Keeping The Lights On


Aloha kākou. The State of Hawai’i pursuit of cheap environmentally clean electrical energy is 48¢ cents per kilowatt hour. We have the highest electrical rates in the United State. Hawaii’s insane Marxist democrat dictatorial government is killing paradise to save the planet.

Imagine coming home from work and finding your power, that you pay big buck for, is shut off at your home, apartment, condominium, and if you’re a tourist, at your hotel room. Just to show you that your corrupt democrat run dictatorship has mandated third world problems in a first world state of paradise. We’re saving the planet by inconveniencing your vacation, Mr. and Mrs. Tourist. Residents can’t cook dinner or watch TV at home. You can’t prepare your children for tomorrow’s school day. Because there’s no power until after 9PM HST.

Remember the toilet rule: If it’s yellow, let it mellow. If it’s brown, flush it down. Or maybe get a bucket to hold your pee and poop in. Toilet paper? Use a banana or Ti leaf. But beware of the Little Red Fire Ants. Maybe take a cold shower, that’s how we used to clean ourselves. And soap, fuhgeddaboudit.

It’s very inconvenient for residents to experience daily Rolling blackouts at peak times. I see HELCO posting on Twitter-X everyday with power outages and restorations. State-run Public Utilities Commission tell Hawai’i Big Island residents that crews are working to fix several aging power generators. Electrical power plants that have been deliberately neglected for decades. Your tax dollars at work. Residents are now required to help conserve energy for the whole island. It’s a small sacrifice to save the planet from those dangerous CO2 fossil fuel generators that worked so reliably to power our homes for years.

At least they’re working to identify the cause of the power failures. Even if the utilities and the State are the cause of the problems. After letting the wound fester and spread for decades. Planning and maintenance were always an afterthought. That’s like buying a brand new $50,000 car and never getting an oil change, a chassis lube, and regular maintenance to keep the vehicle running. Fixing the vehicle after it breaks down several times. Imagine the cost of those repairs.

State House of Representatives Energy and Environmental Protection Committee chair Nicole Lowen joined KHON2 News last Thursday morning. Rep. Lowen doesn’t think the Public Utilities Commission and Hawaiian Electric are doing enough to make sure that Hamakua Energy is maintained and providing electricity for customers. Well, DUH!

Renewables are a single point of failure as are unkept fossil fuel generator plants. Solar, wind, and battery are not going to lower rates as promised. That’s true wherever renewables are used. Then there’s the transmission line infrastructure which is also aging and overloaded. The cost benefit ratio between renewables and fossil fuel electrical generation is overestimated. Planned electrical usage is going to grow faster than the grid will handle. I would suggest replacing fossil fuel plants first and then with renewables once they reach the same cost, efficiency, and reliability.

Practical Engineering addresses Hawaii’s infrastructure and the human-made caused energy problems. It’s hosted, written, and produced by Grady Hillhouse and provides an outsiders view into addressing Hawai’i energy reliability and cost analysis. It’s an interesting analysis.

It’s more than just planning and maintenance on these isolated islands. It’s anticipating needs before they become issues. Isn’t that the purpose of government? What are our taxes being used for? Other than lining the pockets of corrupt politicians. Why wait till a problem happens before doing something about it? Take for example the Lāhainā, Maui wildfires. Totally preventable. But the priority is converting these islands’ power grid to unreliable, non-renewable, utopian unicorn power sources.

Is it fair that island people’s energy needs are ignored to placate politicians and environmentalists’ desire for a clean habitat? Where they don’t have to be personally inconvenienced. With more bicycle pads and Volvos. Smart Cities to replace disasters after they happen. Is this a good use of our taxpayers’ monies? Or maybe we could live like the Flintstones.

Keeping The Lights On is only going to get harder as environmental mandates restrict Hawai’i from entering into first world solutions: Power, housing, food, water, employment, and even charging your EV car. They want us to go green while taking away our freedoms and quality of life conforts. Image no air conditioning, no refrigeration, until after 9PM in the evening. Imagine cooking food with animal dung as they do in Africa. Environmentalism means living in third world technology. To save the planet, we must rid the surface nuisance of those pesky people.

Last night at the Merrie Monarch Festival was Hula Kahiko. Here’s a sample of the competition.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with occasional moderate rain showers. There is an 80% chance of precipitation. We received 31/32 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the north northeast at 14 mph, gust 26 mph. Cloud cover is 88%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 77%. Barometric pressure is 30.16 inches. Dewpoint is 66° and UV index is 8. Air quality Index is fair at 41. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila ‘Eono 2024