
Aloha Lāpule. The first time I heard the term “New World Order” it was back during the 1990’s LA riots when then President George Herbert Bush coined that phrase. This term might have been said elsewhere before, but this was the first time I had ever heard this term. A New World Order. What did it mean?

Lately, the group that calls itself the “World Economic Forum” is throwing around this meaning, but in a most sinister way. My understanding of their version of a new world order is communism. They say you will own nothing and you will be happy. You will rent everything you need and ownership of property will be eliminated. This means no cars, no homes, no land, no possessions at all. Somehow, the only people that will own anything will be the rich oligarchs that are enforcing this New World Order. They call it the “Great Reset”. Although, I don’t know how they define what a reset is all about. It sounds like more of a great takeover of your freedoms.

They claim it’s to reorganize the world governments to curb global warming. There’s that priority again of claiming that the world is going to overheat due to human activity. It’s their goal to control human activity and reduce this concept of a carbon footprint. Implement a social credit system. If we go back 100-200 years before the invention of the automobile, when horse and buggy was the primary mode of ground transportation, just imagine what kind of world that was like.

The world must have smelled a lot different with horse poop littering the roads. Roads were not paved back then either. Air conditioning didn’t exist then. People must have smelled real bad in the heat of the summer. In the winter, people had to chop wood, and burn coal to keep warm. That released a lot of carbon pollution into the air. Now we have clean burning natural gas and nuclear energy to produce electricity to keep warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and refrigeration to store food for long periods without spoiling. It seem the world has improved over what the “Great Reset” is trying to achieve and we humans did that without the help of the oligarch’s. This whole argument of global warming is a fraud.

In Hawai’i, Covid fears have damaged people’s minds. It’s how the media promoted the fear. There was a time when Hawai’i had a motto of “No Fear”. There was a whole clothing line, hats, surf boards, all sorts of stuff of the Aloha spirit of strength and determination. That’s been beaten into the Red Dirt. Even though the Hawai’i mandates have been lifted, people are still wearing their obedience face diapers. People have been conditioned to fear the unknown. That a piece of cloth will protect them from a virus that has been gone for over a year. Now we have virus mutations, or variants of the original Covid-19 virus, and guess what? The vaccines don’t work against the variants. It hasn’t been confirmed yet, but there is talk that the vaccines actually make you more vulnerable to getting one of the variants. Yet, the government is still pushing getting vaccinated. Those with health problems probably should get the vaccine, but if the vaccine doesn’t protect you from the variants, or the original Covid-19 virus, then what good is it?

There’s a larger picture here that is what not being said. Don’t think that the government granting us our freedoms back are because the danger has passed. That happened long ago. It was perpetuated to keep us under control. The Midterms have convinced the Marxist democrats that freedom can be granted once again. If they do it now months before the voting, then the Marxist democrats believe you will forget what they did to you, your business, and your family. Call it short attention span. What they did to your families and your lives, businesses, and children cannot be forgotten. They want their Covid atrocities to be conveniently forgotten and forgiven, and you’ll vote them back into power. Only to have the mandates continue once again after the election. The Lucy and Charlie Brown football hoax. We’ve been indoctrinated into fear.

No one more wants the Covid protocols to continue than the teachers unions. Teachers don’t have to wear obedience face diapers, but children must continue wearing the masks. It is to protect the teachers? Nope. It’s to control the indoctrination program. It’s to prevent the parents from seeing what filth the teachers are teaching children. There many parents on these islands that are fighting against the teachers. Equally, there are many parents that support the teachers and will obediently mask up their kids thinking the false security of a cloth face diaper will protect their child. Better safe than sorry is the reasoning.

We do know that the Centers for Disinformation and Confusion is withholding vaccine information saying that the public might misinterpret the data.  The agency officials admit they have withheld COVID data broken down by age, race and vaccination status because the American people might misinterpret it the information. Withholding data is science fraud. Even the inventor of the mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone, says this meets the criteria for scientific fraud. This is criminal The American people are not stupid. What is it that the CDC is withholding? Are they protecting the Pharmaceutical companies?

Fear is the mind killer. Fear has become the government business. Fraud has become the model to keep people living in fear. From global warming to Covid fears. This is all designed to make you believe that without Big Government to run your lives, then we are all doomed. We have greater problems in our country that are being ignored because of these distractions of global warming and Covid viruses. We have an economic problem that will create food insecurity. We have a illegal immigration problem that will hurt our employment opportunities. But the Fear Propaganda of Covid and Global Warming gets pushed to the front burner and it’s not what’s for dinner. If we cannot afford food, energy and water, then global warming and Covid isn’t going to be an issue in our lives. Living to survive will be our priorities.

The Fake News Media perpetuates the Covid and Global Warming fear propaganda. People don’t know who and what to believe anymore. The agencies that are suppose to be providing us with relevant information are hiding the truth. The Fake News Media defends the lying health agencies saying anything else is all disinformation. Russian propaganda. Lacking scientific basis. Trust your gut instincts and think. Never blindly give your trust away. You’ll end up paying till your dying day. Back Up. Wake Up. Get Up.



Sunny and partly cloudy today with a chance of rain by evening. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 10 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 34%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 7/16th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is at 73%. Barometric pressure is 29.98 inches and dewpoint is 62°. UV index 10. Air quality Index is at 31.

Malaki Iwakālua Kūmāhiku, 2022


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