Covid Grinch


Aloha kākou. The War on Christmas brought to you by Pfizer. The Communist Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus and Fhony Fauci’s Gain of Function scheme. Just in time for the 2020 elections. What a coinkydink. You would think the so-called NIAID expert would have recognized his own work. But Fauci withheld that information from President Trump. The Covid Virus was Fauci’s Frankenstein Baby Monster that he funded and helped develop. I guess that little detail must have slipped his Evil Grinchy mind.

Western Journalism Lorri Wickenhauser posted this story and video by the John Snow Project. The 52-second video is called “A Very COVIDY Christmas.” I guess it was designed to frighten people into getting the ‘clot shot.’ Where people getting the Fauci Ouchy were getting sick and dying suddenly from bad reactions from the vaccine.

The insufferable Piers Morgan who bragged about getting his fifth booster got Covid again. Morgan and others condemned and threatened the unvaxxed. They must be locked up and prevented from mingling in society. Fired from jobs, prevented from shopping, and quarantined. It’s a pattern where you take the Coof Juice, and you get the virus. Covid adverts are on radio and television using the same scare tactics. Local news reminds viewers that it’s winter and therefore Covid season. Puts a damper on the holiday season.

The Grinch that brought Covid has never been punished for the deaths of millions. In promoting a vaccine that became worse cure than the Covid Virus. The expert that the world looked up to knew what the virus was because Fauci helped develop the virus. Fauci silenced all alternative drug therapies and prevented any other scientist from offering a different treatment. Failed to tell President Trump about his involvment in the design and development of Covid. Fhony Fauci, the Covid Snake Oil Salesman, made millions of dollars hocking the Covid vaccine. A mass murderer that got away.


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with isolated showers. There is a 40% chance of precipitation. We received 1/25-inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds are from the north northeast at 15 mph, gusts 27 mph. Cloud cover is 41%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 80%. Barometric pressure is 29.94 inches and dewpoint is 65°. UV index 4. Air quality Index is fair at 41. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Kēkēmapa ‘Umi Kūmāono 2023

Daily Covid Panic Porn


Aloha Lāpule. Around the world and in the United States, protests against Covid restrictions and mandates are growing. People have had enough of government fascism. Suicide rates amongst teenagers is skyrocketing. Small businesses are closing while Big Box stores are allowed to stay open. Our leaders are killing us for our own protection. That’s what we’re being told. We’re punishing you for your own protection, so shut-up and don’t complain or we’ll hurt you. Get your Fauci Ouchy and your Covid Passport or you won’t be allowed to live your life.

Tens of thousands of people across several countries, including France, England, Germany, Greece, and Italy, have protested against anti-COVID measures, with the French police using tear gas and water cannons to disperse protesters in the capital Paris. In France, an estimated 160,000 took to the streets in nationwide protests against President Emmanuel Macron’s “Health Pass” that will drastically curtail access to restaurants and public spaces for unvaccinated people. A similar scheme, called “green pass”, has sparked angry demonstrations across Italy. People in Rome, Naples and Turin chanted “freedom” and “down with the dictatorship” over plans for the so-called “green pass”. Your Covid Passport will be needed to eat in restaurants and visit cinemas among other indoor activities.

Mario Malik, Rebel News, took to Sydney’s streets to find out why usually law-abiding citizens were willing to risk so much by ‘illegally’ protesting. Dozens of protesters were arrested after an unauthorized march in Sydney, Australia’s largest city. Organizers had dubbed the protest a “freedom” rally. Attendees carried signs and banners reading “Wake up Australia” and “Drain the Swamp”.

Saturday in Melbourne, Avi Yemini with Rebel News, managed to speak to several protesters between violent police assaults. Many of these protests have been met with police violence. How much more will people allow themselves to be pushed around by fascistic leadership? Sooner or later there will be a breaking point. These lockdowns are worse than the cure.

