Generals Have No Clothes


Aloha kākou. The incredible disastrous collapse of Afghanistan was a preventable train wreck that many saw coming at full speed. Albeit, a 20 year train wreck managed by the most incompetent generals in United States military history. Everyone in the Joint Chiefs of Staff should be Court Marshalled and imprisoned for the murder of thousands of American soldiers. They kept the Military Industrial Complex running for 20 years in Afghanistan with no effort to win the war and leave. War By profit.

Throughout multiple presidencies the generals kept a perpetual façade of winning a war against 7th century goat herders. They claimed we were making progress. But it was never true. It was all lies. It was kickbacks for the Military Industrial Complex and the generals that would soon go to work for these companies to lobby congress for more money to keep the war machine going. Jim Crow Joe brought General Ursus Austin out of Raytheon to be the Sec. of Defense. The generals didn’t care about the men and women being sent to die for their country under the false flag of defending the homeland. It was a cash cow for the generals retirement fund to keep the War Machine running.

One President knew what was happening and he called out the generals. That was President Trump. When President Trump was elected he gathered the generals and scolded them for not wanting to win the Afghanistan war and wanting get out of Afghanistan. The generals were not pleased and they plotted their revenge against President Trump. The generals planted Fake News stories and made false charges of quid pro quo and Russian assassination plots against our troops. The Deep State Lies.

In an excellent monologue, Tucker Carlson, brilliantly details the timeline of President Trump’s Presidency. What unfolds is the betrayal by the Pentagon against the American President and the American people. It details how the Fake News Media mocked President Trump and praised Jim Crow Joe Biden as the adult in the room. Notice how quiet the Fake News Media is today now that Afghanistan has fallen to 7th century warlords.

The worlds mightiest military has been defeated by 7th century goat herders. Has there been any accountability? None whatsoever. The generals still have their jobs. They sit in their air conditioned offices thousands of miles away from the battlefield while the sons and daughters, husbands and wives, friends and family go to war that was never intended to end. Never intended to be won. The ultimate sacrifice is paid with the price of a few thousand ordinary lives.


No remorse from the Woke Generals. They don’t care about the lives they sacrificed. They only care about White Rage and Critical Race Theory. Winning Wars isn’t in our charter anymore, says the Generals. We’re battling racism in the Rank and File. It’s there, we just have to find it, the generals say. Our enemy is the American people.

It was never like this before. America has won wars when the right people were leading. But Generals Ursus Austin and Milley Vanillie are holdovers from the regime of Barry the Bullshitter. Most of the Pentagon generals are Obama era generals. They’re far left Marxist’s, and they hated President Trump and the American people.

The last real American General that won a war was General “Storming” Norman Schwartzkof.


The last time America won a war was the Gulf War which began on January 16, 1991, and ended with an Iraqi defeat and retreat from Kuwait on February 28, 1991. We got in and out in just over a month. After 42 days of relentless attacks by the allied coalition in the air and on the ground, U.S. President George H.W. Bush declared a cease-fire on February 28; by that time, most Iraqi forces in Kuwait had either surrendered or fled.

The events unfolding in Afghanistan were preventable. There was an orderly plan that President Trump put in place to get all our people out. The Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) for Afghanis that help us for 20 years. The advanced military equipment to be removed or destroyed. Retaining Bagram Air Base and maintaining a presence in Afghanistan so ISIS cannot reconstitute itself. All that is gone now. What’s even more worrisome is the advanced military equipment that will fall into Communist Chinese hands. The rich rare earth minerals the Chinese will have access to mining. All that Jim Crow Joe Biden had to do was sit back and let the autopilot take over. But like the 9-11 terrorists that few the plane into the Schwenksville field, Jim Crow Joe crashed Afghanistan into the ground.

A heartbreaking loss for the United States and it’s great Military. We must have hostages released and our Military equipment returned, NOW! – President Donald J. Trump



Today started with cloudy skies and scattered showers. Sunshine by afternoon and clouds rolling in the evening. Tradewinds are from the north northeast at 9mph, gusts 22mph. Cloud cover is 36%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1/2 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is at 81%. Barometric pressure is 29.99 inches and dewpoint is 67 degrees. UV index 12. Air quality Index is good at 34.

