Beyond Lies


Aloha kākou. Pedo-Hitler Biden’s Economic Bloodbath continues to wreck the economy as thousands of businesses shutter around the nation. Pedo-Joe Biden’s regime has deepened an economic strain across major retail sectors leading to a retail economic bloodbath. Major retailers, including Macy’s, Walgreens, CVS, Family Dollar, Walmart, and 7-Eleven, have announced closures. A staggering 2,599 store closures are planned for this year, marking a 2.5% increase from the same period last year, according to the DailyMail.

A major contributor to the economic woes is the rising crime and thievery at retail stores by mobs of youths. Marxist democrats continue to ignore crime exist, even denying that crime in inner cities is out of control. The videos are out there, the police are overwhelmed. Democrat leaders continue to deny that crime is on the rise but insist that crime is actually declining. They have no grip on reality as they watch their cities burn and crumble.

Once city officials are backed into a corner, they blame crime on racial stereotypes. There must be some equality disparity issues causing an increase in crime, the leftists reason. As with this far-left city attorney that blames crime on racial disparity. It’s all white people’s fault, she says. White people are afraid of black mobs of youths, this kooky attorney contends. Yes, even black people are afraid of a mob of black youths. But listen to this idiot, you will not believe the leftist consternations behind this lunatic’s logic.

“Super Predators,” as Pedo-Joe Biden once defined blacks, can be defined as mobs of young people looting stores. White democrat officials refuse to acknowledge these are mobs of black youths looting stores. They don’t want to give the appearance of being racially prejudiced. It the tables were turned and there were mobs of white kids looting stores, then it would be on the 24/7 national news cycle. The Marxist double standard will continue to make blue cities into intercity-desert no-go zones. Further sending major cities like Chicago, Minneapolis, New York, Los Angels, Houston, and others into concrete ghettos. Lawless prison cities of their own making. No businesses are going to want to go there. People living there will lose access to needed medications and food. But the Marxist democrat doesn’t care. It’s racist to say so, don’tcha know.

The White House decided to host a needless Juneteenth celebration this year. While Pedo-Joe Biden watches a variety of entertainers sing songs he seems to be in another world entirely. But things go completely haywire when he has to give the closing speech, and this may be the worst he’s ever seen. — Sivaady

Pedo-Joe Biden stares off into space, never blinks, stands in a robotic stuper seemingly unaware of where he is. Who’s the black guy in the long gown with 7 o’clock shadow? Biden constantly slurring his words making incoherent speeches. Talking nonsense. Blaming crime on white supremacy while pandering to black audiences. Never speaking about what he and his regime would do to help solve the inner-city problems. Instead, Pedo-Joe Biden constantly blames President Trump for the problems his regime has done to American cities. Democrats will always blame others for what they are doing.

Pedo-Joe Biden spoke about being tough on the border back in 2019. But now that he’s been in control for the past few years that has changed dramatically. And to make matters worse something has just been uncovered that might give you the chills. — Sivaady

The border invasion has damaged American security in every state in the nation. Terrorists around the world have been entering the country ever since Biden’s regime opened the borders. Anyone around the world can enter our country. The three letter national security agencies know what’s happening and they refuse to do anything about it. Before 9-11-2001, the FBI used to stop terrorists, bank robbers, and dangerous criminals. Now, the FBI under director Christopher Wray blows it off as investigations he can’t talk about. No one knows what the FBI is doing to protect the nation. What are we paying them to do? The FBI has become Biden’s Pretorian Guard. They protect the pedophile president and his crooked crime family. This is the Deep State at work destroying our nation.

It’s ‘Beyond Lies’ now and it’s just standing operating procedure with the Marxist democrats. They get elected and they destroy the nation. When Republicans come in a fix what the democrats broke, the democrats incite violence and racism to regain power. Nothing ever changes. This has been going on for decades. What do Marxist democrats have to show for this? Cities crumbling, economy crashing, crime rising, and society disintegrating. Then the democrats blame others for their destructive policies.

It’s not a race war that the Marxist democrats want. This is a war between evil and good. It’s between unlimited abortions and saving the nuclear family. The Marxist democrat war against America isn’t just racial, it against conservativism. Justice Clarance Thomas, Ben Carson, Rep. Burgess Owens, Rep. Byron Danials, AG Winsome Sears, and Rep. Mark Robinson are just a few conservative blacks under attack by democrats. These are good people that love their country.

It’s never about race, but ideology of what is good for the country and family. Racism is used as leverage to create fear and loathing. Marxist democrats want a divided America always at each other’s throats. It’s what they believe keeps them in power. Conservatives want a harmonious America where all citizens are promised with their God given rights and opportunities. That’s why we need to Make America Great Again. Get involved in restoring faith in our nation. Vote to Save America. Vote Conservative. Vote MAGA. Vote Trump 2024.

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with scattered moderate showers. There is a 90% chance of precipitation. We received 11/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 11 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 60%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is 82%. Barometric pressure is 30.05 inches. Dewpoint is 72° and UV index is 12. Air quality Index is great at 13. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune ʻUmi Kūmālua 2024