Recession Depression


Aloha Kākou. The Great Ronaldus Magnus defined the difference between a recession and a depression. “A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours, and recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his.” -Ronald Reagan

The economic numbers are coming out this week. Thursday is when we’ll learn if we are in a recession. If there is a fall in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for two successive quarters. A recession is a significant decline in economic activity spread across all sectors of the economy. Depending on several factors, a recession might last a few months and longer. Economists define real GDP as, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales. There’s a effort by this regime to redefine what is a recession. Does that mean they know the numbers don’t look all that good?

I sometimes wonder if the worlds elitists is packed with Malthusians determined to end human life. Why else are events around the world being driven to control population growth? Gates and Communist Chinese buying up valuable farmland in the United States. Far-Left politicians in Europe forcing farmers to use less fertilizers. They grow less food and earn less money, then the socialist government comes in and seizes the farmers lands. Leftists tried this in Sri Lanka and Panama and triggered riots over food shortages.

The promise of a green utopia has hooked elitists for centuries. They believe there is a linear correlation between a growing population and declining lands for food production. The Malthusians believe that will be certain disaster for their survival. So is it any wonder when Malthusians are in control of their New World Order follows food shortages, famine, and depressions? It is any coincidence that these economic events happen on regular intervals in world history?

Karine Jean-Luc Picard spouts a bunch of gibberish when questioned about the looming recession. Depending on who is doing the talking, some believe there is going to be a huge recession, and others point to companies rehiring people as a sign of a soft recession. But employment is just one factor in calculating GDP growth or decline. Companies rehiring laid off workers is not the same thing as job creation. It just means that people are starting to purchase more now that they’re reemployed.

Monetary expansion has increase inflationary pressures. It did not help the economic growth when this regime cut off energy production either. Not all sectors of the economy are recovering at the same rate. When the regime keeps interfering with the markets, it distorts the economy. Spending efforts in legislation such as the Paycheck Protection Program were frequently abused. This added to inflation pressures. Corporate bailouts and other bad legislation just compounds inflationary woes.

Facing economic headwinds, the Branden regime is trying to down play fears of a recession and redefine the term altogether. Economic data set to be released this week could determine if the United States economy is in fact officially in a recession. Already, the FED is planning to raise interest rates to regulate inflation. Plus printing more money as “quantitative easing” which is a fancy word for flooding the economy with more money. The regime is considering raising taxes. This would be counter productive to lowering inflation. Too much money chasing too many products. On top of that with import-export shortages and you have a economic disaster looming.

Is it any wonder why the price of goods and services are more expensive? Just because the job market is looking good, wages are not keeping in pace with inflation. Which makes everything more expensive. Why are we begging for oil from Saudia Arabia when we can produce our own and generate real jobs long term? Cheap plentiful energy is how we’re going to get out of this looming recession.

Former Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary Christine McDaniel argues the Fed needs to get control of inflation as recession fears rise and discusses the Senate Chip Bill. The Senate Chip Bill attempts to bring the semiconductor manufacturing back to the United States. While that’s good, it takes years to build semiconductor plants.

Then you need assembly of products and that takes time. Communist China and other Asian countries have these manufacturing plants already in place. It’s going to be difficult to reestablish this manufacturing in the United States with environment nutcases using the courts to slow this needed industry down. Eventually, we might see laptops costing $10,000. Cars costing over $80,000 dollars. Just about everything uses semiconductors. If Communist China cuts us off, that’s going to be real painful for years, if not decades.

President Trump saw this coming and was trying to decouple from Communist China. But the globalists was not going to let that happen. There’s too much money to be made from cheap Chinese labor.

Is the U.S. in a recession? Many economists think that’s a possibility and by some measurements, it may have already started. But why aren’t people losing their jobs? Recessions usually come with a dip in economic output and a rise in unemployment. Right now, economic output is falling. But so is unemployment. WSJ’s Jon Hilsenrath has coined it a “jobful downturn.” They look at past recessions and indicators to explain how a recession in 2022 could be very different.

Note that in the WSJ video states there is a shortage of workers to fill jobs. This might seem positive, but what kind of jobs are employers looking for? Highly skilled labor is in great demand. Which is why tech companies are hiring foreign workers over college educated American workers. There’s competition for low-wage high-skilled foreign workers. It shuts out American workers from the high-tech job markets.

Low-skilled menial workers are plentiful only because look at who is crossing our borders. Great for lawn services and restaurant employees to wash dishes. But that also takes away young American workers entering the job market. Anyone can work the fry machine, but what about the language barrier? If these foreign workers are sending their wages back to their home country, then that money isn’t flowing into our local economy. In my opinion, the Marxist democrats are hoping for a depression. They want to recreate the same government programs that FDR tried that made the depression last for 10 years. That’s a case for recession depression.



Most cloudy with intermittent showers. 50% chance of rain this afternoon. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 11 mph, gusts 26 mph. Cloud cover is 75%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 15/32 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is at 82%. Barometric pressure is 30.01 inches and dewpoint is 71°. UV index 9. Air quality Index is at 27. Readings taken at 1:00PM HST.

Iulai Iwakālua Kūmāono, 2022
