Bronx Bomber


Aloha kākou. What’s happening in the Bronx Borough of New York City is truly historic. Not since the great Ronaldus Magnus visited Liberty State Park in New Jersey, on Labor Day has a Presidental candidate visited and won New York and New Jersey. President Trump is at Crotona Park in South Bronx, and you can feel the love in the air. Of course, there’s the hardcore socialists that believe the government is there first to take care of them. They’re not wise enough to realize they’re being harvested for democrat votes.

Breaking Point host David Zere talks with patriots in the Bronx that are rallying today for President Donald Trump! What’s important here is that President Trump is trying where other republicans won’t try. That is to speak with these people and understand their needs. To let them know they’re not being taken for granted. Listen to what the people on the ground are saying.

Sandy “Alexandra” Ocasio-Cortez and the locals Marxist democrats are having a fit and a canary over President Trump’s visit. Their surrogates are all over the media spreading their message of Trump hate. People forget that Cortez chased Amazon out of the Bronx New York. All those good paying jobs left, and no other industry filled the vacuum left behind. Last time I checked, Misrepresentives like AOC were supposed to help their districts get jobs and resources. Just the opposite and these people still vote for this stupid barmaid that cannot even balance her own personal budget.

More interviews with local people by FOX 5 NY’s Michelle Ross getting reactions from the Bronx community. It’s interesting to hear the range of opinions. They either hate or love Trump. It’s the disinformation that fills the people minds with Marxist democrat sludge. Life in the New York Borough Bubble isolates people from the world around them. The Fake News Media is all Marxist propaganda.

People here either love Trump or hate him. Others don’t like Trump but are going to vote for Trump anyways. Lifelong democrats are going to vote for Trump because they’ve lost confidence in Pedo-Joe Biden. Hopefully, New Yorkers will wake up and realize their local elected officials are also taking them for granted. Republicans have an opportunity to flip NYC Red. If only the GOP would try. What do they have to lose other than their time to try? Trump doesn’t see the Bronx as a lost cause, otherwise he wouldn’t be burning calories. Despite the kangaroo trial the democrats are putting President Trump through.

Yankee Stadium at the beginning of baseball season, someone unfurled a “Never Surrender” banner at the end of the National Anthem. This picture was taken on May 22, 2024.


The Bronx Bomber arrive on time to the rally to a roaring welcomed. Cheers of “We Love Trump” echoed throughout Crotona Park. This is Trump’s hometown. He built the NYC skyline, and his philanthropic work is well known. Trump’s time as President is a stark contrast to Pedo-Joe Biden’s regime. On Unsocial Media, I’ve seen many people say they hate Trump’s personality, but they’re afraid that Pedo-Hitler Biden will drag us into World War III. They see their standard of living dwindling away in favor of illegal aliens that are replacing them. They see their taxes and the cost of living going up. They see their opportunities fading away. They say they will vote for Trump because they believe Trump can restore how it used to be before the Biden regime. Let’s hope the word gets around because if we don’t win in November, our nation will be lost forever. Let’s Save America. Let’s Vote MAGA.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is an 80% chance of precipitation. We received 1/32 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 8 mph, gusts 18 mph. Cloud cover is 71%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is 74%. Barometric pressure is 30.11 inches. Dewpoint is 69° and UV index is 12. Air quality Index is fair at 40. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei Iwakālua Kūmākolu 2024

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