Gas Of Life


Aloha kākou. The climate hysteria has gone from a religion to the courts to eliminate the use of hydrocarbons. The reason is the belief that CO2 is a pollutant and will destroy the planet. Of course, the liberal Fake News Media is leading the climate crisis madness. The easiest way to destroy the need for fossil fuels in our daily life is to convince the minds of mush to use the corrupt legal system to sue the pants off the government and oil companies. Death by a thousand lawyers.

According to NPR, eighteen California children are suing the Environmental Protection Agency, claiming it violated their constitutional rights by failing to protect them from the effects of climate change. This is the latest in a series of climate-related cases filed on behalf of children. Suddenly, children are climate scientists and are now running the world. Because adults have done such a terrible job being proper stewards of the planet.

Climatewire reports of a landmark court decision that Montana is violating its youngest residents’ rights to a clean and healthful climate could have legal repercussions well beyond the Treasure State. What’s really happening is slip-n-fall lawyers are getting rich on frivolous lawsuits.

Of course, it’s the usual reasons that the Fake News Media sources cite every day. “It’s the hottest year on record.” The fear propagated into the minds of the illiterate about pending climatic doom has slip and fall lawyers on the path of litigation. Meanwhile, windmills are freezing up in Sweden. Electric buses won’t run in extreme cold and heat. Always in the deep winter and summer months. Now, Whales are beaching themselves from windmills being planted off the east coast of America in the Atlantic Ocean. Sometime in the future we’ll have to go back in time and save some whales from windmills.

“If fossil fuels come from fossils, why have scientists found them on one of Saturn’s moons?” Great question, hydrocarbons found on other planetary bodies than the earth. Maybe God made these planets available as interstellar gas stations. “A lot of what you’ve heard about energy is false. Dr. Willie Soon and Tucker Carlson discuss.” The following video is interesting. So, watch the whole program. It’s very revealing about how misinformed most people are about how clean fossil fuels actually are.

Do these children ever wonder where their cellphones come from? Their clothing and shoes. Their Xbox games and Apple watches. Refrigeration, air conditioning, heat, and makeup. They have no clue. All the products and conveniences that we enjoy and take for granted are all made from hydrocarbons. Where do they think electricity comes from? Only twenty percent of the nation’s power comes from so-called renewable energy. Most of the energy comes from the vast quantities of fossil fuels.

The Gas of Life is Carbon Dioxide. Without CO2, life as we know it would not exist. The symbiotic relationship between corporeal life and the planet is CO2. Only 0.04 percent of our atmosphere is carbon dioxide. Only one percent of the 0.04 percent of that CO2 is generated by human activity. So, our impact on the planet is minimal. However, to produce products that have zero emissions requires great resources to mine and manufacture.

Strip mining and toxic pools to harvest lithium, cobalt, and other rare earth metals. Try recycling windmills, solar panels, and batteries, it’s not possible and they’re buried in huge landfills where they leach into the ground water. Fossil Fuels are recyclable. Oils and fluids can be synthetically manufactured and safely reused. Minds of mush only hear the leftist cries of a dying planet. Once the stupid rid the production of fossil fuels a great reality check will happen. I don’t want to be around when that happens.


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with scattered showers. There is a 30% chance of precipitation. We received NO precipitation overnight. Tradewinds are from the north at 6 mph, gusts 15 mph. Cloud cover is 67. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 81%. Barometric pressure is 29.85 inches and dewpoint is 64°. UV index 3. Air quality Index is poor at 52. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Ianuali ‘Umi Kūmākolu 2024

Climate Experts


Aloha kākou. Did you ever notice how much Marxist democrats want to control our lives? When people ignore the dummy dimmies, they retaliate with bans on our standard of living. From the climate to the cars we drive, the food we eat, and the houses we can live in. They’re exempt from restrictions they place on us. They can own multiple homes, use private airplanes, ride in the largest limousines, and eat the finest foods. They’re special and more deserving than the rest of us.

It starts with a perceived catastrophe and then develops into a public policy to run our lives into economic ruin. Global warming is still on the docket. Except the name evolved into climate change, climate crisis, and now climate collapse. What’s worse is there are people that believe this pending doom is real. They will happily give up their liberties to save a planet that’s been around longer than us humans. The surface nuisance that lives like fleas on the planet.