Kepakemapa ‘Ehā, 2021


Rush To Madness


Aloha kākou. ʻUmi Kūmākolu Koa Pule Hoʻolaʻa (Dedication prayers for Thirteen soldiers). I cannot start this post without sending out prayers to our Men and Women killed in action in Afghanistan. All of them, now and over the past 20 years. These are the real heroes, the real leaders, and they all should be remembered and thanked for their service to our country. They didn’t fail us.


It was the Generals that failed us. It never should had happened and the fault squarely lays with the senile fascist occupying the White House, and his two flying monkeys running the defense department, Generals Milley Vanillie and Ursus Austin. Three criminals that should have been court martialed and imprisoned for treason. Jim Crow Joe should be impeached and charged with treason. The incompetence will get more Blood and Treasure killed. All the Joint Chiefs of Staff should be fired and replaced with competent Generals that want to win wars and keep our people and nation safe. Vote for Marxist Democrats and enter the Rush To Madness.

One Marine Commander RISKED IT ALL To Hold Jim Crow Joe’s Regime Accountable for the deaths and mismanagement of the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller was fired for posting this video asking for accountability from the inept Military leadership and the senile commander. Punished for telling the truth.


Americans are now being governed by a dysfunctional fascist regime. A corrupt Congress and Judicial System. An education system of Marxist indoctrination. Ten months ago, we had a robust economy, a growing job market with great pay and opportunities. We were coming out of a pandemic caused by the Communist Chinese. We had a plan to get our soldiers out of Afghanistan. A plan to evacuate American civilians and our Afghan translators (SIV) with their families, Special Immigration Visas. We were fortifying Bagram Airforce Base as a deterrent against Islamic terrorism. Bagram Airbase was a small self sustaining battle hardened city with runways, a hospital, advanced communications and weaponry. A way in and out, and a site to monitor China, Pakistan, and other enemy countries. They should have kept it, but General Milley Vanillie and General Ursus Austin didn’t believe the Airbase was worth keeping. Instead they wanted to fortify the Afghan Embassy, which fell to the Taliban anyway.

Want to get an idea just how stupid our Congressional and Military leadership is, consider the troop deployment after the January 6th Capitol protest. Just remember that our leaders care more about their own asses over the safety of our nation.


Let these numbers sink in. I was in full agreement with President Trump that 20 years in Afghanistan was enough. We were not fighting a war, we were nation building, which is not what the Military was designed to do. We were being policemen in a foreign country. Babysitters for a bunch of goat headers that have been at war with each other for centuries. It’s all these savages know. They’ve been at each others throats since the 7th century. We were not going to change that.

The soldiers lives lost this week average age was 22 years old. Most of them were still in diapers when we went to war in Afghanistan. This was Eisenhower’s warning to us about the Industrial Military Complex. He knew the system was not about winning wars, but keeping the money flowing to sustain wars. Even if war is redefined as Nation Building.

It seems that warning has come to fruition. Not once, but on multiple occasions. Not only is the enlisted military being used as toy soldiers for the pleasure of our corrupt elected officials, they are also expendable as collateral damage. President Trump recognized this and was taking steps to get out of Afghanistan. President Trump outlined his plan in the following video. Keep in mind, the Deep State (CIA & NSA) did everything they could to prevent President Trump from accomplish his goals.

August 21 2017 — President Trump delivers his policy on Afghanistan. He spoke from the Forty Myer Army base in Virginia.

Nazi Piglosi instructed General Ursus Austin to deploy 26,000 armed troops around the Capitol Building after the January 6th protests. Not to protect American lives, but to protect her wrinkly old ass. A vulgar display of power. To send a message to 80 Million voters that rejected the fraudulent 2020 election that we Americans have been declared Domestic Terrorists. 80 Million people that voted for the reelection of President Trump are now considered by Nazi Piglosi, the Marxist democrats, RINO republicans, and the Fake News Media as Enemy Combatants. This is what a coup d’état looks like. A military takeover of our government led by corrupt politicians. What happened next was the arrest and imprisonment of political prisoners. No charges, no justice, no due process, but solidary confinement for the crime of exercising their Constitutional First Amendment Rights.

Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson (R), one of the Good Guys, continued to seek answers from the DOJ about the treatment of Jan. 6 protestors. One America’s News John Hines has more from Capitol Hill.

