Pōʻalima Hemolele


Aloha kākou. It’s Good Friday. I missed Maundy Thursday’s posting, so, I am combining it with Good Friday. Here’s my rant.

The proxy war with Russia that is draining our economy and our military might. It’s being improperly managed by fools that cannot fight their way out of a paper bag. Oh, by the way, the stores here in are now charging .15¢ cents per bag here in Hawai’i. Paper bags were supposed to cut down on plastic use. Now we have to reuse paper bags until they fall apart or purchase reusable bags that fall apart over time. So much for saving the environment by cutting down trees. Anyway, what are our incompetent Senators are saying about Russia?

“We must defeat them over there or we will be fighting them here.” That’s been the same lame argument by the old, tired GOP and Marxist democrats for decades. It’s as if they’re watching reruns of Red Dawn for ages and believing that parachuting Russians will be invading the homeland. But Russian’s don’t have to come here military. Our government is imploding on its own. Plus, Russia could fire a nuke in our direction if we get too snippy with Puddy Putin. Sun Tzu said, when your enemy is making mistakes, don’t get in the way.

The real invasion is at our southern border where everyone in the world is being allowed to enter America by this treasonous regime. As our economy sinks down the toilet, Russia is winning the war without lifting a finger against us. With Communist China, India Brazil, Sadia Arabia, and a host of other countries are abandoning the American Petrodollar because of the outright incompetence of Pedo-Hitler Biden’s foreign policies. Other counties don’t have any loyalty to the US, they’re taking care of their own people. Marxist democrats have abandoned “America First” because that was Orange Man Bad policies. Are we ready for the great economic collapse?

Remembering America First. Remember where the economy was when the 2020 election was stolen? The Dow Jones was about to cross 40,000 and the Nasdaq was in record territory, as with all the other US markets. Even with the Covid pandemic, the economy was recovering back, and the future was looking good. How would things be different today if the election weren’t stolen? There’s no doubt in my mind that this country would be in a better place.

President Trump was encouraging alternatives therapies to the Covid vaccine. To which the Fake News Media mocked as injecting bleach and consuming horse dewormer. HCQ was wrongly declared as dangerous to the heart muscle. Many people use HCQ all over the world to prevent malaria and as a therapy for those affected with Lupus. We now know the Fauci Ouchy Clot Shot is more deadly than the virus. President Trump said the cure cannot be worse than the problem itself. Fear driven by fake medical experts were being allowed to set policies that were hurting the economy. Yet, Trump was encountering resistance to find ways of allowing people to returning to work and ease restrictions.

These over-the-counter drugs that have been around for decades at pennies on the dollar. But there was no money in off-patent drugs. That’s when Pedo-Hitler dumped billions into vaccine development and increased emergency powers to further restrict people’s freedoms. The campaign of fear continues today. People have been so conditioned to live in fear, continue to wear obedience face diapers, and the Centers for Disinformation and Confusion propaganda to get a Fauci Clot Shot. Even though the vaccine was killing healthy people.

Enter the world of bizzarro. Over the next two years the level of debauchery took hold of our society. Teachers abusing children with pornography and transgenderism, A clown show of drag queens in libraries dancing around half naked in front of children with parents looking on encouraging this. Hospitals realize they have a cash cow by butchering children’s genitals. This is a new phenomenon to society. Heathcare is now transgender butchering of children.

In Newsmax Rob Schmitt’s “News From The Left” NPR stooges try to defend the now Twitter-labelled “state-affiliated” media org, CBS News gets a “poop” emoji for their efforts, and Canada wants to charge you for “mis-gendering” people. This is funny.

Have you noticed that Marxist democrats are removing American flags from their offices and public meetings? Many democrats have openly declared their disloyalty to the United States. It started at the last Marxist democratic debate stage in Las Vegas. It went virial on Unsocial Media after footage emerged showing the removal of the sole American flag on the debate stage. Since then, American flag lapel pins have been replaced with Abortion pins. Click To Watch.

Even more sinister is the left’s persecution of biological females. It’s even more horrific and violent. The Fake News Media will not touch stories like this. Riley Gaines, a NCAA Champion Swimmer, was assaulted by transgender activists at San Francisco State University for speaking for and about women rights to privacy in the locker-room. When I was growing up this invasion into women’s privacy would have been a crime, but this society wants to normalize it.

Marxist democrats are now promoting amongst other things, reparations for slavery. Kalifornia is doing it, why not everyone else. Now they want LGBTQ freaks to be designated a protected class. Why not everyone else? Advertisers are pushing their products with transgendered freaks promoting everything from beer and women’s sportswear. They don’t seem to mind that they’re angering their customer base. Discriminating against females with toxic men that pretend to be women. What a sick antic.

I don’t discriminate between the biological sexes. There are only two genders, male and female. PERIOD. Heinz 57 is a condiment synecdoche, a figure of speech, and not multi gender definition.

Violence by these transgender freaks is getting worse. Many of these degenerates are drug addicts and part of domestic terror groups. Others are just mentally ill. This regime seeks to make them a protected class. Claiming that Christians are attacking transgenders. I have yet to see a news story showing Christians physically attacking transgenders.

These men that pretend to be women believe that if they dress as a woman, put on makeup, grow their hair out and take on feminine characteristics will somehow be convincing to others. Never mind the 5-o’clock shadow facial hair.

Listen to this mentally ill dude that starts the debate with Matt Walsh by describing his education, his friends, claims to be a mother, and recites his daily affirmation of being a woman. As if any of that has anything to do with biology, which he denies his own gender. Dude, you have a penis.

Just one week after a transgender mass shooter killed six people at a Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee, another male-to-female transgender person had a mass shooting plot foiled by police in Colorado Springs. 19-year-old William Whitworth laid out extensive plans to plant bombs at and shoot students at Timberview Middle School in Colorado Springs. Copycats are out.

Author, art professor, feminist, and cultural commentator Camille Paglia speaks on the current transgender mania, the wisdom of early medical and surgical intervention (calling it “child abuse”), and how the explosion of gender identities is a recurring sign of cultural collapse throughout the history of civilization. This video was recorded six years ago.

This is now a contagion and it’s getting more violent. This regime is accusing Christians of being violent. Everyone knows that if a Christian attacked mentally ill transgendered people, the Fake News and Unsocial Media would be 24-7 none stop chatter. But that hasn’t happened, and it never will. Instead, we’re seeing attacks by transgender freaks attacking normal people.

Maybe these freaks of nature were abused as children Had not guidance growing up. Perhaps they were fatherless or maybe they just wanted attention. Much of this illness can be traced back to the individual’s childhood. What if they did have a structured upbringing with two parents, a father, and a mother, biologically correct? Imagine what their lives would be like today.

Consider the von Trapps of Harlem. A very large family that are close knit and accomplished musicians. Read more about their lives here at this link. Being the oldest from a large family myself, I know children don’ t come with instruction manuals. But still, this family’s remarkable journey is worth the read. Happy Good Friday and Happy Easter. End Rant.


Today’s Weather: Overcast with numerous moderate showers. 50% chance of precipitation. Tradewinds from the northeast at 11 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 72%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 7/16 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is 82%. Barometric pressure is 30.11 inches and dewpoint is 66°. UV index 6 Air quality Index is good at 34. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila ‘Ehiku 2023

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