Let’s ban everything, they say. Let’s put kill switches in cars. Let’s shut down farms and limit the food supply. Let’s limit the amount of energy you can be allotted. Let’s ban fossil fuels and use expensive dirty green energy. Windmills, solar panels, and batteries that cannot be recycled. We all know how important recycling is to the left. It’s mandatory to separate everything before it gets all dumped into the landfills.

Climate expert’s hysterics never stop. There’s always going to be another crisis du jour that must be used and cannot go to waste. These people in power write legislation to regulate our lives. How well it all these regulations working? Judge that by how many people are homeless and living on the streets. It’s fine for poisons to be released on the streets but using natural gas to heat your home is a crime against nature. When will people finally say enough and stop voting these idiots into government? It had better happen soon because the idea of living in trees like our primate ancestors did is not appealing.


Today’s Weather: Mostly cloudy skies with scattered showers. There is a 70% chance of precipitation. We received 3/4 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds are from the north northeast at 13 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 51%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 80%. Barometric pressure is 30.07 inches and dewpoint is 68°. UV index 6. Air quality Index is poor at 42. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Nowemapa ‘Umi Kūmākolu 2023

C40 Cities


Aloha kākou. What if I told you that by 2030 there would be no more real food? Where billionaires will own farms to feed other billionaires. Where the rest of humanity will be forced to live in cubicles and dine on lab grown synthetic meats. Where private ownership of vehicles will be banned. Clothing will be allotted to three purchases per year. Travel will be restricted and limited to 15-minute distances. There will be no more single-family dwellings and no suburbs. There will be only cities where people are stacked and packed in environmentally controlled cells. Like a Rubics Cube lunchmeat sandwich.

Evita Duffy-Alfonso at The Federalist authored this brilliant article “C40 Cities.” Describing the cities that have already signed up to making this a reality to which I will add my opinion. Readers of this blog know of my repeated warnings of a climate driven take-over of the United States by the Marxist democrats and their allies. The Maui Wildfires is the latest climate alarm of an impending planetary disaster that’s being pushed by the climate alarmists. The final solution isn’t about saving humanity as the author explains.

Sounds like an episode of ‘The Prisoner‘ trapped in the village. Except this is a real organization that is working to make this dysphoria future a reality. There are actual laws moving through legislatures to build this prison cube by cube. They call their organization the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group.” The ultimate goal is to corral humans into concrete pens where they cannot harm the environment. Humans are a planetary nuisance that must be controlled according to the climate alarmists. Humans must be controlled and molded into compliancy of the New World Order, where you will own nothing and you be happy, or else.

The ultimate goal is to transform a fossil fuel economy and agrarian society into a chemical fed menagerie. Where humans are biologically modified to be allergic to natural foods. The climate coalition’s target is to limit carbon emissions. To accomplish that goal, they must invent worldwide climate crises. Every natural disaster will be blamed on man-made global warming.

Hawai’i Senator Brian “Pajama Boy” Schatz is using the Maui wildfire as an example of the ‘New Climate Normal.’ Schatz blames global warming for the Maui Wildfires. So, Severe Weather, Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Tsunamis, Long Lines at Costco, Red Dye #9, Cancer, Mid-Life Crisis, the state of Kalifornia, Friends of Ganja, Microwave Ovens, Gas Stoves, Play-Doh, are all grievances of the worldwide climate crisis.

As Victor Davis Hanson explains, we are in a revolution. Where the Marxist democrats are transforming America into a Narco-Socialist state. The election process has been permanently changed. We’re in a police state where citizens are at the mercy of criminals. Where the courts are owned by corrupt billionaires that buy judges and prosecutors. Criminals are let onto the streets immediately after being arrested. Citizens that defend their life, family, and property are held in prisons without charges.

The “C” in C40 could be compared to a Rubics Cube. A puzzle prison where there’s no way out. Now imagine a Dark City. A prison where everything you could possibly want is within 15 minutes. Everything except freedom. To be able to bathe in natural sunlight and breathe fresh air. To be able to own land, a home, feel grass under your feet, smell the ocean breeze. Instead, humans are to be imprisoned in cells with artificial light and fed lab grown food. There’s no way out of this nightmare.

