San Franfeces Treat


Aloha kākou. Nazi Piglosi has a seizure when confronted with facts. The San Fran-feces Treat hurls insults at Fake News MSDNC anchor, Katy Tur, who grins like the Cheshire Cat that just caught the rat in a trap. Bidenomics isn’t working and the Marxist democrats know it isn’t working. They can’t convince working Americans that the economy is as strong as was President Trump’s economy.

Nazi Piglosi didn’t expect the Marxist democrat friendly Fake News would ask a comparison question. An enraged Nazi Piglosi flailing her chicken talons around over being corrected most stubborn facts.

A CBS News poll found that 65% of Americans remember the economy under President Donald Trump as being good, as compared with 38% under President Joe Biden. Who are the 38% – that’s what I want to know. To be honest, the Marxist democrats know Pedo-Joe Biden’s economic policies are not working. To prove this, Biden has reimplemented some of Trump’s economic policies by executive order, after Biden remove them.

What isn’t widely known is that Pedo-Joe Biden’s regime is laying economic traps for President Trump’s return to office. The majority of Biden advisors believe they’re going to lose the 2024 election. They’re setting traps, just as Barry Hussein Obummer did when his regime was ending. Traps are being set to prevent Trump from realigning the economy into profitability. These are environmental, social, and mandatory verses discretionary spending.

For example, Biden by executive fiat will import Gaza Palestinians by the thousands into the American Homeland to become voting citizens. The very same people that all the other Arab nations won’t take in because they are uncontrollable, untrainable, and will bite the hand that feeds them. In effect, allowing terrorists that hate Americans. Including Christians and Jews, Muslims of other sects, and LGBTQ fools. Allowing Palestinians to invade America to create an Islamic hellhole like that of Dearborn, Michiganistan.

Nazi Piglosi once infamously said, “We have to pass the bill, so that we can find out what is in the bill.” Which ushered in the largest tax increase in United States history. Obummer Care was passed then which the government took over the private health care sector in American. Destroyed healthcare insurance and penalized anyone that did not have health care insurance. Even if they couldn’t afford Obamacare insurance. Obamacare was priced beyond what most people could afford. The Supreme Court declared Obamacare a tax and Trump dismantled much of Obamacare. Giving healthcare choice back to the people. But Biden has a plan to increase taxes.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Rep. Jason Smith (R-Mo.) joins CNBC “Squawk Box” to discuss the future of President Trump’s tax cuts. Will Congress pass a slimmed down version of the tax cuts, or will they allow them to expire? Biden as already signaled he will allow the tax cuts to expire.

First of all, you don’t pay for tax cuts. That’s a media misnomer made up over the static pie theory. Everyone benefits from less government spending. Thus, allowing more people to acquire more money to spend and grow the economy. It is not limited to a person’s net income. Tax increases grow government which reduces people spending power.

Should President Trump’s tax cuts expire next year, and Pedo-Joe Biden has said he will let them expire. This means taxes will go up an average of three percent for all Americans. Biden has also said he wants a capital gains tax on “Unrealized Gains” which means taxing money you have not yet earned. This will affect everyone who has a mortgage, 401K, Pensions, Investments, and it will raise consumer prices across the board. Barry Hussein Obummer tried the same scheme with people’s 401K’s. Saying that people’s retirement money is just laying around and the government could use that money to pay off the national debt. Biden’s plan will hurt working people the most.

Notice how agitated Janet Yellen gets. They use the same argument that no one making less than $400K will be taxed. But that’s false and Yellen knows it. Every economist knows that. The Fake News Media all said in unison that the Tax Cuts only benefit the wealthy. But that has never been true. Everyone got a tax cut. The wealthy invested their tax cuts and created new private sector jobs. Working people got raises and more spending money. The stock market and people’s investments grew substantially. But the Marxist democrats say Trump’s economic policies caused the economy to tank and drive-up interest rates. The Marxist democrats blame Trump for Covid and the economy.

Covid wasn’t Trump’s fault and during that election year when the world was struggling with the Communist Chinese Wuhan Kung Fu Flu Corona Virus, all world economies were hit. Bad science and bad decisions by Fhony doctors such as Fauci, the CDC, and the Pharmaceuticals were all wrong and caused millions to die. That wasn’t Trump’s fault. Trump was ready to restart the economy, but the election was stolen. The rest is history. Biden has had four years to return to profitability, but like Nazi Piglosi’s hatred for President Trump and his administration successes, Biden threw it all away.

In the two years since the Marxist democrats took power, they locked down the economy from 2021 to 2023. Biden’s disastrous economic policies drove interest rates over 9%. Today, interest rates are actually closer to 7%, but the measured CPI index shows a steady rate of 3.9% percent. Still too high. When Trump left office interest rates were under 2% percent. Trump’s economy was set to recover in a big way. But it was Biden’s Covid mandates that caused the economy to tank. To this day, I’m convinced Covid was designed to interfere with the 2020 election, and it worked. Look at where we are now. If Bidenomics worked, we would be looking at Trump era prosperity, but we’re not and we won’t be under Bidenomics.

Nazi Piglosi: The San Franfeces Treat who hates Trump more than she hates the American people. The Kalifornia fruitcake that’s nuttier than the homeless crap left on the streets of San Francisco. Whose husband roams around the state hooking up with homeless men for sexual trysts. The amount of contempt this crook has for the American people is poisonous. Piglosi’s hatred for Trump is a manifestation of the real failures of the Marxist democrat party. This is why term limits are badly needed. There’s too much old blood corruption and not enough new blood to serve the American people. The longer they stay in power the more corrupt they get. Let’s do something to take back our government. Help Save America and the future.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with scattered moderate showers. There is a 70% chance of precipitation. We received 15/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the southeast at 12 mph, gusts 25 mph. Cloud cover is 75%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 91%. Barometric pressure is 29.98 inches. Dewpoint is 71° and UV index is 11. Air quality Index is good at 30. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila Kanakolu 2024