But the Rush to Madness hasn’t stopped. The Unsocial Media Tech Giants started a war to silence voices on their platforms. To censor any voices seeking justice and fairness. It started with President Trump and he suspension from Twitter. Then suspension of anyone seeking justice for a stolen election. Anyone that supported President Trump was silenced, and they still are silenced from Twatter, Fascistbook, Instagrumble, and Google. Ronaldus Maximus predicted that if fascism comes to America, it will come in the form of liberalism. Reagan was right, fascism has arrived in America.


Parler was the first causality of the Unsocial Media purge. A popular alternative to Twatter’s Unsocial Media Tyranny. Unfortunately, their server farm was owned by Amazon and Parler was shutdown from the internet. Parler has since come back online, but they are not anywhere what they used to be. GAB is another alternative to Fascistbook, but they own their server farms and planned for such an eventually. GAB is subject to frequent attacks by both Cyber criminals and Marxist democrat politicians, but they have been able to withstand the attacks and remain online. I like GAB and I use the site often.

GAB received a letter from the “Select Committee” to Investigate the January 6th Protest at the United States Capitol. The Select Committee are Marxist democrats. They are demanding any communiqués by users of GAB the fascists believe are domestic terrorists. It’s 1950’s McCarthyism in 2021. It’s another attempt to silence free speech and blacklist people Marxist democrats fear.

GAB’s CEO Andrew Torba has a strict zero-tolerance policy towards threats of violence and unlawful speech. Trust me, I know. Mr. Torba went on to explain GAB’s policy exists to promote freedom of speech, by which we mean all speech which is protected speech under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. No more, no less. This has the Marxist democrats fuming with anger. Marxist democrats are trying to silence any social media sites that promote free speech. Marxist democrats want to control internet content. Fascistbook, Twatter, and Google doesn’t want the competition, so they are donating to the Marxist democrats elections to silence alternative social media sites like GAB that promote free speech. Our Constitutional First Amendment Rights Are Under Attack.

The Rush To Madness is spreading like a Kalifornia wildfire. It shows an America in decline, and we’re in real trouble of becoming a communist nation. Our nation is being attacked in multiple fronts in a attempt to divide and conquer by  fragmenting our society.

COVID Panic Porn is being used create fear and madness. Covid is being used to separate parents from their children because they are unvaccinated. A Chicago mother, Rebecca Firlit, says a Cook County judge has taken away her parental rights after learning that she is not vaccinated against COVID-19. Cook County Judge James Shapiro asked her whether she had been vaccinated. Firlit told Shapiro she had not because she has had bad reactions to vaccines in the past. Shapiro then ordered that Firlit be stripped of all parenting time with her son until she gets vaccinated. Holding children hostage until you get vaccinated. The Rush To Madness. Either get vaccinated with an experiential untested vaccine or lose your children.

Our southern border is breached with over a million illegal aliens entering the country. We have Americans trapped in Afghanistan that our government has abandoned. Instead of rescuing Americans from the Taliban, the military is sending unvetted Afghan nationals to the homeland. We don’t know if the Afghans are ISIS/Taliban terrorists or not. Our schools, corporations, and military are being indoctrinated with hateful Critical Race Theory. Our free speech rights are being silenced by Unsocial Media Tech Giants. The Fake News Media is now the State Run propaganda voice for the Marxist democrats. We have a judicial system that is corrupt, inept, and afraid to uphold the law.

The Rush to Madness is designed to overwhelm our economy. It was a strategy designed by Marxist professors back in the 1960’s. It called the “Cloward-Piven” strategy. Its objective is to force the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of crisis’s, thus collapsing society into a economic downfall.

This is why Nazi Piglosi is desperately trying to pass legislation to take voting rights away from the States and make the Federal government in control of all elections. Just as the communist do in their country to keep themselves in power forever. Only a handful of true Republicans are speaking out and doing something about it. They’re speaking out to let the public know and they are using any legislative means to Save America. Be aware of RINO republicans that are tied to Nazi Piglosi’s hips. RINO’s like Lindsey Graham that regularly appear on Faux News and talk tough like a yapping dog that barks a lot but has no bite. In other words, Graham is a bullshitter who just loves the camera. There are many other RINO’s and they have to be voted out also, before we lose our country to the Marxist democrats. We need to stop the Rush to Madness.



