Freedom to Cheat


Aloha kākou. The Freedom to Cheat Act was defeated today in congress. The vote was 49-51 along party lines. Schmucky Schumer, the Marxist democrat majority leader, switched his vote no at the last minute in a procedural maneuver that will allow him to bring up the bill again for a vote. The fight to protect elections from being Federalized continues. Until we can regain the House, Senate, and Presidency then the Marxist democrats will continue to try and steal the election integrity. If this happens, then your vote will never matter. All elections will be rigged in the Marxist democrats favor forever. In effect changing our Republic into a Communist oligarchy.

It means only the rich and powerful will run the country. A government with a predetermined president and representatives that are not chosen by the people, but preordained from within a small oligarchy. The bill called the Freedom to Vote Act, would impose significant new rules on the American election process. It would require every state to automatically register voters at motor vehicle agencies, but not checking for citizenship and residency. Requiring 15 consecutive days of early voting and allow anyone to request a mail-in ballot. Normally, absentee ballots require a reason and signature proof before getting a mail-in ballot. It would also set new standards to ensure voters are not wrongfully removed from the voter rolls, even after you’re dead or no longer living in that voting district. It would also prevent voter ID requirements to prove who you are. You still need an ID to fly, buy guns, do banking, buy booze, and hundreds of other thing, but just not to vote. Can you say rampant voter fraud?

Speaking on the Senate floor after the vote, the Marxist majority leader, Schmucky Schumer, criticized Republicans for opposing the measure and strongly hinted Democrats would move to change the filibuster rules around voting rights. If we can’t win, then we’ll cheat. The right to cheat, Schumer said, was unlike other issues the Senate deals with. “It isn’t about regular old politics,” he said. It’s about One Party One Rule. A permanent political class ruled by Marxist democrats only.

There’s are reason why Jim Crow Joe Biden and the Marxist democrats are secretly transporting illegal aliens around the country. It’s to stuff the voting roles with people that are not citizens but will be allowed to vote, and guess who they will vote for? That’s right, Marxist democrats. These illegals will be promised government goodies in return for voting Marxist democrat. Guess who will pay for those goodies, that’s right, we will, the legal voting citizens. Corporations will have cheap labor in return for campaign donations. The shrinking American voter will be replaced with non-citizens that have no rights, but will decide elections by mob rule. That’s the whole purpose of the Freedom to Cheat Act.

The Freedom to Cheat Act is another Marxist democrat overreach by power-hungry fascists who have no business dictating to states how to manage their own elections. This new proposal is fundamentally the same as Marxist democrats previously failed attempts to take over state elections. That’s in direct Constitutional violation of Article II, Section 1, Clauses 2 and 3, that gives State legislatures the power to decide Electors in Federal elections. While Democrats continue to try and federalize our elections, in effect taking your right to vote away, Republicans are working to make it harder to cheat.

President Trump has correctly states that if we don’t fix what happened in 2020 elections, then there will never be another election. That’s because the template for cheating in future elections is still in place. Some states have made changes to prevent what happened with the courts and election officials that changed the election rules to made it easy to steal the 2020 election. Other states haven’t fixed their voting system, and 2022 is just around the corner. You might have heard people in the media and politicians saying with confidence that republicans will win back the majority in the house. Republicans are falling into the same trap that allowed Marxist democrats to steal the 2020 election. It will happen again if the republicans don’t wake up and put the guardrails in place to prevent cheating.

We can no longer rely on the Supreme Court to uphold Constitutional law. That became very apparent during the 2020 election. It’s up to the local state legislators to enforce state voting laws. They need to place laws to ensure secure and legitimate elections and enforce those laws. If this is not done, then your vote will have no value. It used to be that everyone would go to a polling station, show their ID and sign the voting register. That’s all gone under this bill. Read this link of the Freedom to Vote Act or the “Freedom to Cheat Act”. It has all the details on how all future elections will be predetermined in advanced through the use of Ballot Harvesting, Drop Boxes, Mail-In Ballots, Voting by Internet, elimination of polling stations and ballot watchers. Your vote will no longer count. Free and Fair Elections will no longer exist.



The day started with lots of sunshine and some clouds. Tradewinds are from the north northeast at 11mph, gusts 22mph. Cloud cover is 12%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got NO precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is at 72%. Barometric pressure is 29.96 inches and dewpoint is 62 degrees. UV index 2. Air quality Index is good at 36

ʻOkakopa Iwakālua, 2021
