

Aloha kākou. By now most sane people know the 2020 elections were rife with fraud and a baked potato was installed. Attempts to rig the 2024 election are happening even now. Trump’s farcical show trials are all the Fake News Media will talk about. That deflects away from Biden’s scandalous tyrannical regime.

After nearly four years of Pedo-Joe’s regime, we’ve seen our economy crashing, a border invasion, increases in crime, drugs, and human trafficking. Biden has started five new wars in Gaza, Pakistan, Ukraine, Iran, and Yemen. Now Biden’s staff is planning new wars with Russia and China. Biden loves to call himself a wartime president. Pedo-Joe has a new pin on his suit lapel that says, “I Started WW3.” Biden’s going to get us all killed starting World War III. Biden is draining our national resources into starting new global wars. Get ready for a selective service draft.

The Fake News Media lied saying President Trump would start World War III. Pedo-Joe Biden is way ahead of that prediction. In the four years since the Trump’s Administration, we had Zero Wars, a booming economy, high-paying private sector jobs, and a low cost of living. Biden reversed all of President Trump’s economic successes and sent our nation into decline. And yet, the Fake News Media says Trump will be a dictator if reelected. Obviously, the American people are not buying what the Fake News Media is selling.

If at first you don’t succeed, plagiarize the other guy. In an attempt to replicate President Trump’s triumphant visit to Harlam New York, Biden shuffled off to, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, and Scranton PA where Biden was greeted with jeers, boos, and the New Jersey one finger salutes.  Biden was certainly not greeted like a king during his homecoming visit to Scranton.

“F*** Joe Biden!” chanted opponents of the Pedo-Joe Biden. Protestors waved American flags and shouted “F*** you!” at the president’s limousine. A caption in a video read “Welcome to Scranton, PA Joe.” With approval numbers mired around historic lows, both Pedo-Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have both been hassled by protestors at various stops in recent months. — Citing from Trending Politics

Biden stopped at a WaWa convenience store in Philadelphia before heading to Scranton. There were more staffers, press, and secret service standing around than anyone else waiting to see Pedo-Joe Biden. Obviously, Biden’s visit was staged ahead of time with staffers preordering food. What was supposed to be a spontaneous campaign stop turned into a carefully choreographed event. Complete with a takeout box which Biden struggled with while attempting to pay and tip the WaWa cashier. Tips the WaWa cashier? Who does that?

Did you know Biden had an uncle named Ambrose Finnegan? Whom they called Uncle Boosey. Pedo-Joe Biden spins the yarn of Uncle Boozey’s wartime demise over Papa New Guinea.

Biden implied that his uncle Ambrose Finnegan was eaten by cannibals in Papa New Guinea after his plane crashed during World War II — even though military records show that the aircraft plunged into the Pacific Ocean. Biden continued with his tall tale, “He got shot down in an area where there were a lot of cannibals at the time,” Pedo-Joe Biden lamented. “They never recovered his body, but the government went back when I went down there and they checked and found some parts of the plane.”

I’m dying to know how cannibals got anti-aircraft weapons and what kind of BBQ sauce did they served Unkle Boozy with. I’m guessing a pineapple-mango glaze. The Pentagon’s Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency says that Finnegan’s plane actually was lost over the open ocean on May 14, 1944. So, was Uncle Boozey a war causality or was he a deserter that bailed to live with the cannibals? I guess we’ll never know, but it was Pedo-Joe’s Lede story to attack President Trump.

Pedo-Joe Biden again retold the same lie attacking President Donald Trump for skipping a 2018 visit to a military cemetery outside of Paris. Biden repeated his same lie that Trump called the fallen U.S. troops buried “suckers” and “losers.” Biden frequently recounts personal anecdotes that turn out to be untrue — often in an apparent attempt to connect to his audiences. — Citing from The New York Post

81Million votes is the claim the Fake News Media keeps citing as a mandate from the people. The Fake News Media still believes this election lie by continuing to say polling data shows Biden is ahead of Trump. Who believes polling anymore? I would be more concerned with the Marxist democrats attempts to rig the 2024 election. This is why we must all be part of this election process. If we want peace and prosperity, then we must reelect President Trump back into office. Get involved in some way to make a difference. The future of our nation depends on it.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with isolated moderate showers. There is a 30% chance of precipitation. We received 1/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 10 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 44%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 77%. Barometric pressure is 30.06 inches. Dewpoint is 68° and UV index is 9. Air quality Index is good at 29. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila ‘Umi Kūmāwalu 2024