Today started with sunny skies and partly cloudy. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 9mph with gusts at 21mph. Cloud cover is 25%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got just under 1/4th (15/64ths) inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is at 71%. Barometric pressure is 29.97 inches and dewpoint is 62 degrees. UV index is 10.

ʻAukake Iwakālua Kūmāwalu, 2021


Matter Of Time


Aloha kākou. What can anyone say. Vote for Marxist democrats and watch the bodies hit the floor. No one can say this wasn’t unexpected. It was just a matter of time before our soldiers were going to get killed by the Taliban. I posted yesterday several videos where Nut-Psaki spoke about how swimmingly well the Afghanistan operation was going.

To add to idiocy of Jim Crow Joe’s regime of incompetent’s, the regime gave the Taliban what essentially is a “kill list” of people in Afghanistan and that has reportedly sparked intense outrage among lawmakers behind the scenes. File this under pure idiocy: As the Taliban took over Afghanistan, U.S. officials gave the terrorist-linked group a list of names of American citizens, green card holders, and Afghan allies. A Kill List.

Late last night, I started hearing warnings from the media and from the State department that something imminent was going to happen. The cables that were going out warned Americans not to go to the Kabul airport because something was being planned by the Taliban. And then it happened. The Taliban used their favorite method of killing people by suicide bombs. It seems the CIA was behind a plan to keep American troops in Afghanistan.

CIA Director William Burns traveled to Kabul to meet with the Taliban de facto leader, Abdul Ghani Baradar, this week, the Washington Post reported. Jim Crow Joe is expected to decide whether to extend evacuations beyond the August 31 deadline. It’s reported that Jim Crow Joe sent the top US spy to meet Baradar in Kabul on Monday as the administration continues efforts to evacuate American citizens and allies amid chaos at the airport in the fallen capital. Of course the Corrupt Inept Agency had nothing to say. Did the CIA betray us again?

The terrorist attack was to trigger the United States to bring in more troops and remain in Afghanistan past the Jim Crow Joe’s August 31st withdrawal date. During the time that Afghanistan was falling to the Taliban, a reconstituted brand of ISIS has appeared. ISIS was destroyed along with their Califate by President Trump. Jim Crow Joe has brought ISIS back.

When Jim Crow Joe was questioned whether he takes responsibility for his mistakes that got 13 soldiers killed, the coward blamed President Trump once again. The Idiot in Chief was asked, “There have not been a U.S. servicemember killed in combat in Afghanistan since February of 2020. You set a deadline. You pulled troops out. You sent troops back in, and now 12 Marines are dead. You said the buck stops with you. Do you bear any responsibility for the way that things have unfolded in the last two weeks?” Here’s what Jim Crow Joe said:

“I bear responsibility for fundamentally all that’s happened of late. Here’s the deal. You know – I wish you’d one day say these things – you know as well as I do that the former president made a deal with the Taliban that he would get all American forces out of Afghanistan by May 1. In return the commitment was made – and that was a year before – in return he was given the commitment that the Taliban would continue to attack others but would not attack any American forces. Remember that? I’m being serious. I’m asking you a question.

Read the full transcript here. This is criminal negligence beyond any scale. The Marxist democrats tried to impeach President Trump over a phone call. A malicious attempt to find a crime that didn’t exist. Do you hear any one in the Republican leadership calling for Jim Crow Joe’s impeachment? It doesn’t matter if the Republicans don’t have the House, they have to do something other that just remain quiet and passive.



Today started with scattered showers and cloudy skies. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 8mph with gusts at 22mph. Cloud cover is 48%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got just over 3/16th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is at 83%. Barometric pressure is 29.94 inches and dewpoint is 67 degrees. UV index is 13.

ʻAukake Iwakālua Kūmāono, 2021


Planet Of The Woke


Aloha kākou. Call me an equal opportunity racist. Then tell me this characterization is too harsh of a reality check. These Pentagon jackasses lied to the American People and Congress. They lied to hide their incompetence. They betrayed their Military oath to support and “defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic… So help me God.” Oh wait, we can’t say God anymore because God isn’t Woke enough. These cowards that are titled the “Joint Chiefs Of Staff” are all traitors to the United States of America. They all live on the “Planet of the Woke”. They have declared the American people a domestic terror threat, and like past traitors, Bowe Bergdahl and Bradley Manning, they changed into a burqa, put on high heals, painted their nails and place rouge on their lips. They are from the Planet of the Woke.

