Satan’s Quarry


Aloha kākou. Pedo-Hitler Biden’s War against Americans continues in this Part II Report. Our Constitutional Liberties are under assault by Marxist democrats. A corrupted judicial system is arresting and imprisoning Americans just for exercising their Constitutional Freedoms. Violent criminals now have more rights than innocent victims. Corruption within the federal judicial system has FBI agents spying on Americans for exercising their Constitutional Rights.

Biden’s corrupt regime has tested Americans into seeing how much government abuse and restrictions we will put up with. The lockdowns, restrictions on liberties, the vaccine mandates, were used a conditioning tool. The government now is warning of another pandemic wave just in time for the 2024 election. The government is now planning to put new constraint restrictions to corral people into new mandate confinements.

One of those government tools is freezing bank accounts for no reason. A growing number of bank customers are having their accounts shut down without much warning or explanation, leaving them without access to their money. What the government is doing is to lump ordinary citizens as criminals.

The banks are required to lock accounts and error on the side of caution. Otherwise, the banks will get punished by the government. It used to be that the FBI would hunt down bank fraud cases, now they’re hunting down anyone making ordinary transactions. If someone supports President Trump, that’s a Red-Flag for the FBI. If the amount in the transaction reached a threshold, that triggers an account to be frozen. The customer has no recourse but to defend themselves. Guilty until proven innocent.

Stealing elections using campaign donation can be bank fraud. But it depends on the political party. Democrats are using Fascistbook social media Suckerbucks, ballot harvesting, ballot dropboxes, and election counting cheating. Marxist democrats have been getting away with paying off voter fraud for years. Dead people can vote, don’tcha know.

We will lose our country if Marxist democrats win the 2024 election. They are openly planning to cheat in November. If President Trump wins the 2024 election, then democrat fascists like Rep. Jamie Ratskins and other democrats plan to challenge and decertify State electoral votes. They did this in 2020 and they’re going to do it again unless legal safeguards are in place. Pedo-Hitler Biden admitted to voter fraud.

If the democrats win, then we’re going to be in Endless Wars for years or until they bankrupt the country. War funding for Ukraine, and other wars will drain our resources. Prices for food, energy, and inflation will go up. Already the Biden regime has canceled a plan to refill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). Because Pedo-Hitler Biden’s regime sold nearly one million barrels of oil to a Chinese energy company in which President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden has a stake in. Biden is bleeding our energy reserves to Communist China to profit his son.

Damaging the Economy by energy isn’t the only damage Pedo-Hitler Biden is doing. States are under siege by Biden’s DHS flooding illegal aliens into the country. Our retirement benefits, social security, and Medicare benefits are being depleted to support illegal aliens. Free healthcare, free housing, free education and free money.

Fake News Media objective is to deceive the American people of the truth. Liberty University Law Professor Phill Kline joins the John Fredricks Radio show to share his concerns with the growing movement on the left to create a government utopia. The Fake News Media was the predominate source for information in America. Back then, there was only Rush Limbaugh who championed the AM Radio airwaves and where conservative talk radio began.

The historical legacy of the media has been a tool of disinformation by the government. Broadcast media, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, news outlets are propaganda mouthpieces for every Marxist democrat regime. Republican administrations have been punching bags by the media. The Fake News Media goes out of their way to twist and discredit conservatives. As mouthpieces for the Marxist democrats, they will lie to create a false narrative. The Communist Nutbag Network (CNN) is famous for this misinformation.

This seesaw cycle between the fake news media and the two political parties formed the Uniparty. Both political parties are now indistinguishable from one and other. Same policies, same economic stagnation, same government corruption, and same corrupt judicial system. Then came President Trump and shook up the Uniparty status quo.

Satan’s quarry has grown into a Deeps State Uniparty that cannot be trusted to work for the American people. As it was originally designed to do by the Founders. We’re now back to the years of high inflation, massive national debt, and endless wars. Just four years ago, President Trump had zero wars, a booming economy, and a prosperous future. We know Covid was planned and delivered to disrupt the 2020 elections. Satan’s disciples are using the same gameplan to steal the 2024 election. We’d better wake up to this before it’s too late. Get involved, get active, get out and vote. Vote to Make American Great Again.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with moderate rain showers. There is a 90% chance of precipitation. We received 1-1/8 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 7 mph, gust 18 mph. Cloud cover is 88%. Visibility is 6 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 92%. Barometric pressure is 30.17 inches. Dewpoint is 68° and UV index is 8. Air quality Index is fair at 42. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila ‘Ekolu 2024