Executive Destruction


Aloha kākou. With the signing of an Executive Orders, Beijing Biden has destroyed over 100,000 jobs. On his first day in office, Beijing Biden signed more than a dozen executive actions, some of which reversed decisions made by his predecessor, former President Donald Trump.

End Keystone XL pipeline and revoke oil and gas development at national wildlife monuments. This in effect destroys 11,000 union jobs right away. The ripple effects will cause secondary and other orbiting jobs to be eliminated. In total over 100,000 people already struggling to keep their jobs will lose their livelihood.

Beijing Biden says these union workers can learn to code and find other jobs. People that welders, pipe fitters, and builders are being told to find another job as a software coder. What a slap in the face.

This will destroy America’s energy independence and force us to rely on foreign energy. Additionally, Beijing Biden is going to ban Fracking. This will also raise the cost of energy in America. It will raise electricity rates, gas prices, and products produced using petroleum. Just about every product produced in the United States uses petroleum in some manner. Clothing, food, transportation, electricity, all sectors in the economy uses petroleum in one form or another.

The cost of products and services will increase and it will effect jobs across the country. We’re already struggling with an economy recovering from the Communist Chinese Wuhan Kung Fu Flu Coronavirus. This will only slow the economy down to a crawl, if not permanently damage the economy.

On top of making energy costs unaffordable, Beijing Biden wants a $15 dollar minimum wage which will kill many jobs especially for young people entering the workforce, minorities, and the working poor. Employers will not be able to hire in restaurants and retail stores without either raising prices or just not hiring.

Rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement. The Paris climate negotiations took place under the Regime of Barry the Bullshitter Obama and were led by incoming climate change communist czar John Kerry when he was secretary of state. This means China and India can burn coal for electricity with no environmental restrictions, but the United States must scale back it’s energy independence. This will further damage any economic recovery.

For decades, ever since the regime of Jimmy Carter and the Arab energy embargo, Americans have demanded energy independence. To keep foreign nations from holding us hostage for energy. By relying on countries that are not friendly to the United States for energy, Beijing Biden is putting the economy at great risk. President Trump gave that independence to us and Beijing Biden is taking that energy independence away.

Rejoining the World Health Organization (WHO), which the Trump administration was in the process of leaving. Beijing Biden is also looking to reestablish the U.S. as an active leader at the WHO. The WHO is controlled by Communist China. The WHO lied about the virus for Communist China. The WHO took our tax dollars and then worked with Communist China to spread the virus around the world. Why would we want to trust the WHO ever again?


Beijing Biden signed executive orders implementing a mask mandate on federal property. Calling for a nationwide face mask and social distancing mandate in federal buildings, on federal lands and by federal employees and contractors.

National parks are also federal property, and the parks are outside where you don’t need to wear masks. Yet even after signing the order Beijing Biden and family went to national monuments not wearing a mask. So the communist disobeyed his own order. What a hypocrite. Can you see people wearing masks in Yellowstone park.

Beijing Biden signed a radical divisive transgender executive order that threatens the privacy and safety of women in single-sex facilities, equality and fairness in single-sex sports, and good medicine based on the reality that males and females are biologically different. The communist democrats war on woman.

Counting non-citizens in U.S. Census again. This reverses President Trump’s order in July 2020 to not count undocumented illegal aliens. Doing so would affect federal allocation of money and federal representation. The census would also reapportion the number of representatives in voting districts. It will increase the number of democrats in these districts making these areas a single party state forever. Including non-citizens in the census will not accurately represent legal American citizens anymore, but give illegals preferential status.

Beijing Biden wants a return to the “Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)”. That was the failed Iran nuclear deal framework that Barry the Bullshitter Obama put together to allow Iran to build a nuclear bomb. This is the same deal where Barry the Bullshitter Obama gave the Mad Mullahs billions of dollars in cash in the middle of the night on pallets.

One of President Trump’s greatest foreign policy achievements was getting Arab nations to make peace with Israel. The Arab nations know that Iran is their enemy, not Israel. The Arab nations know that it is in their best economic interests to partner with Israel and the United States against Iran. Beijing Biden wants to give money and technology to Iran to help them build a nuclear weapon.

Beijing Biden is sending more United States Blood and Treasure back to Syria to continue with endless wars. We have no national security interests in Syria. This is the return of the regime of Barry the Bullshitter Obama 2.0 and this regime of Beijing Biden could start a nuclear war.

The abuse of our soldiers by the corrupt regimes of Obama and Biden continues today. By mobilizing 25,000 soldiers as a show of force to protect the democrats overthrow of the United States of America. When it was over, the communist democrats tossed our soldiers away to a parking garage with one toilet and one electrical outlet. Further demoralizing our soldiers.

Our Hero, President Trump opened up Trump Hotel in DC to our soldiers as a place to stay before heading home. Beijing Biden and the communist democrats used our soldiers as props for the incoming dictator. Communist democrats used our soldiers as political props.

Schmucky Schumer, the senate tinpot clown, got excited today trying to trash President Trump in a hilarious slip of his tongue. 

Schmucky Schumer instead of saying “Donald Trump” incited an “insurrection”, he incited something else. Schumer was on the Senate floor when he pressed for an impeachment trial. Schumer said, “There will be a trial and when the trial ends, Senators will have to decide if they believe Donald John Trump incited the erection.” He realized what he had said almost immediately, and corrected himself with the word, “insurrection.” Well, it WAS an uprising! There are gonna be a lot of hard questions asked during the erection hearing.

Welcome To Communist Democrat Mob Rule


The day started with sunshine. By afternoon clouds have rolled in, and radar shows rain approaching east Hawai’i island. Cloud cover is 80%. Visibility is 10 miles. Tradewinds are from the north east at 3mph with gusts at 9mph. We got just a 3/8 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the low 70’s with humidity at 83%.

‘Ianuali Iwakālua Kūmālua, 2020