The Great Melt Down


Aloha kākou. The Fourth Branch was taken down by a group of fishermen that challenged the law. The Chevron law was run by a bunch of unelected federal bureaucrats that made up the rules as they wanted. No checks and balances. Congress is supposed to pass laws, the Executive approves or vetoes those laws, and the courts are supposed to determine the constitutionality of laws. Instead, the law was given to a bunch of far-left unelected bureaucrats that abused their power.

The Chevron doctrine, established in the 1984 case Chevron U.S.A. Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, has long been a source of contention. It granted deference to federal agencies in interpreting ambiguous statutes, effectively allowing unelected bureaucrats to make laws through their regulatory actions. However, by a 6-3 majority, SCOTUS has now declared that such power is unconstitutional and goes against the principles of democratic governance. — The Gateway Pundit

This Global Warming, Climate Crisis, nonsense has been pushed for too long. There’s no science to support man-made global warming. It’s been a political game to control people’s lives from what house you can own, what car you can drive, and how much energy you consume. You’ll notice that these unelected bureaucrats don’t have to follow their own rules. They can live in big homes, fly private jets, and use as much energy as they want. There are no consequences for them, but for us, we’re screwed. That all changes now.

Is there a scientific consensus that says we should be worried about a looming climate catastrophe? No. A majority of scientists may believe Earth’s climate is changing, but most are not all that alarmed.

Scientists that are paid by these unelected bureaucrats to find consensus will find a consensus for the right price. Bottom line, there is no climate crisis. Just a crisis in government stupidity.

Heartland Institute Research Fellow Linnea Lueken talks about how the Earth is greening, meaning plant life is increasing – it’s one of the benefits of climate change that is often ignored or dismissed.

CO2 is a life-giving element. Without CO2 we would cease to exist. All life would cease to exist. All those claims that CO2 is destroying the planet have no scientific basis. No scientific proof. As the greening of the planet is occurring, the regulation of CO2 is balanced. We will get more plants, which means more food, and more oxygen to breathe, and a better planet to live on. Problem solved. But not for the environuts that run around crying wolf over the climate. They should be ignored.

In this video, Heartland Institute Research Fellow Linnea Lueken looks at whether or not bees are threatened by climate change. Studies reveal that any issues they may have regionally are most likely unrelated to climate change.

Environuts actually do more damage to the environment by trying to fix what isn’t broken. If anyone listens to the hysterical hype of climate crisis, then climate fear mongers will unnecessarily spread fear where no fear exists. The earth is fine. It’s the environuts that are idiots.

Does global warming threaten coral reefs? To the contrary, data show that corals are thriving in modestly warmer waters, and even are expanding their range.

I’ve visited the reefs around the world. Hawai’i has a huge coral life under the ocean. I’ve been to the Great Barrier Reef and it’s fine. But the environuts will claim that manmade activity has, emphasis “has”, destroyed the coral reefs. It’s simply not true. Visit it yourself and see. Australia is great this time of year. So is Hawai’i and when you come to visit Hawai’i, remember to bring your ABC’s — Always Bring Cash.

There’s this yearly garbage claim that’s been going around for years of wildfires. They’re caused mainly because of unkept forests. Too much dead plant material catches fire easily. Years ago, the Conservation Corps used to manage the forests and grasslands. But that’s been over for decades. If they employed young people to clean up the forests, they would learn valuable lessons about forest management. Learn the science of nature and keep the planet from burning in wildfires. Simple rules that can be done cheaply and effectively. Try good governance over climate hysteria. Spend taxpayers’ money wisely.

The Great Meltdown is a myth as with a burning planet. Every year we hear the same old arguments by the Fake News Media and the environuts. “It’s the hottest year on record.” or “It’s the coldest year on record.” We keep making records with the same song and dance. What’s on side B of these records? Maybe a little common sense and pragmatism for a change in climate. Do us and the planet all good.

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 50% chance of precipitation. We received 1/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 9 mph, gusts 20 mph. Cloud cover is 38%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 72%. Barometric pressure is 30.01 inches. Dewpoint is 69 and UV index is 11. Air quality Index is great at 18. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune Iwakālua Kūmāiwa 2024