Stacked Deck


Aloha kākou. Are You Ready for Presidential Debate Round 2? What will be different this time? The deck will be stacked against President Trump. The Fake News Media has already set the rules and the outcome. Just as with previous debates, the leftist media bias has Pedo-Joe Biden already declared the winner. It’s how unfairly the system works. The media has already convicted, tried, and sentenced the debate as a losing cause for President Trump. The Fake News Media thinks the American people are stupid.

Where is the RNC on this stacked debate deck? Fake News CNN has confirmed Jake Crapper and Dana “Bimbo” Bash will moderate the first presidential debate. The two debates are scheduled for June 27 on the Communist Nutbag Network (CNN) and on September 10th on Fake News ABC. Why aren’t these debates held on neutral grounds? Why is the heavily biased Fake News Media always the moderators? Their bias is clearly open for everyone to see. It’s a ridiculous dog-face-pony-show preordained debate.

President Donald Trump debates extremely well in hostile media environments. Whereas, Pedo-Joe Biden is a bumbling mess of stammering, slurring, and gaffing arguments. Biden needs an earpiece and someone coaching him through delivery of answers. The moderators are so openly biased it compares to the sham kangaroo trials the Marxist democrats are persecuting Trump through.

From what I’ve seen from Unsocial Media reports, the debate rules will have no live audience. Pedo-Biden’s campaign handlers say audiences would spook Pedo-Joe Biden and whatever medication he’s taking. Another rule the Fake News Media wants is to have President Trump’s microphone muted when Pedo-Joe Biden speaks. Apparently, debate interruptions will throw Ped-Joe off his meds. So, should Pedo-Joe Biden get a drug test before the debate? Is this really going to be a debate or a one-sided smear against President Trump?

The Stacked Deck Debate should be focused on Pedo-Joe Biden’s disastrous regime. The failing economy, Afghanistan surrender, the proliferating wars, illegal immigration, and much more than an hour debate can fill. In the end, the Fake News Media will declare Pedo-Joe the winner. It’s preordained.

Will the moderators allow President Donald Trump to answer questions before a moderator cuts him off in mid-sentence? The moderators will not cut Pedo-Joe off in mid-sentence. Will the moderators defend Pedo-Joe Biden when Trump speaks, as Chrissy Wallace did in 2020? The Fake News Media has a habit of defending the far left over fairness in debates. Fact Checking Trump, but not Pedo-Joe Biden. Everyone knows how this debate is going to turn out. It’s preordained by the Deep State.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with possible showers. There is a 30% chance of precipitation. We received 1/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the southeast at 16 mph, gusts 31 mph. Cloud cover is 18%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 80’s. Humidity is 82%. Barometric pressure is 29.94 inches. Dewpoint is 71° and UV index is 10. Air quality Index is great at 16. Readings taken at 12:00AM HST.

Mei ‘Umi Kūmālima 2024

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