Political Violence


Aloha kākou. Political violence has been around for centuries. People’s passions boil to the point where they lash out in violent attacks against people they disagree with politically. However, I want to focus on the here and now. Because we no longer live in the stone age where lawlessness existed in daily life. We now live in an age of reason where our passions turn to logic and debate of ideas. Such is my naïveté.

As we recently seen at least two attempted assassinations, and one carried out on former Japanese Priime Minister Shinzo Abe (RIP). Assassination attempts on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and on gubernatorial candidate for the State of New York, Lee Zeldin. How many more assassination attempts will follow? Up to, and after the elections, will there be more violence by the far-left? Remember the attacks on supporters of President Trump up to and after the 2016 election. It’s been nonstop since.

Representative and NY Governor Candidate Lee Zeldin was campaigning at an event in New York when violence came for Zeldin. After being attacked by a deranged man with a knuckle knife, Zeldin correctly predicted that under De Blasio’s “No Bail” laws, his attacker would most likely walk free soon after the incident. The normalization of political violence within this country continues to grow, it will get more violent in this political climate.

We witnessed a “Bernie Sanders Bro” attempt to assassinate Republican Senators at a baseball game. The Marxist democrat shot and almost killed Steve Scalise. That’s some of the worse events in recent times. The common denominator is that Marxist democrats are calling for violence against their opponents.

Dr. Sebastian Gorka opened his radio show with Congressman Lee Zeldin, who provides the latest update on his Marxist democrat attacker, and how it reflects the Marxist democrats’ soft-on-crime approach. The assailant was released under New York’s “No Bail” law, but was later arrested by the FBI. Which was a surprise that the FBI actually did their job. The question is, will AG Meritless Garland do his job and charge and trial this fellow democrat with attempted murder? I’m not holding my breath.

It’s not the first time that Marxist democrats have called for violence against those they disagree with. This is because they cannot win on ideas and debate. Marxist democrats reason that logic is at the barrel of a gun and through mob violence. Burn it all down, they will say. But we conservative are the violent ones they say.

If you do a Google search for political violence, you will get many return articles that blame political violence on Conservatives. Google labels them as far-right extremists. Other violent mobs rarely appear in the search results. Antifa-BLM mobs do appear in some Google search results, but as revolutionaries against police brutality and White Supremacist oppression. Google never lists them as Pro-Marxist violent far-left mobs. When facts and reality clash with unsocial media, you get a distortion of truth.

These ultra-violent organizations, which Branden claims are ideas and not domestic terrorists, are rarely prosecuted for the burning, looting, and murder of innocent people and businesses. But we are all told that jailing grandmothers that were invited into the Capitol Building on January 6th, 2020 are domestic terrorists that need to be jailed for months. To set an example against American Patriots that love their country, their God, and family. To Marxist democrats, Conservative Patriots are abhorrent to their plans of World Domination and their Liberal World Order.

I’ll give you another example where the far-left attempts to blame Conservative Americans as far-right violent activists. A essay written by Rachel Kleinfeld at the Journal for Democracy attempts to paint ordinary working class Americans as the main perpetrators of domestic terrorism. This is not only extremely offensive, but it is smear job against Conservative by far-left academic nutjobs. Excerpt follows:

“Yet people committing far-right violence—particularly planned violence rather than spontaneous hate crimes—are older and more established than typical terrorists and violent criminals. They often hold jobs, are married, and have children. Those who attend church or belong to community groups are more likely to hold violent, conspiratorial beliefs.”

From the foot notes of this excerpt was from an article: “The Rise of Domestic Extremism in America,” Washington Post12 April 2021. How many church going conservative patriots are going out to fire-bomb government buildings? How many patriots with families are willing to risk violent acts? How many patriots are willing going to prison for years. If these accusations were really true, then you would see this on the nightly fake news broadcasts for months. Is the writer suggesting that grandmothers are forming gangs of violent thugs to harass and threaten people?

This is just part of the essay that meanders incoherently. It strings together various articles together in long-winded wordy paragraphs attempting to form a loosely coupled, but tightly cohesive hypothesis of far-right violence in this political climate. How often are we told by this regime that the American people, in particular, White Supremacists, as the perpetrators of political violence. Well, when you consider that Schmucky Chucky Schumer and Nazi Piglosi are pasty white perfect examples of White Supremacists, maybe the author has a point. But that’s very tendentious on my part.

I thought my postings were bad enough with my run-on sentences and poorly worded grammar. But I’m not a writer in the trained classical sense. But given what’s out there in the leftist media world, what difference does someone like me bringing my own conservative perspectives. I like like to write my opinions with a healthy dash of sarcasm. Plus we conservatives don’t own the majority of the media squawk-box that floods the airwaves with leftist insensate content. They’d just rather I’d shut up and be quiet. It’s part of the violence inherent in the system.



Partly cloudy with isolated showers. 20% chance of rain this afternoon. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 13 mph, gusts 28 mph. Cloud cover is 41%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 3/64 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is at 79%. Barometric pressure is 30.03 inches and dewpoint is 69°. UV index 13. Air quality Index is at 31. Readings taken at 12:05PM HST.

Iulai Iwakālua Kūmāhiku, 2022