By extremism in the military General Ursus is talking about Caucasian soldiers and their families. He’s targeting specifically those soldiers that voted for President Trump. General Ursus is calling American soldiers “extremists”. There was no need for a Stand-Down. There was no talk in the military of a planned armed insurrection. This was to appease the Marxist democrats are in the process of soft Coup d’état against the United States. General Ursus is part of the betrayal in the trust in the civilian led military. General Ursus is the extremist in the military.

This Stand-Down actually hurt military cohesiveness, readiness and morale. It accused every enlisted, and non commissioned officer as a potential domestic terrorist. When people enter the military, they don’t see people as colors, the way General Ursus does. General Ursus sees gender fluidity within the military and he see people being discriminated by color. When the rank and file within the military sees only green, as in the uniform. Having been in a military family for almost all my life and continuing, I have never once seen open racism as General Ursus is claiming. However, everything that General Ursus just said in that video is accusatory and damning of those that protect our nation and honor the military oath. General Milley Vanillie is the extremist in the military.

General Milley Vanillie defends the teaching of “critical race theory” in the military during a congressional hearing on the military budget. General Milley Vanillie wants to understand “White Rage” and why people protested against the stolen 2020 election. Then Milley Vanillie calls the January 6th protest an insurrection. trying to overthrow the Constitution of the United States. Obviously, Milley Vanillie never read the Constitution, let alone the First Amendment where American citizens have the right to Redress of Grievances. What happened on Jan 6 was a planned riot by Nazi Piglosi, both the Marxist democrats and RINO’s, along with the DNC’s KGB using BLM-Antifa as infiltrators. General Milley Vanillie is a traitor to his military oath and to the Constitution of the United States.

General Milley Vanillie claims he read a book, or two, about Mao Zedong, Karl Marx, Lenin and other communist despots, and apparently he admired them enough to become a communist himself. Milley Vanillie should be reading “American Marxism” by Mark Levin, but that would have had Milley Vanillie staring back at himself in reflection.

What General Ursus and Milley Vanillie were doing was keeping their future jobs open at the Military Industrial Complex. They could care less for the soldiers sent to wars that were never fought to win. Twenty years in and no end in sight. No purpose defined. Nothing but a money gravy train for the Military Industrial Complex and these two monkeys are at the top of the decision making process.

While General Ursus and Milley Vanillie were busy hunting down White Supremacists within the military ranks and accusing Americans of being domestic terrorists, the Taliban were strolling into Kabul and Kandahar taking the place over. While Nazi Piglosi’s DNC KGB were arresting and prosecuting Mee-maws taking selfies in the Capitol building on January 6th, 2021, and Jim Crow Joe was flooding the borders with illegal aliens, a greater world threat was unraveling. The abandonment of Afghanistan had begun with lightening speed. After we were assured by Jim Crow Joe that would never happen. Many of us were warning of the disaster unfolding, but no one was listening. Many they didn’t want to listen. But if they could discredit President Trump, then they would everything to sabotage it all. To hell with the consequences to the American people and the country. Treason at the Planet of the Woke.

Miranda Devine is a journalist with the New York Post and a very good journalist. She spoke with President Trump regard his plan to withdrawal from Afghanistan. One of the major criticisms the Fake News Media accused President Trump of was negotiating with the Taliban. One of the first acts that Jim Crow Joe did was to dismantle President Trump’s plan to safely withdrawal from Afghanistan.

President Trump explained in an interview with Miranda Devine: “We were going to not let people get slaughtered,” “I wanted to get out. But you have to get out safely and you have to get out with respect…” President Trump said, “We had all sorts of conditions … All civilians were going to come out before the military. Everyone should have been out before they took our military out …” President Trump went on to say, “I was going to blow up every military base [before we left]. I was going to take out every single piece of equipment. I said, ‘I don’t want anything left [apart from] leave each soldier a gun …’ President Trump warned the Taliban terrorist leader, “What I had was conversations with the [Taliban] leadership where I said, ‘If you do anything, to harm or threaten any American’ we were going to hit you like you haven’t been hit before.” The Taliban leaders hated President Trump, but they feared and respected President Trump. No one American was killed during that time. The Taliban was willing to sit back and wait till the Americans were all gone.

