Junk Mail

Every morning when I log into my email accounts, I spend about 10 minutes deleting junk mail. It is annoying and no matter what I do to filter this rubbish out more junk mail appears.

Most of the junk mail are advertisements. Amazon, Netflix’s, Costco and all sorts of stuff I’m not subscribed to. I never respond to this inbox rubbish.

I do have a few email accounts on several of the social media carriers gmail, plus with my internet provider using MS Outlook. It’s all the same junk mail. Do you need a loan? Do you have diabetes? Do you need a business proposal? Do you need cheap medications? All crap!

The messages I really look for are from Hawai’i Police notifications and County of Hawai’i Emergency Management. There are several newsletters that I subscribe to: Gatestone Institute, Hawai’i Free Press, my broker, and a bunch of others.

I tried using my spam filter, but it doesn’t work. It starts filtering out my subscriptions. So I don’t use the filters anymore. I just spend about 10 minutes deleting about 30 junk messages. It almost makes me want to go back to standard paper letters, but then I check my mailbox and find more junk mail. It’s infuriating. I’d use smoke signals but I’m afraid that will be junk mail also.