Populism Democracy


Aloha kākou. The Oxford Union Society hosted a debate where the topic was: “The Oxford Union Believes Populism is a Threat to Democracy.” There were six speeches in all from both sides of the assertion that populism is a threat to democracy versus populism is an integral part of democracy. What I learned is that elitists have their own version of how democracy is defined.

The Oxford Union Debating Society has been promoting such debates and discussions on various political and world topics since 1832. Sebastian Gorka recently speaks in favor of why the world needs President Trump back in the White House. That video is included in the link above.

Arguing for the side for populism was Winston Marshall. Arguing that populism is a threat to democracy was former U.S. Drinker of the House of Misrepresentatives was Nazi Piglosi. I have included in descending order the closing two arguments of the debate which I found had the most relevant conclusions for and against populism and demonocracy. Here’s the one-minute synopsis first.

Winston Marshall speaks in opposition to the motion that “This House Believes Populism is a Threat to Democracy.” Winston Marshall is an accomplished award-winning musician. He was a banjo player for the folk-rock band Mumford & Sons. He quit the band after he tweeted support for a book by conservative author Andy Ngo that explored the left-wing radicalism of Antifa, “Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy.” The unhinged leftist that hates democracy, free speech, and free will caused a media frenzy to boycott the band. Marshall declared “The Democracy is the anti-democrat.” Citing elitists have their own form of democracy which excludes opposing voices in their government,

Nazi Piglosi supports the notion that believes populism is a threat to democracy. Piglosi, the former U.S. Drinker of the House of Misrepresentatives is known for flashing her chicken finger talons around while gibbering incoherently about the subject matter at hand. Pelosi makes the case that populism is a threat to democracy because it’s racism at its core.

The liberal left has an intolerant rule about their version of democracy, if it doesn’t follow their socialist progressive orthodoxy, then it must be destroyed, silenced, and removed from all forms of literature, music, and history. Erased for all time. Their argument is to blame the opposition for what they are doing to retain power for themselves. They are the terrorist’s pointing fingers at us.

Pelosi describes populism as racism, as “ethno-nationalist populism, generated by an ethnic negativity to immigrants, people who are different from them and the rest.” Saying that “the populists take advantage of people who have legitimate economic concerns, and who want to thrive and survive economically”, and that money and populism have bonded together in this ethno-nationalist form. A convoluted way of accusing others of that they are doing to others.

If that sounds familiar, it should. Piglosi is reciting the warped immigration and economic policies of Barry the Bullshitter Obummer. When Obummer was president, he accused flyover America as backwards bitter rubes that cling to their God, Guns, and Country. Piglosi defends Pedo-Joe Biden’s crumbling economy and his regime’s current state of importing illegal immigration. The Marxist democrat believes democracy is an open border allowing a flood of illegals, criminals, human traffickers, and drugs to enter the United States. It is the Great Replacement of our Constitutional Republic into a socialist mobocracy.

I should note that Piglosi’s position comes as a result of her vitriol hatred for President Donald J. Trump’s popularity in the United States and the free world. As one commentor put Piglosi’s argument, “Babbling, disorganized, arrogant, elitist. This is a leader of the USA. Utter shame.” Piglosi went on to interrupt Winston Marshall’s rebuttal and interject her own defenseless comments several times. Knowing that she had already lost the debate, she continued to assert her unwelcome opinions. Embarrassing herself and America.

Unbelievably, the students voted to agree that populisim is a threat to democracy. The motion passed, with 177 members voting in favor and 68 members voting against. No wonder why Great Britian as with so many other western nations are failing due to their version of leftist dogma. Populism, in an orderly constitutional society, has been redefined as being intolerant of the needs and wants of the people. In this case democracy is only for the elitists that make up Big Tech, Big Media, Big Pharma, and those that write off the working people as “deplorables.”

Populism is a threat to the elitist version of democracy because it threatens elitist authoritarianism. Elitists want to limit free speech, eliminating political opposition, by censorship, limiting freedoms, and controlling our liberties. It’s why they want a single Uniparty government to criminalize and eliminate all opposition. That’s why populism is a threat to their version of democracy. It’s all government controlled. It only works for them, not for the freedoms of all the citizens of the United States.

This is why MAGA is Populism. It’s for the people and by the people. MAGA makes America Great Again because it defeats the tyranny of elitism. It defends us against those that wrap themselves in their perverted idea of democracy. It limits the power of government for the people and not to the few elitists that want a single party rule. This is why it’s so important that we take our government back from the Marxist democrats. This is why we must get involved in restoring government for the people, by the people. We only have one chance left to make this happen, else allow our freedoms to plunge into a thousand years of tyranny. Vote MAGA.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with possible showers. There is an 80% chance of precipitation. We received 3-1/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the southeast at 10 mph, gusts 20 mph. Cloud cover is 57%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 80’s. Humidity is 84%. Barometric pressure is 29.99 inches. Dewpoint is 72° and UV index is 11. Air quality Index is great at 19. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei ‘Umi Kūmākolu 2024