Remember when Fhony Fauci said it would take two weeks? Now we have forever lockdowns, forever masks, forever vaccine boosters. Never ending fear. Fhony Fauci and the Fake News Media are enjoying this control over people lives. Fhony Fauci loves to play up for the cameras. Don’t dare question Fhony Fauci or you will be punished and censored. Like Alex Berenson was just censored from Twatter after posting actual science data.  Berenson

Except the vaccine therapeutics haven’t been fully tested and we’re the guinea pigs in this trial. One of the best journalist covering Covid is Alex Berenson. He was suspended from Twatter for posting this reality check. Unsocial Media is denying that the vaccines don’t protect you from getting Covid. There is evidence that people still can get infected with Covid even after getting fully vaccinated. To deny that reality will get you canceled on Unsocial Media. That’s because the narrative is being driven by Big Pharma, the Centers for Disinformation and Corruption, and Fhony Fauci. They want to be the single source for all Covid misinformation. Other voices in the science community are being silenced.

Today the Israeli government decided a third Covid jab will begin immediately for everyone over the age of 12 years old. Covid passports (green pass) will be revoked for those without the third jab. Essentially, two shots that were suppose to vaccinate you are not enough. A third vaccination will now be required or you will be considered unvaccinated. When will the fourth, fifth, and sixth vaccination be necessary? You’re filling your body with an unknown substance. Is that safe? Is that wise? Shouldn’t you be allowed to decide for yourself?

In New York, Mayor MacCheese de Bozo has made vaccinations mandatory if you want to conduct business in the City. All city workers, including teachers unions, police, firemen, and emergency responders must comply or be fired. But it goes much further, restaurant workers, entertainers, doctors and nurses, all must get the Fauci Ouchy and have their Covid Passport with them at all time, or be arrested. Hundreds of people protested in the streets of New York City on Wednesday against COVID-19 vaccine mandates, chanting “we will not comply” and “no more shots.”


It’s these fascistic mandates that will backfire on government. A free people will not put up with these restrictions on our liberties. These demonstrations are happening all over the world where freedoms were once taken for granted. These leaders are drunk on power and they believe that if they push you enough that you’ll act like sheep and comply with the herd mentality. Like the communist are trained to comply to the regime.

Essentially, there are two camps of people, those that will comply with the mandates, and those that resist. From my vantage point, there are more people that are resisting than complying. We’ve all seen the Karen’s that scream and yell at people to put on their masks. They accuse nonvaccinated people are killers. They want to shame and blame the virus  spread on those that refuse to comply with Covid Panic Porn tyranny.

Here in Hawai’i, our government is looking for an excuse to lockdown the State once again. Our Mayor on the Big Island wants to prevent people from going outside, walking on the beach, and force you to wear a mask inside and outside. They’re even talking about curfews, because we all know that Covid only comes out past 10PM in the evening.

We have activists Fake News Media reporters that only focus on the number of Covid cases. KITV, Hawai’i News Now, and KHON2, all repeat the same numbers with no additional details. They count cases and not deaths, because the people that are dying are not necessarily dying of Covid infections. Many people have comorbidities like cancer, diabetes, heart failure, and other root causes including obesity. Plus the government and medical community will only listen the CDC and Fhony  Fauci. They reject alternative therapies and will not provide additional care. If a doctor tries alternative therapies they could lose their license to practice.

For example, one Fake News Reporter tweets out: “BREAKING: Hawaii reporting all time record high one day COVID19 case count with 1,678 new cases Sunday — That includes single day records for each island: Oahu (1,239), Big Island (214), Maui (147) and Kauai (55).” 

And then adds the caveats: “A few caveats with record Hawaii COVID19 count — 1,678 includes backlog between Aug. 15 – Aug. 25 added in (last few days stand alone numbers have been around 1,000 per day) — Positivity rate slightly down with more testing (with requirements for unvaxxed state / county workers).”

Oh, so the number are just a bit padded are they. One day record high, huh? I guess this Fake News Reporter with two first names decided to add the fact check caveat just in case someone, like me, would call him out on his numbers. This kind of journalism malpractice goes on all the time and it spreading fear unnecessarily.

Remember that many people put off surgery’s, treatments, and other procedures during the lockdowns. They just got sicker. Other people turned to substance abuse. Some to domestic abuse. Others committed suicide. But those details get omitted because it’s easier to keep people living in fear. That is your Daily Covid Panic Porn Update.



