Bagel And News Smear


Aloha kākou. Today is Primary Day in Hawai’i. Let’s Go And Vote The Marxist Democrats Out. 

A bagel and a schmear with onions and lox. Hold the capers, too salty. A breakfast nosh or maybe a brunch to nibble on to start the day. The Fake News Media takes “smear,” literally in the sense of defamation against Americans. This is a pattern with the Fake News Media, the Pretorian Guard that protects the Marxist democrats and the corrupt government agencies that are now focusing their anger on working Americans. The rhetoric is getting shrill and dangerously close to inciting violence.

ABC Fake News Josh Margolin suggests Americans are angry at the FBI for raiding President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home. Yes, we Americans are angry. But Margolin is a racist. He’s calling protesting Americans “Neo-Nazis” because Merrick Garland is Jewish. What does that have to do with the price of bagels in New York? Margolin is a schmuck.

That’s quite a stretch to make such an accusation without any evidence that White Supremacist even exist still in the country anymore. Are White Supremacists in the News lately? Let alone committing acts of violence. Or even associated with American conservatives. Margolin is Fake News Propaganda.

Unless you’re describing Neo-Nazi’s that are Antifa-BLM thugs. Or what I call Nazi Piglosi’s stormtroopers. The Fake News media are the Pretorian guard of the Marxist democrat party. The Fake News Media are the propaganda wing of the Neo-Nazis. Josh Margolin fills out the bill of fare of White Supremacist Racism. He’s the Bagel Menu Special of the Day. Josh Margolin makes accusations with no supporting evidence. That’s how Nazis spread hate.

“As soon as President Trump put out confirmation on Monday that the raid had been done and was underway, we [who is we, Josh?] immediately started seeing factions on the far right, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, militia organizers calling for violence as they always have done against Jews — the attorney general is Jewish,” Margolin said. “Against the FBI, federal law enforcement, against other perceived enemies — enemies they perceive to be enemies of President Trump.” — Fake News ABC News chief investigative reporter Josh Margolin.

This clown is a loony. Where’s the proof? Present it. You’re suppose to be a reporter, Margolin. Where’s your evidence? There’s is none. This douchebag made it up. This idiot has cream cheese crammed between his ears. What can you expect from an anti-Semitic hater?

But this is not the first time the Fake News Media besmirches Americans they don’t like. They freeze it, polarize it, and accuse Americans as enemies of the people. We Are The People. Who do these arbiters of Fake News think they are? Every night on Cable News CNN and MSLSD go through a litany of racial accusations against conservatives. Doesn’t matter it you’re White or Black, if you’re a conservative, then the Fake News media calls you a Neo-Nazi. If you’re religious Christian, then you’re a White Supremacist. I watch their hate filled videos everyday. Now if you support President Trump, then you’re a violent insurrectionist.

GRABIEN SUPERCUT – Fake News Media: The FBI’s Mar-a-Lago Raid Wasn’t Actually a Raid and Definitely Wasn’t Political. They repeat this lie in the same cadence on all the Fake News channels. Even Faux News hack reporter, Bret Baier, that continues to push the lie that President Trump lost the 2020 election to a senile clown that campaign from his basement and got 80 million votes. Baier has become CNN’s Brian Stelter but with hair. Hack Baier keeps repeating that the FBI must have had to have something to trigger the raid. Baier is speculating and pushing his opinion. Which doesn’t make him a “Fair and Balanced” journalist. When we know the FBI was at Mar-a-Lago months ago examining the documents and recommended adding an extra lock to the document storage room. The FBI found nothing but unclassified documents.

What the Fake News Media is trying to do is goat Trump supporters into committing acts of violence by fanning the flames of hate. Sorry to disappoint the Fake News Media. Trump supporters showed up at Mar-a-Lago carrying Trump banners and American flags. They peacefully demonstrated the illegal raid on President Trump’s. Very few saw this on the Fake News Media. Only Canadian Rebel News covered this.

What triggered this raid was vengeance. A last ditch effort by the Deep State to find anything to indict and convict President Trump with a false crime. For six years they’ve been trying to find some dirt. Something in Trump’s taxes. Anything in Trump’s orders to accuse him of treason. When the Clintons, Bushies, and Obummers all have thousands of classified documents. Clinton even deleted, smashed and Bit Bleached, classified documents. A criminal act that was never prosecuted. When does the Hildabeast and Obummers mansions get raided? Double Standards. One for ordinary Americans, another for the criminal Deep State.

I really don’t care what’s in the warrant. Because there’s nothing there to justify this criminal action by a corrupt Department of Injustice and an evil Attorney General and FBI. They’re going to try and indict and convict President Trump of a crime he never committed. Americans know this. This the the death throes of a corrupt Deep State regime that has been dragging this country down for decades. It’s time to Refresh the Tree of Liberty. VOTE THE BUMS OUT

A special message from Jon Voight To The American People



Partly cloudy with isolated showers. 90% chance of precipitation today. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 10 mph, gusts 23 mph. Cloud cover is 54%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 9/64th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70s. Humidity is at 76%. Barometric pressure is 29.99 inches and dewpoint is 71°. UV index 11. Air quality Index is at 17. Readings taken at 12:10PM HST.

ʻAukake ʻUmi Kūmākolu, 2022


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