Two Roads


Jon McNaughton Art

Aloha Lāpule. The Uniparty has neither Faith nor Believes in the American People. MAGA means “Make America Great Again.” It’s up to “We the People” to Save America. One man can’t do it alone.

Na Pule Kala (Prayers for Protection) is needed more than ever these days. This artwork is from Jon McNaughton’s collection of magnificent portraits of religious and political messages. The portrait is named “National Emergency” which is very apropos for these times.

A crucial election is coming up in November that will change everything about the future of the United States of America. The sovereignty of our Constitutional Republic is what’s really on the ballot. We need to wrestle our sovereignty back from the Marxist democrat’s oligarchy currently in power and return our nation back to the people.

It’s going to be a daunting task to achieve. We no longer have a splintered political system. We have a Uniparty that is in control of our nation. Both political parties currently make up the majority governing decisions. This is the Uniparty where the American people’s needs are no longer being represented by a representative government. We vote for people that promise to do right by the people, only to be disappointed by their reversal of promises.

If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.” – Mark Twain. We can always vote the bums out of office. Providing the election process hasn’t been corrupted. But the damage will already be done. How can we restore a sense of trust in government? Till then, as stated on our currency, “In God We Trust.”

There are two roads before us: Democracy disguised as soft totalitarianism, and a true Republic where the people rule the government. As it is today, the government does not fear the people. The government is corrupt to maintain fear upon the people. This is because people will continue to vote for the same corruption and then grumble about the results of bad government. How many promises can be breached before people get a commitment that is followed through? And not just by piecemeal promises but promises fully carried out.

We have one political side that is unified that gets everything they want. Just not the needs of the citizen. The other political side always negotiates away the needs of the citizens to compromise with those on the other side. Then these public servants scold the people, “this is how democracy is supposed to work.” The citizen will not get everything the citizen wants; they claim. Yet, noncitizens are getting everything they need at citizen’s expense. When did our representative government stop representing its citizens?

There hasn’t been a time remembered where the citizen has not complained about government. And yet, the citizens will continue to reelect for the same government they’re complaining about. Why don’t ballots have a checkmark for career corruption? Maybe fresh faces will bring fresh ideas and less corruption for a change. After all, that’s what the founders had in mind when serving our nation.

Two Roads face this nation in November. Do we continue to vote for the same failed corrupt politicians, or do we vote for real ideas and real change? When America took a chance with novice politician Donald Trump, we got real change that worked for the nation. When Joe Biden, a career politician, was elected we went back to the same old failed policies.

If we are to Save America, it will take all of us to Make America Great Again. One man cannot do this by himself. We must all unify to restore government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with numerous moderate rain showers. There is a 90% chance of precipitation. We received 5/8 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 6 mph, gust 16 mph. Cloud cover is 93%. Visibility is 7 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 91%. Barometric pressure is 30.13 inches. Dewpoint is 66° and UV index is 9. Air quality Index is fair at 41. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila ‘Ehiku 2024