81 Million


Aloha kākou and Happy Aloha Friday. The real elected President, Donald J. Trump, will be holding a rally this weekend in Des Moines on Saturday, October 9th, 7PM CDT, 2PM HST. I will be watching.

Here’s something funny. Jim Crow Joe Biden said 81 million people voted for him. If that’s true, then where are all his supporters? Let’s Go Brandon!

Are these the 81 million people that voted for Jim Crow Joe Biden? Everyone knows that Jim Crow Joe never got 81 million votes. The Arizona audit has proven that massive voter fraud took place in multiple states. Other states with similar voting problems need to fix their electoral system before 2022.

I hear newsies saying that 2022 will be bloodbath for the democrats. Which is why the Marxist democrats are trying to push legislation that will insure they keep in power forever. However, I see a repeat of what happened in 2020 with widespread voter fraud. The Marxist democrats know the formula and have already openly said they’re planning to cheat. Unless the GOP gets it act together and put a army of lawyers to put a halt to the legal challenges that will certainly come, then we will lose 2022. It will not be a red wave.

The other thing that is imperative are ballot observers watching for irregularities at the polling places. Otherwise we will see a repeat of observers being pushed out, windows blacked out with pizza boxes, and police officers escorting observers out of the polling place. We will see ballot stuffing and recounting. We will see ballot drop boxes being stuffed and mail-in ballots with fake voters. Kalifornia already passed an election law that makes mail-in ballots the only method for voting. That guarantees that only Marxist democrats will win all future elections.


The U.S. State Department under Jim Crow Joe Biden publicly disclosed the size of the U.S. nuclear arsenal in a reversal from the policy under President Donald Trump to keep the true size of the U.S. arsenal a secret. One has to ask, what the hell is this regime thinking? You never disclose your arsenal to the enemy. You might as well put a target on every nuclear missile silo in America for the Communist China or Russia to target.

Did General Milley Vanillie and General Ursus Austin release this information? Are they the CCP’s Early Warning System. We know Jim Crow Joe is too feeble minded to make such a decision. It is madness to assume divulging strategic information to the enemy and assume the enemy will not use it in any attack against the country. Communist China is building their nuclear arsenal and they’re not telling how many nuclear weapons they have, why should we?


Taiwan’s military has received training from United States troops for at least a year as concern grows over China’s aggression towards the island nation. I hope Milley Vanillie doesn’t know this because he will become the Communist Chinese early warning system. A US special-operations unit and small division of marines have been drilling Taiwan soldiers ahead of anticipated conflict with China, US officials told the Wall Street journal. First of all, why are US officials disclosing this information to the Fake News Media?

Nearly 150 flights by Communist Chinese military aircraft including J-16 fighters, H-6 bombers and nuclear-capable carriers have passed close to Taiwan in the past week. Beijing ordered 80 fighter jets to simulate an attack over Taiwan’s southern airspace last weekend and has since continued the unprecedented incursions. If that isn’t a clear threat to an important ally, then why is the regime of Jim Crow Joe doing something about it?

It easy to answer that question, Afghanistan. After the colossal and disastrous surrender from Afghanistan that left hundreds of Americans and allies behind enemy lines, our enemies know that Jim Crow Joe will not defend and rescue Taiwan. Neither would Jim Crow Joe defend our European friends from Russia. The loss of confidence in the United State as a global leader and as a reliable partner by our world allies is all but gone.

Sky News host Sharri Markson has put together a fascinating account and timeline of the Communist Chinese Bioweapon used to cripple the world and to change the United State’s 2020 elections.

“Prominent pro-democracy campaigner Wei Jingsheng has accused China of using the military games, which was held in Wuhan in 2019, as an opportunity to spread the novel coronavirus. Speaking with Sky News host Sharri Markson as part of her exclusive documentary, ‘What Really Happened in Wuhan’, Wei accused Beijing of using the games as an opportunity to spread the virus. “I thought that the Chinese government would take this opportunity to spread the virus during the military games as many foreigners would show up there,” he told Ms Markson. He said he told his friend high profile human rights lawyer Dimon Liu in November that a novel coronavirus was spreading in Wuhan. “I learned there was an unusual exercise by the Chinese government during the military games, and so I told Dimon about the possibility of the Chinese government using some strange weapons, including biological weapons, because I knew they were doing experiments of that sort,” Wei said. There is no evidence the virus was spread at the games, although no testing was done by any authorities when the athletes returned from Wuhan”.

I was seeing reports of a virial outbreak last year as early as October 2020. This reporting confirms my suspicions that this was a bioweapon being tested on China’s own people. Why else would they restrict travel within China and allow international travel. This was to prove the efficacy of the virus and to disrupt the US elections. There is a larger intent and I suspect it involves Taiwan and perhaps further. This is a strategy of deception. People don’t want to say it, but this was no accident. The Covid virus was designed as a bioweapon and it was test released on China’s own people.

Because the virus spread quickly around the world, it accelerated during the Chinese lunar holiday when travel to and from mainland China was at its peak. It is safe to assume that Communist China is continuing its bioweapons development. Also, now the Communist Chinese have a military profile of reactions to the virus. No doubt they will use that for the next attack they unleash upon the world.



The day started with morning drizzle followed by a mix of clouds and some sunshine. Evening showers are expected. Tradewinds are blustery from the north northeast at 11mph, gusts 24mph. Cloud cover is 88%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got a notch over 11/16 of an inch (45/64) of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is at 82%. Barometric pressure is 30.04 inches and dewpoint is 65 degrees. UV index 6. Air quality Index is good at 32

ʻOkakopa ‘Ewalu, 2021


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