Today started with sunny skies and partly cloudy. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 8mph with gusts at 19mph. Cloud cover is 46%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got just over 3/16th (13/64ths) inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is at 72%. Barometric pressure is 29.96 inches and dewpoint is 69 degrees. UV index is 13.

ʻAukake Iwakālua Kūmāiwa, 2021


Fight For Freedom


Aloha kākou. Happy Aloha Friday!  Do you miss President Trump yet? Many voters are now expressing a severe case of buyers remorse over Jim Crow Joe. The senile old fart is hinting that vaccines will be mandatory for all Federal workers and contractors. When that happens, blue state governors will make vaccines mandatory. Never mind that the government is violating your civil rights. Behind that vaccine order is also the hint of another national lockdown if the so called experts at the Centers for Destruction and Corruption and Fhony Fauci demand it so. Stay tuned.

Where’s my incentive to get the Fauci Ouchy? Can I negotiate a better deal in return for getting the Fauci Ouchy?

This will propagate down to state, local, county, and municipal  governments. Then any company doing business with the government. Woke leftist employers. Restaurants, stores, airlines, all those that wish to segregate the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated will be the new pariahs to discriminate against. The left loves to hate a pariah. Discrimination is an inherent attribute of leftists.

Last week the goofy Surgeon General Vivek Murthy stood in front of the Fake News Media in the White House press room and declared ‘disinformation’ a severe national “health risk.”  Of course, the meaning of ‘disinformation” is subjective by the regime and can be changed and revised at any time. Murthy, who doesn’t have a scientific clue for the job he has, but he loves wearing the uniform, all the shiny badges and stripes. Murthy went on to say that vaccinated people need to wear masks to protect unvaccinated people. I thought the idea of getting vaccinated was that you didn’t have to wear face diaper. Why is it the responsibility of the vaccinated to protect the unvaccinated? Are we collective society or a society of individuals capable of making our own health decisions? I don’t need a keeper to either make or decide my life decisions.

The truth be known, this regime is the source of misinformation. Notice how suddenly the leftists now are caring for the unvaccinated? After demonizing the unvaccinated as spreading the virus, now all of a sudden, the left wants the vaccinated to wear masks to protect the unmasked. It’s a contradiction of realities. You see how the left makes up the rules as they go. It’s a power grab to keep people under control.


Now to Nazi Piglosi’s kangaroo J6 hearings. As you might have heard, Nazi Piglosi hand picked witnesses broke down in tears testifying to their near death experiences battling mee maw grandmothers wandering the around the Capitol building taking selfies. The testimony was so powerful that Adam Schitt and Adam Shitslinger were catching the vapors. Lordy, Lordy, I do declare. As we’re repeatedly told by the Marxist democrats and RINO traitors, this was the worse attack since the Civil War. Worse than 9-11, and worse that Jill Biden’s choices in outfits.

The Four Marx-ist brothers that testified are avid Trump haters and anti-America corrupt cops. The BLM guy unsocial media account has anti-Trump hatred and racist posts. He’s a BLM supporter. How does a idiot like this guy become a Capitol police officer? The others are no better, one has ties to MS-13, the other with neck tattoos is Antifa, the other is a Nazi White Supremacist. There you go, these are the people that wander the Capitol building. Do you feel safe?

Our Meme Master friends put together this brilliant parody of the Pink Floyd song Another Brick In The Wall (Part II).

We’re seeing the tenets of our Constitutional Republic is being ripped apart. We have illegals with Covid entering the southern border resulting in increasing of infection rates. To make matters worse, the regime of Jim Crow Joe is distributing the illegals, a the taxpayers expense, around the country spreading the Covid virus. Jim crow joe is signaling for another nationwide lockdown. Political prisoners are being abused by the regime. The American people are being treated as domestic terrorist. President Trump was right once again, we are turning into a communist country. The fight against tyranny will continue.



Today was cloudy with occasional passing sprinkles. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 7mph with gusts at 21mph. Cloud cover is 54%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got a 17/64, or just over 1/4 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the low 80’s. Humidity is at 82%. Barometric pressure is 29.97 inch and dewpoint is 70 degrees. UV index is 13. We have two tropical depressions entering the Pacific, Hilda and Nine-E (yet to be named), not expected to affect Hawai’i.

Iulai Iwakālua Kanakolu , 2021