At the debates, they’re talking about man-made climate change. Every six months the same argument is presented. If it’s either too cold, or it’s too hot, it’s man-made climate change. The environuts want to reduce world population, but that’s not the solution.


Today’s Weather: Partly skies with moderate showers. 90% chance of precipitation. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 7 mph, gusts 18 mph. We received 7/32 inch of precipitation overnight. Cloud cover is 32%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is 78%. Barometric pressure is 29.98 inches and dewpoint is 73°. UV index 11. Air quality Index is good at 19. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻAukake Iwakālua kūmākolu 2023

Arma Dei


Aloha kākou. An FBI memo, “radical-traditional” Catholics who are interested in the Traditional Latin Mass are likely to have ties to “the far-right white nationalist movement.” The website UncoverDC leaked an FBI memorandum called “Radical-Traditionalist Catholics” or RTCs. Everything is a three-letter acronym these days. An internal document from the FBI’s bureau’s Richmond, Virginia, field office allegedly vowed to spy on “radical traditionalist Catholics and their ideology.” Never mind that this is a violation of the First Amendment and Religious Freedoms.

Although the Fascist Bureau of Instigation says it has rescinded the memo due to public outrage, I don’t believe a word they say. They are corrupted to the bone. The FBI needs to be dismantled and replaced with sheriffs. The history of the FBI since its inception has been more corrupt than the criminals it claims to be fighting.

According to the leaked FBI memo, “radical-traditional” Catholics who are interested in the Traditional Latin Mass are likely to have ties to “the far-right white nationalist movement.” This kind of religious persecution is practiced in Communist countries, especially Communist China. Which persecutes a variety of Traditional Chinese, Tibetan, Christian, and Islamic religions. Falon Gong and Uyghurs are held in concentration camps. In communist regimes, only the state is God. It’s all Bullshit.

Marxist democrats have always been extremely prejudiced against people of faith. It doesn’t matter what your faith may be. You must be a secularist with your faith only in government. It sounds contradictory, but that’s how Marxist democrat operate. It’s how they think. Marxist do not want people of faith intermingling with government. The old separation of church and state argument that continually abuses the Constitutional meaning of the First Amendment. Yet, we have a religion of climate change dominating government policies. It’s a religion of fear. It is the states established religion in direct violation of the First Amendment.

Climate-gate, remember that? A group of evil politicians attempted to discredit actual scientists. Sound a lot like what happened with Covid and the deadly Pfizer vaccines. People are taking advantage of others to make money. Climate change, global warming, there’s no crisis, there’s only fear mongering by crooks seeking to fleece us of our liberties.

The United Nations claims that climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns, mainly caused by human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels. According to the United Nations Climate Change Council. A false religion that worships the Global Warming goddess Giai. The climate is heating the planet and making it inhabitable. But how can that be so when life is expanding and growing in the current climate?

It’s only human mismanagement of the planet that causes climate disasters. Forestry mismanagement for example. Even the ancient Indians of North America knew to clear the forests of dead wood to prevent forest fires, but the extremists’ environmentalists say this hurts the forest. That’s not true. They would rather see us locked in a season of death. Freezing in the winter and denying relief from the heat. You’ll notice that climate change never happens in spring and fall. Only in the middle of summer and winter is there a climate crisis. When the fake news media makes it a revolving story of dread.

Who wants to live in a climate of death? According to the United Nations, a Socialist organization whose goal is One World Government, they’ll blame fossil fuels as the driver of a heating planet. “Burning fossil fuels generates greenhouse gas emissions that act like a blanket wrapped around the Earth, trapping the sun’s heat and raising temperatures.” But is that a dreadful thing? “Climate change can affect our health, ability to grow food, housing, safety and work.” says the United Nations. But where’s the science to validate this hypothesis? There is none. It’s all conjecture and not science that can be debated. It settled, they say.

Now the climate kooks say the cow flatulence causes global warming. We must stop eating meat and start eating bugs to control human emissions. Farting, they’re talking about farting. We had better pay attention to this because as we have learned before, when the left tells us what they want to do to us, they will mandate it. They will pass laws banning certain foods and force us into a bug diet. Even though God gave man dominion over the world, the plants and animals, the state wants to dominion over our lives.