Now, you can get an understanding why General Ursus and Milley Vanillie were desperate to focus on a false enemy from within the military ranks and the American people. It was imperative to them that the Afghanistan machine was to continue to run in perpetuity. It was General Ursus and Milley Vanillie’s gravy train as a lobbyists. They were happy to secure their retirement future at the expense of American blood and treasure. Who cares if more soldiers come home either killed in action or missing body parts. Now you know why I hold these two, and the rest of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in deep contempt. I don’t care if people are offended by my characterization of these bastards as refugees from the Planet of the Woke.

This was not a intelligence failure, it was a failure of politicians and generals that lied to keep the Military Industrial Complex fed with taxpayers money. It wasn’t the fault of the Boots on the Ground, it was a failure of the Brass in Air Conditioned offices. Our military did their jobs with valor and bravery. The Generals sat in their air conditioned offices and did nothing. The CIA, NSA, and other lack of intelligence agencies knew and never raised the alarms. When anyone did raised the alarms, they were immediately called traitors. I’ll give you two such people that even I was fooled into believing were wrong for exposing the corruption within the intelligence agencies: Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. They reported the truth about the corruption in the agencies and for that they are being wrongfully prosecuted.

Carnage on Kandahar Streets After Taliban Pull People from Their Homes and Slaughter Them. As of this hour, the regime of Jim Crow Joe has told the estimated 11,000 Americans stranded in Afghanistan to shelter in place and get to the airport as safely as you can. Except the airport is surrounded by Taliban gunman. No one can get in or out.

Reports that the Taliban has surrounded homes and going from door to door searching for Americans and anyone that supported the Americans. If found, they they are beheaded on the spot. Meanwhile, Jim Crow Joe’s regime is begging  the Taliban not to harm Americans. Even promising them aid if they don’t harm Americans.

Has anyone heard from any other President? Nothing from Barry the Bullshitter Obama, Clinton, Bush, Carter, except for President Trump. He’s been the only vocal President that is speaking out about this disaster. Jim Crow Joe is trying to blame President Trump by saying he couldn’t change the agreement with the Taliban. But that didn’t stop Jim Crow Joe from changing the border agreement and allowing illegal aliens to flood our country. So what’s preventing Jim Crow Joe from changing the agreement with the Taliban? It was change before by President Trump when the Taliban violated the agreement. The bottom line was that Jim Crow Joe could have let the agreement carry on and kept everyone safe. But that would have given President Trump a win, and Jim Crow Joe couldn’t let that happen.

How many more Americans have to die because of the Jim Crow Joe and the Marxist democrats? How many Americans will die at the hands of the Taliban? How many Americans will be hurt by failed border policies? Worse yet, how many Americans are totally oblivious to what’s happening? I compare this to a Tsunami where those that are unaware of the approaching wave of destruction are refusing to get to higher ground. The Planet of the Woke.



Today started with clear skies with few clouds. Tradewinds are from the east at 8mph with gusts at 22mph. Cloud cover is 36%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got no precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the low 80’s. Humidity is at 74%. Barometric pressure is 29.95 inches and dewpoint is 71 degrees. UV index is 13.

I was in Honolulu all day yesterday. It was too late and I was too tired to post anything by the time I got home last night. I’ll have more on that trip soon.

ʻAukake ‘Umi Kūmāhiku, 2021


We Were Warned


Aloha Lāpule. President Trump tried to warn us what would happen if Jim Crow Joe and the Marxist democrats stole the 2020 election. They did, and again, President Trump was right.

In October 2020, President Trump predicted: The suburbs wouldn’t be the suburbs anymore, the economy would sink into its worst depression ever and police departments would cease to exist. Even America’s older adults would be left to figure out how to get by without heat, air conditioning or electricity. “He’ll bury you in regulations, dismantle your police departments, dissolve our borders, confiscate your guns, terminate religious liberty, destroy your suburbs,” President Trump said. You didn’t need to be clairvoyant to know this. This is how Marxist democrats operate.

The Fake News Media scoffed and called President Trump’s predictions, “Over the Top”. There was nothing hyperbolic about what Jim Crow Joe was going to do, he said it himself. The Marxist democrats knew that Jim Crow Joe was going to lose in a landslide. So they rigged the elections. They used Covid as the method to stuff the ballot boxes and broke into the electronic voting machines to alter the vote counts. The proof was always there.


