very little reporting on the corruption of the WHO? That’s not an omission, it’s deliberate to protect the Communist Chinese dictatorship. Instead, the media repeatedly asks why the President doesn’t declare a national shutdown. The fake news says some States are not practicing social distancing enough. As the President explained, many times over, there’s a thing called a Constitution. Call it Federalism the President explained. The enumerated powers leaves decisions like lock down to the States. It’s not in Federal responsibility to issue such orders. Neither is it the Federal government to run any States business. Notice that all the governors whining that they are not getting enough Federal assistance are all democrats. That explain everything you need to know.

Why Taiwan? Because they know who the players are in this pandemic. The good the bad and the evil. The world should listen to Taiwan, for the health and safety of their people.


Our weather today is glorious! Sunny and with a comfortable slight breeze. Temperatures in the upper 70’s with humidity at 66%. Weather people are still predicting rain, but I believe we’ll track to the normal evening showers.


Kēia Ka Lā ʻEono, ʻApelila



President Trump said we’re at war with an invisible enemy. I’m surprised the fake news media hasn’t asked when did Congress approve that?

I have to update the latest coronavirus count on the Hawaiian Islands. It seems a visitor from the mainland arrived in Hilo yesterday and tested positive for the virus. There has been no deaths related to the virus and no other outbreaks have been discovered. Drive through virus testing has been setup in the Target parking lot off of Maka’ala street in Hilo, and I think Walmart will also have a drive up testing spot.

Governor Ige has asked tourists to hold off on visiting the islands until further notice. The economic damage to our largest industry, tourism, will be huge. Restaurants and shopping stores are either empty or closed. Only drive through restaurants will be open. The county of Hawai’i is encouraging telecommuting where available. Churches can decide to stay open for services if they wish. Schools will be closed. The county may furlough nonessential workers till the end of the month. This will put a severe hardship on many working families. I’m looking into what we as a community can do to help our neighbors that will be affected by this.



The obsession that the fake news media has with the coronavirus is rather curious. For weeks the fake news media was calling the virus the Wuhan Virus, the Chinese Virus, and now they’re saying calling it the Chinese virus is racist to Asians. As if all Asians are Chinese.

MSLSD Fake News Reporter, Richard Engel, said “This is a virus that came from the territory of China but came from bats. This is a bat virus, not a China virus. It doesn’t speak Chinese. It doesn’t target Chinese people. It targets human beings who happen to touch their eyes, nose or mouth.” Engel is neither a scientist, nor a physician, he’s a member of the fake news media. Suddenly, he’s a humanitarian? He’s giving his opinion. No doubt at the direction of his Communist Chinese masters. 

Apparently, the fake news media is now owned by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Why else would they suddenly take the side of Communist China? The fake news media doesn’t want you to call the coronavirus the Chinese Virus. This same question has been asked numerous times and the same answer has been given repetitively. The virus came from China.

I like that President Trump isn’t playing into the fake news medias outrage over calling it what it is, the Chinese Virus. It came from China. China is not a race. So it’s cannot be racist. So calling the Kung Fu Flu racist is simply inciting violence. China tried to claim the virus came from the U.S. Military. The fake news media as trying to create a stigma. The fake news media is trying set to the narrative.

This is how Fake News is spread. A fake news reporter makes a false accusation that a White House official called the virus the “Kung Flu”. When President Trump asked who said that, the reporter couldn’t give a name. Then the reporter went on to claim the term “Kung Flu” was putting Asian Americans at risk. Interesting that the fake news is now concerned about Asian Americans. Especially since they were calling the virus the Chinese Virus. Why suddenly the change?

It’s to try and embarrass the President. To make the President seem uncaring and racist. There’s no other reason. Did you also notice how the question is presented. It’s not so much as question, but an accusation in the form of a question. “Don’t you see how that can be harmful to Asians”? the reporter asked. With an emphasis on shaming the President. This is an effort to make the Trump administration look responsible for the virus. This is how fake news is spread.

The fake news media is rather incurious about Presidential candidate Joe Biden’s relationship with Communist China. Biden’s son, Hunter, stuck a deal with Chinese banks which netted him a 1.5 billion dollar investment deal with the Chinese banks. Where is the curiosity about that? Biden’s involvement in the Ukraine is all but forgotten. It’s interesting how incurious the fake news media is about Biden’s criminal activity during his time as Vice President. Why is that?

The fake news media is good at either misreporting information, or outright lying about information. They said President Trump called the Wuhan Virus a hoax. Trump never said that. Another example of media incuriousness, the controversial Ethiopian politician and Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, claimed in a press conference in early March that the fatality rate for the coronavirus was many multiples that of the fatality rate of the common flu. That statement is entirely FALSE. That statement alone has caused world markets to crash. Why isn’t the media reporting on this? What is the director’s connection to China? There’s a lot more in the WHO directors background that the media isn’t reporting. Why is that?

Did you know that Hydroxychloroquine, a medicine used to treat malaria, lupus and arthritis, has shown to help with the affects of COVID-19? Hydroxychloroquine is found to be more effective and potent than chloroquine in vitro treatment of #coronavirus, new study published by NIH shows. Again, nothing from the incurious fake news media. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), sold under the brand name Plaquenil among others, is a medication used for the prevention and treatment of certain types of malaria. Specifically it is used for chloroquine-sensitive malaria. Other uses include treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and porphyria cutanea tarda. Why hasn’t the fake news media reported this? 

The reason is clear. The fake news media that regularly feeds off the chaos, racial strife, and anti-Americanism. Spreading misinformation is easier than actually doing the work of journalism. Suddenly, the fake news media has become humanitarians? The same secular media that regularly mocks and ridicules people of faith. Want us to believe they care about the name of the Kung Fu Flu as being racist to Asians. That’s completely bullshit. The fake news media enjoys chaos. They feed off of chaos. The Fake News Media Is The Enemy Of The People.


Our weather today was overcast. With some lite rain. Temperatures in the mid 70’s with humidity at 85%. The neighbor islands are having flash flood warning. Last night in Ka’u, the Kawa flats were flooded and closed down highway 11, Hawai’i Belt Road, for a number of hours. So far, East Hawai’i has not been hit hard with the rain. We expecting to see another 48 hours of this before the weather pattern moves out.


Kēia Ka Lā ʻUmi Kūmāwalu, Malaki