You see, Marxist democrats have established a state religion. It’s called climate change and it is designed to replace traditional religion, traditional faiths, and it is the established religion of Marxism. Their Eucharist will be the daily insect meal that will feed on the body of the dead. Their sacrifice will be surrendering their liberties and freedoms for the unholy pain of debauchery. Call it fascism, communism, socialism, but I call it worshiping false gods of government. We will have no choice but to worship the state.

The picture of my Rosery at the top of this posting was made from Olive Wood from Bethlehem in the Holy Land where Jesus lived. The FBI considered the Rosery a weapon. Ironically, that’s true. It’s my Armor from God.



Sunny with some passing clouds. 30% chance of precipitation. Tradewinds from the north at 11 mph, gusts 25 mph. Cloud cover is 21%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 5/64 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is 84%. Barometric pressure is 29.93 inches and dewpoint is 67°. UV index 10. Air quality Index is fair at 39. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Pepeluali ‘Umi Kūmāhā 2023


New World Management


Aloha kākou. The World Is Under New Management. A New World Order. Or sooner it will be if something doesn’t change. We are seeing our freedoms and liberties being eroded away all around the world. This has been attempted before and it has led to world war catastrophe. It is repeating under the guise of One Global World government. A cannibalistic collaboration of corporations and communist oligarchs is eating away little chunks of our liberties.

As we’re entering into a brutal northern hemisphere winter that will last for the next three months. Longer in other parts of the world. We’re seeing governments changing the basic needs to support the general population. From food production to banking, these government entities are changing how we conduct our lives. These government leaders have chosen to reverse our standards of living to support a fantasy of globalist socialism. It’s to save the planet from ourselves. Better to starve and freeze to death from the undeclared human parasites that inhabit the surface of this world. These government oligarchs have declared war on us.

You will be asked by your government to make noble sacrifices. You will be forced to give up your property and wealth. A new monetary system with replace the old system with the introduction of digital currency. You won’t be given a choice once this new economic system is implemented. It will start by surrendering your religious liberties. Then surrendering your children to the State. Then your property. Maybe not exclusively in this order, but this is happening.

The following example may seem like a joke, but it’s true. In Finland, people are being asked to crap in a plastic bag. As indomitable Katie Hopkins explains.

Netherlands resident and lawyer, Eva Vlaardingerbroek talks about the controversy brewing over the Netherlands’ government taking land from the Dutch farmers in the name of climate change. The Netherlands is one of the world’s largest producers of food.

But the food supply is but one of the many efforts by liberal corporates will use to control your lives. Banks are now getting into the means of controlling the people for the government. Either because of your religious beliefs or some social situation liberal’s support. If you’re in opposition to transgenderism, then banks could close your account. As what happened to former U.S. Senator and Religious Freedom Ambassador Sam Brownback.

JP Morgan Chase didn’t give a reason for the closing Brownback’s account, they did say “We are required by anti-money laundering laws to conduct customer due diligence.” But this is limited to JP Morgan Chase, but all the major banks in the country. It seems arbitrary and precocious to target a religious organization, but the banks are also using varied reasons to freeze bank accounts.

Citizenship requirements seem a far reach. When did the bank change their rules? Plus, I’m not aware of any law that compels customers to provide personal information other than proof of who you are. Why are banks now treating customers as criminals?

When I went to renew my driver’s license, I had to supply a long form birth certificate and proof of citizenship. At first, I thought the government just needs to know who their citizens are. Then I thought about national voter ID which Marxist democrats don’t want implemented. It seems the two are in conflict.

These little chunks of our liberties and freedoms are what’s being tested. How far can the oligarchs push people until they break? Will they transform us into a nation of sheep? This seems to be the direction where the government is going. These incidents are happening more frequently and cannot be just happenstance. We’ve never seen anything like this in our country before.

If there is a move to digital currency, then any bank controlled by the government can switch off anyone’s account. Once they cut off your money, food, and energy, then the government can take anything. They can accuse anyone of being an enemy of the state for just exercising their God given rights to freedom.

