Invasion America


Aloha kākou. The rally at the Bronx proved to be an eye-opening experience into the psyche of the Hispanic community. These people may be poor in riches but they’re wise in prevalence. They made it abundantly clear that illegals are not welcomed in their community. They’re resentful of the government dumping illegal aliens into their Barrios. It’s not racial animus but strain on their neighborhoods.

Marxist democrats expected that the locals in the Bronx would welcome illegals as their own kind. Democrats assumed that because these people, the majority being Spanish speaking immigrants, would just blend into the neighborhoods. There were no plans by the Biden regime to house, feed, and provide medical assistance for the illegals. The government just dumped them into the neighborhoods. This is happening around the country in other democrat cities and states, but the media has stopped reporting the migrant crisis because it doesn’t help Pedo-Joe Biden’s plans for reelection.

Remember when Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sent illegal migrants to Martha’s Vineyard? They stayed for about 48 hours before the local rich liberal leftist people of Martha’s Vineyard kicked the illegals out. With hugs and kisses, the liberal left saw the illegals off with a tear in their eyes.

You’re Always Welcome To Stay, But You Can’t Stay Here.” The illegals were moved from a church shelter to a military base on Cape Cod, where they will live temporarily. At least till Pedo-Joe Biden’s regime can dump the illegals in another democrat city. DeSantis defended his actions after facing criticism.

The people in the Bronx don’t have the political clout for their local misrepresentives to act quickly. Of course not, their misrepresentives are all democrats. They’re not like the rich wealthy liberal people of Martha’s Vineyard. Within 48 hours the state packed the illegal immigrants into busses and shipped them off to another city. Where? Who knows?

Millions of illegal aliens from over 160 countries have flooded into our nation. The Fake News Media is barely covering this invasion into the United States anymore because it will hurt Pedo-Joe Biden’s election chances. Resources are getting tight, and crime is going up. Third world diseases are spreading, and these immigrants are replacing American workers in food processing plants. Already, the World Health Organization (WHO) and our Centers for Disinformation and Confusion (CDC) are planning for an H5N1 Bird Flu pandemic conveniently to happen this fall. Just in time for the 2024 Presidential elections. What a coinkydink. Plans to destroy poultry and cattle farms are already in the works. The food supply is going to get expensive.

Senator Chuckles Schumer at a 2022 press gaggle said he wants amnesty for illegals. Schmucky Schumer says Marxist democrats want to pass an immigration bill because “we have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to.” Schumer then calls for amnesty for “all 11 million or however many” illegal immigrants in the U.S. There are more than 11 million illegals in this country. The bottom line is Marxist democrats want illegals to vote in elections to remain in power forever. Replacing American citizens right to vote. 

As for the population not growing, that’s because abortion is up. Even when the Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade, abortions are not declining. As for amnesty, that’s going to forever change the election demographics. That’s been the democrats’ plan. Pedo-Joe Biden’s has said if Americans won’t vote for democrats, then he will flood the nation with illegals that will. Already, blue state liberals are allowing illegals to vote in local elections. Allowing illegals to get drivers licenses. Now, Marxist democrats want to give illegals guns. What could go wrong?

If illegals pass the physical and required tests you can serve in our Military and if you do it honorably, WE will make you Citizens of the United States” Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) suggested on the Senate floor that illegal immigrants should be able to earn U.S. citizenship by serving in the military. “What troubles me about the debate now over the southern border is that it is one half of the immigration equation,” Durbin said in a speech on the Senate floor. “Yes, we need order at the border. Yes, we need to have changes in the laws that reflect the reality of the overwhelming numbers from all over the world who are coming to our shores and our border. But there’s also an incredible demand for legal immigration into this country even now.”

The idea of giving illegal aliens weapons and military training is horrifying. The majority of illegals crossing the border are mostly men of military age. They have no loyalty to this nation. They come here for jobs. American jobs. The Marxist democrats are creating an army of illegals. Why not just surrender our sovereignty over to the Communist Chinese and learn to speak Mandarin? Why not just surrender our laws and traditions over the Marxist democrat’s autocracy?

At a campaign rally in Waukesha, Wisconsin, yesterday, former President Trump called for a massive deportation effort. People from the Bronx also welcomed that message. Every legal immigrant agrees with President Trump. President Trump made the same speech to the people of the Bronx, and they cheered. They said they went through the naturalization process to become a citizen. They said it was unfair to them to have to work for citizenship while illegals get a free pass. With money, housing, food, education, and medical care. Bronx people said they have a homeless problem the government is ignoring.

Invasion America is a real problem. Legal immigrants have been slapped in the face by Marxist democrats. They’re being treated like trash by the democrats. Maybe legal immigrants will look closer at Republicans to better representation? I hope that’s the case and I hope the Republicans will start to wake up and make the effort. Trump made the effort to and asked them “What do you have to lose?” — Indeed, they have everything to gain. Compare four years of Trump to Biden and see who has done the better job. They might not like Trump, but they life was easier with Trump. Save America. Trump 2024.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with scattered moderate showers. There is a 60% chance of precipitation. We received 1/4 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 8 mph, gusts 18 mph. Cloud cover is 66%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 81%. Barometric pressure is 30.06 inches. Dewpoint is 69° and UV index is 11. Air quality Index is great at 29. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei Iwakālua kūmāwalu 2024