America Devoured


Aloha kākou. In a past post, I predicted the sham kangaroo court in New York would convict President Trump. It was a setup. I now believe this corrupt judge Merchan will incarcerate President Trump. What will happen next is unclear. What is clear is that Merchan is being directed by his own hostility towards President Trump and Pedo-Joe Biden and the Marxist democrats. This is blatant election interference. They can’t stop President Trump’s growing popularity, so they must incarcerate the man. There was no crime committed. Everyone knows that now. The Fake News Media hawking “Convicted Felon” narrative is not sinking into the American psyche. Just the opposite. It’s making Trump more popular.

I have said in past postings that Marxist democrats planned to convict President Trump by any means necessary. Now they want to imprison Trump to assassinate him. I’m so disappointed in the GOP repubics for not being more aggressive in supporting President Trump. Republicans have contributed nothing, except for a few brave individuals. GOP leadership is too afraid of the Fake News Media. They’re inept, useless, and now, the long-term consequences are before us. The 2024 Presidential election is being rigged. As with this sham court decisions were rigged. This happened in Brazil and it’s happening here. The parallels are uncanny.

A prediction, if you will. I saw creeping Marxism long ago infiltrating both political parties. This is the makeup of the Uniparty. Consider that those in politics enter as paupers and suddenly become millionaires while drawing a taxpayer’s salary of $180,000 per year. So, where’s all the extra money coming from? Obviously, they’re selling their office for influence. Insider Stock Trading. Congress will not police themselves. Which is why accountability and term limits will never, ever, be considered. A criminal political class is what our representative government has become.

What can we expect in 2025? It will be highly unlikely that Donald Trump will get a second term as president. As much as I would like to see another Trump Presidency, the events leading up to the election are drastically changed to allow the government to enact emergency powers once again. The markers are already being set in place, but few are seeing what’s coming.

Even if Trump wins both the popular and electoral votes, the Uniparty regime will nullify the 2024 election. It’s exactually what the Marxist democrats have been accusing President Trump of being a dictator. We are seeing a Marxist dictatorship growing to consume the nation ahead of the 2024 elections. Consider the following warning by Tulsi Gabbard, Hawaii’s former Representative. She sees the weaponization of our government.

Tulsi Gabbard’s analysis is correct. We can all see Marxist corruption coming. We are a Banana Republic. We are losing our Republic. In the eyes of the world and our enemies’ minds, we have become a joke of a nation. A clay pigeon waiting to be shattered into dust by our enemies. Marxist democrats have discarded the rule of law and are implementing their autocracy. The Republicans are doing little to nothing about it. It’s truly an autocratic Uniparty.

Without firing a shot, we are being invaded and replaced by hordes of illegal immigrants. This is how great civilizations rose and declined in history. We are at the zenith of our greatness and what happens next will determine our future. The Uniparty is making their move against our Republic. In doing so, they will forever change our political system into a single party tyrannical rule.

In this compelling video, Victor Davis Hanson delves into the numerous challenges facing the United States today. He begins by highlighting the unprecedented numbers and percentages of foreign-born individuals in the country, emphasizing that 55 million people were not born in the U.S., representing 16% of the population. Hanson points out the lack of civic education and integration, leading to tribalism and tensions as people from illiberal regimes enter the country with various grievances.

Hanson compares contemporary America to historical examples like ancient Thebes, Carthage, Constantinople, and the Aztec Empire. These once-great civilizations underestimated their vulnerabilities and adversaries, leading to their downfall. He draws parallels to the current state of the U.S., suggesting that Americans might be similarly complacent about their military, economic stability, and global standing.

Ultimately, Hanson emphasizes that decline is a choice, not an inevitability. He urges a reassessment of current policies and priorities to avoid making the same mistakes as past civilizations. This video is a sobering analysis of the potential pitfalls facing America and a call to action for preserving its strength and stability. — From “Point Of View”

I have not given up. I have not surrendered to the Marxist democrats. I believe that a miracle will happen. When the darkest days of tyranny are upon us, the light of liberty will vanquish the dark. Above all else, the American people are seeing this atrocity. Some are seeing this for the first time. They know that if the Marxist democrats can do this to Trump, they can do this to them. The people that are most concerned about this are immigrants from communist countries.

All polling data aside, the individual donations to the Trump campaign is astonishing. Since the illegal conviction, the Trump campaign has raised over $300 Million dollars. Despite the Fake News Media rampant harping that Trump is now a convicted felon. If people only get their information and news from the “Big Six” media conglomerates, that’s all they know. The Big Five are ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and NPR. They are State Run media. They are the government narrative. The Fake News Media are mocking the American people with disinformation. They proved they could do that during the Covid Pandemic. Frighten the people into surrendering their freedoms for a small return on security.

Pedo-Joe Biden’s regime is bribing lowlife university students by forgiving them for their student loans. Forcing the American working people to pick up the slack for university freeloaders. This regime sends billions of dollars to foreign nations to perpetuate endless wars. While Hawai’i wildfire victims are given a mere pittance of a onetime $700,00 compensation. People in East Palestine are left to be poisoned by the government inaction to toxic spills.

People’s home insurance rates are so high they can’t afford to purchase a new home. Bidenomics is crashing the economy, and the Fake News Media say’s President Trump will cause a depression. We had four years of peace and prosperity with President Trump. We had cheap gas and money in our pockets. Now we can’t afford anything. Under Pedo-Hitler Biden’s regime we have wars, poverty, and crime. Yet we are told by the Fake News State Run Media that President Trump is a threat to Democracy???!!! — We’re supposed to trust these nutcases.

Communists are Devouring America. Marxist democrats have been in power for decades. The results of their reign have been increased homelessness, illegal immigration, escalation of crime and human trafficking. We are, as Tulsi Gabbard noted, a Banana Republic. Lawless and declining on the world stage. We had four years of prosperity and peace with President Trump. We’re living in economic ruin under Pedo-Hitler Biden and the Marxist democrats. The Fake News Media has again started the same narrative they started in 2015 before Trump won the Presidency. That the economy will fall into a depression with Trump. The same lies then, they’re using now.

Help Us Save America From The Uniparty, the Marxist democrats, the Communist Fake News Media. Support our goal to Make America Great Again. Get money back in our pockets. World Peace. Have the freedom to choose our destiny. Support America. Vote Trump 2024 — No matter What Happens.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with scattered moderate showers. There is a 30% chance of precipitation. We received 3/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 8 mph, gusts 18 mph. Cloud cover is 53%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 78%. Barometric pressure is 30.12 inches. Dewpoint is 72° and UV index is 2. Air quality Index is great at 28. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune ‘Ehā 2024