This is the latest production by Jake Lang’s team at Please remember these abused men and women in your thoughts and prayers during the Christmas season. We have political prisoners in this county. Citizens whose Constitutional Rights are being violated.



Mostly cloudy with scattered showers. 44% chance of precipitation this evening. Tradewinds from the east at 7 mph, gusts 19 mph. Cloud cover is 70%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 11/32 of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is 86%. Barometric pressure is 29.85 inches and dewpoint is 69°. UV index 6. Air quality Index is good at 31. Readings taken at 1:00PM HST.

Kēkēmapa ‘Elima, 2022


Misery Loves Company


Aloha kākou. “Now is the winter of our discontent.” This famous opening line from Richard III, a play by William Shakespeare. We are now entering a period of misery as winter approaches. Europe was warned not to dance with the devil (Putin), but they thought they knew best. Especially smug Germany and France. They scoffed and laughed at President Trump during his United Nations speech warning that an energy deal with Russia will be a disaster for Europe come winter. They all laughed at President Trump. Who’s laughing now? 

President Trump saw the looming disaster relying on an only source of energy. That’s why President Trump spent a lot of his calories to make the United States energy independent with cheap fossil fuels. The Green Energy products are predominantly produced in China. They own solar panel and windmill markets. As with so many other products we rely on China. From pharmaceuticals to electronics. We’re dependent on single sourced manufactures that don’t particularly like the United States.

President Trump saw the warning signs and was in the process of decoupling from China and moving industry production back to the United States. That’s spurred huge job growth that included good paying jobs. International trade is good when you’re in good company, but Communist China is not good company.

China is buying up our farmland. Right next to sensitive military bases where they can spy on us. Why is this regime allowing China to buy up valuable farmland? The answer is that Jim Crow Joe Brandon and his corrupt family are compromised to Communist China. They’re making money while we’re getting poorer. Why do you suppose this regime is hell-bent on destroying fossil fuel energy sources?

Russia and Saudi Arabia are countries that benefits from rising fossil fuel prices. The war in Ukraine has seen the Kremlin’s gas revenues increased two to three times greater than normal in the first half of this year. Increasing the Russia’s ability to withstand a long economic siege. Meanwhile, the natural gas pipeline from Russia to Europe has been shut off. Winter is coming and the Europeans know they are in trouble. The European governments are now worried of a heating/energy shortage coming in the winter.

European governments signed up to net zero carbon targets. Instead of relying on fossil fuels, countries in the west are building up their own [c]leaner, greener forms of energy. While this process is happening, Europe was trying to wean itself off Russian gas, but they discovered they won’t be able to do so this winter. Oops! Energy prices are rising sharply when Russia’s state-owned Gazprom announced an unscheduled maintenance shutdown of its Nord Stream 1 pipeline. The fear is that supplies of gas to meet Europe’s demand will be insufficient. This is exactly what President Trump warned about.

Cheap plentiful energy is the key to world economies stability and sustainability. The more energy is produced the cheaper the cost of living is to meeting consumer demands. This energy shortage is not limited to Europe, but to the United States as well. In the case of America’s energy crisis, it was self-inflected. Afterall, we were energy independent just a little more than two years ago. The energy shortage cascaded into other supply chain problems. This will spill over into the winter with high energy costs. It will also affect the cost of living going into next year. Food shortages and empty store shelves will be the norm. What is known as “First World Problems.”

In Hawai’i, our electric utility company is asking residents to restrict their electricity usage between the hours of 5PM to 9PM. The reason is the same as Europe’s problem. Our Big Island energy plant has shut down for maintenance. Hawaiian Electric has advised that Hamakua Energy Providers — the island’s largest independent power provider — is currently “unavailable” and is not producing the 60 megawatts of power it typically generates. In addition, one of Hawaiian Electric’s own power plants is undergoing annual maintenance, creating another 14-megawatt shortfall.

Hawaiian Electric is urging residents to conserve energy between 5 and 9 p.m. each night this week. They’re suggesting turning off or reducing lights, delaying showers, laundry, and dishwashing, and minimizing cooking during the evening hours. I wonder if that includes everyone charging Electric Vehicles? Could you imagine everyone that owns an EV plugging in when they get home?