With no sense of urgency being displayed by Jim Crow Joe during a Zoom Call with National Security advisors and cabinet members. As predicted before, Jim Crow Joe was going to repeat what Barry the Bullshitter Obama did when he withdrawed from Iraq. That set up the rise of ISIS. What’s disturbing about this picture is that it ‘outs’ people with top secret clearances. Their faces and names are not to be exposed, because our enemies will know who they are. I have no idea why this picture was posted on twatter, but here it is, history repeating again.

Meanwhile, reports of the Taliban beheading anyone suspected of supporting the Americans in Kabul are being reported. Jim Crow Joe is doing his best to downplay that a bunch of goat herders have defeat the American armies, but it has happened. Almost 50 years ago when Vietnam fell to the Khmer Rouge, Jim Crow Joe predicted then that the Khmer Rouge takeover would never happen under American watch, but it did. Here’s Jim Crow Joe still denying his foreign policies are not working.

If I were Taiwan, I would be very worried. Don’t think that Xi Jinping isn’t looking at what’s going on in Afghanistan and thinking the time is ripe to strike Taiwan. The Communist Chinese now know that America is unprepared to defend Taiwan. In just eight short months, Jim Crow Joe has managed to destroy military readiness and now the military has gone Woke and Broke. Then again, we were warned.

We really shouldn’t be that surprised because the Marxist democrats has been telling Americans for years that they favor socialism over capitalism. They disguised the word socialism as, “progressive” and “democratic socialism”. Like that is suppose to ease our fears of what socialism really is about. It’s as if socialism hasn’t been tried elsewhere before and has failed miserably. Resulting in leaving behind a trail of misery, starvation, and death. The next time someone says that Socialism is great, just show them this video.

The only reason why the Marxist democrats haven’t forced socialism upon us is because we have a Second Amendment and they haven’t confiscated our guns, yet.


What Joe Biden has done with Afghanistan is legendary. It will go down as one of the greatest defeats in American history! – President Donald J. Trump


The regime of Jim Crow Joe is already trying to blame President Trump for this blunder that could have prevented. This disaster is placed squarely on Jim Crow Joe and the Marxist democrats. Over 20 years of both democrats and republicans trying to change the military from a fighting force to win wars, into a nation building babysitters. Trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. That  was never the military’s purpose, but the leaders thought like socialists: “If we just try harder, we can rebuild Afghanistan back into the nation it was before the Russians invaded and turned Afghanistan into the Taliban hellhole it is today”.

I want to say that the Boots on the Ground did their job, and they did it well as they were trained to do. It was the Pentagon Brass that failed. This was not the fault of enlisted men and women, and the mid level commanders on the battle field. This was the fault of both Marxist democrats and RINO’s like Liz Cheney that lobbied to keep the war machine humming along. This was the fault of Joint Chiefs that lied to keep the war machine funded. This was the fault of Barcalounger Generals at the Pentagon directing a war around the world via video chat sessions. These Generals didn’t care about the troops and winning wars. Because once these Generals retired they would go work for the Defense Contractors as a reward for keeping them flush with government war cash. Where do you think the Woke CRT Secretary of Defense General Ursus came from?

President Trump recognized the folly of this 20 year old failure. President Trump put together a plan to withdrawal our troops. Safeguards was already being executed to prevent what has happened with lightening speed. President Trump warned the Taliban that if any of our troops are harmed, then he would unleash the full force of our military upon them. The Taliban understood that message. Jim Crow Joe only had to sit back and let the Trump plan come to flourishing. But like the Taliban, Jim Crow Joe and the Deep State, could not bear another successful Trump policy. It had to be destroyed because the Marxist democrats, RINO’s and the corrupt government put themselves ahead of the good of the nation and the American people.

Afghanistan will return to public executions, women will be beaten in public, forced child marriages, and a return to horrible depravity. I sometimes wonder if this is the American dream the Marxist democrats have for this country.



Today started with partially cloudy skies. Tradewinds are from the north northeast at 8mph with gusts at 22mph. Cloud cover is 38%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got a little over 3/16 (13/64) inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is at 83%. Barometric pressure is 29.99 inches and dewpoint is 74 degrees. UV index is 10.

ʻAukake ‘Umi Kūmālima, 2021
