
PlannedButcherhoodAloha kākou. It’s sad to say in this election year that abortion is the only election talking point the Marxist democrats have to campaign on. The Fake News Media is incorrectly calling the United States Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe-v-Wade decision, “Trump’s Abortion Ban.” Unfortunately, abortion hasn’t been banned. For fifty years Americans have been conditioned to believe that Abortion is some kind of a Constitutional Right. Abortion is nowhere to be found in the United States Constitution. Abortion is an abomination that should have been left to the states fifty years ago. As abhorrent as that sounds, the left places no value on the sanctity of life.

President Trump Released a new video responding to Marxist democrats’ criticism of his position on Abortion. If the people desire abortion in their states, then let the states decide. That’s what the U.S. Constitution provides. State voters can decide how and when to destroy life in the womb. It could be the one way to prevent radical blue state liberals from invading prosperous red conservative states. If abortion is that important to the left, then let them stay in the blue states that provide it.

Marxist democrats have only one single-issue election talking point, and that’s abortion. No other issue rises to the top of the list of issues this country is faced with. Not the faltering economy, not the border invasion, and not the looming threat of a World War. The American people are busy deciding between pay periods to either put gas in the tank or put food on the table. To either buy school supplies and clothing for their children or to pay the electric bill. Providing opportunities for families is not on the list of priorities for democrats.

A smirking Marxist democrat Senator Chuckles Schumer provoked acts of violence against Supreme Court Justices while inciting pro-death abortion zealots to riot at the Supreme Court steps. Marxist democrats say abortion is a woman’s Heathcare right and Planned Butcherhood is the crematorium where two people walk in and one person leaves. Fighting to destroy life in the womb must be a fight worth dying for with the hard left zealots. Everything else doesn’t matter. There’s a deeper more sinister reason the democrats are making abortion a single campaign issue.

Marxist democrats want to change the voting demographics. They have opened the border to illegal aliens entering the country. Illegals will change the electoral voting representation by adding more representational seats in Congress. By granting illegal aliens the right to vote ensures democrats remain in power. Marxist democrats will use our tax dollars to house, educate, provide healthcare, and to replace our American jobs with illegals.

Planned Butcherhood will be paid for using our tax dollars. The government says abortion helps to fight climate change. Overpopulation causes global warming and abortion is the solution to climate change. Let that sink in for a moment. Democrats believe that destroying life will help them win them future elections. That’s why abortion is their only single voting issue.

The Tenth Amendment is lost on most elected officials. Voters should require anyone running for any elected office to take and pass an American Civics Test before being placed on the ballot. Then have term limits to eliminate corrupt career politicians. We must bring back American civics into the education system. We require legal immigrants to pass the civic test for U.S. citizenship. Passing a civics test should be mandatory for any high-school graduation.

Planned Butcherhood today is yesterday’s Nazi Crematorium. This is the left’s only winning campaign issue. Abortion “Rights” is on the ballot says the democrats. Women’s healthcare is on the ballot, just not the healthcare of the fetus. It’s barbaric and no different than the Nazi Crematoriums. Should abortion be the only issue facing our nation? Is this what we have become as a nation that once believed in the Right to Life? I truly hope this isn’t the case, because if this is so, then we are on a path like other ancient civilizations. At our Zenith we will decline into obscurity because of our selfish insecurity. Just another note in history books to be written a thousand years from now.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with possible light showers. There is a 20% chance of precipitation. We received 1/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 8 mph, gust 17 mph. Cloud cover is 93%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 91%. Barometric pressure is 30.02 inches. Dewpoint is 70° and UV index is .5 Air quality Index is good at 35. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila ‘Umi Kūmākolu 2024