The State of Hawai’i is still selling people on the idea of using more electric vehicles (EV’s). They’re promising to construct more charging stations around the island. Are they going to put charging stations in every car stall at apartment complexes? Who is going to pay for all these charging stations when the electric company cannot meet the energy demands now? The electric company is now warning about rolling blackouts. Just like Kalifornia energy shortages. We’re in good company.

Tucker Carlson’s monologue spells out Green Energy’s attack on your autonomy. We’ve become so accustomed to just flipping a switch and having the lights come on whenever we want. Not anymore. But this is to benefit the climate and save the planet. It’s too bad you can’t charge your electric vehicle. These are sacrifices of our first world problems. So, if my EV runs out of battery power on the H1 highway on O’ahu, do I walk to the nearest charging station for a bucket of electricity?

As the eco-left’s neurosis to transition to Green Renewable Energy, they fail to realize the amount of pollution Green Energy produces. By artificially increasing the costs of fossil fuels and expecting everyone to be free of the pain of energy independence. Be thankful that you are contributing to the future survival of the planet. Just put on an extra sweater when it gets cold.

Winter is coming and misery loves company



Mostly sunny and breezy. 20% chance of precipitation today. Tradewinds are from the north northeast at 11 mph, gusts 26 mph. Cloud cover is 43%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got another 1/8 of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70s. Humidity is at 78%. Barometric pressure is 30.01 inches and dewpoint is 70°. UV index 13. Air quality Index is at 17. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻAukake Kanakolu Kūmākahi, 2022


Woke To Broke


Aloha kākou. Today is National Flag Day. This holiday commemorates the date in 1777 when the United States approved the design for its first national flag. Also in observance is the Hawai’i State flag because I want the 50th State in the Union of United States represented. It’s where I live. It’s my Pride Flag.

Woke to Broke. Want to retire comfortably? Planning a retirement savings in either a 401K, pension, or some investment for your future retirement nest eggs? Don’t invest in ESG (Environment Social Governance) Stocks unless you want to live poorer and work longer. ESG stocks will make you live poorer and work longer to achieve any financial retirement. But rest assured that you will be helping to keep the planet heathy, just not your retirement savings. That’s the whole purpose behind ESG stocks. It’s not for your retirement investment, but an investment scam to take your money. Surrender your money Dorothy.

Here’s that WEF Bond villain, Kause “The Fish” Schwab, popping up again. What’s more important for a company: to make a profit, or to do “social good?” More and more companies seem to be focusing on the latter. But is that a good business strategy? And, what does that mean for the economy, for you… and your bank account? I want to invest in companies that will bring me the greater rate of return. Call me selfish, but the planet will be here long after humans have gone extinct. In my retirement years, I want to be sitting in my rocking chair on my lanai with a glass of whiskey, a good cigar, and my guitar playing Hawaiian Slack Key (Ki ho’alu) music.

ESG Scoring is very much like a Communist Chinese Social Credit score. By design, that’s what ESG was designed to do. You’re not allowed to increase your wealth and manage your business. You must comply with someone else’s rules of profit. It’s no different than a mob protection racket that provides protection insurance from them destroying your business. Nice retirement life you got here… would be a shame if something should happen to it.

Elon Musk recently took the world by storm when he tweeted he is increasingly convinced that corporate ESG is the devil incarnate. Simply put, an ESG score is a measure of a company’s long-term exposure to environmental, social, and governance risks that are frequently ignored during traditional financial evaluations. ESG has no businesses being in the free markets. It is the devil incarnate. The WEF prevents developing nations from getting the opportunities to enter first world luxuries. Like clean water, abundant cheap energy, and access to food. If you’ve ever wondered why there is so much poverty in the the world, look no further than the WEF that controls the world banks.

MSCI, the largest ESG rating company, doesn’t even try to measure the impact of a corporation on the world. It’s all about whether the world might mess with their bottom line of funneling your money into their pockets. It’s corrupt corporate capitalism. It’s crony capitalism which is perverse reversal of capitalism.

When investment firms say they have a fiduciary duty to their clients, the firm has the duty to act in a way that will benefit the client, usually financially. The person who has a fiduciary duty is called the fiduciary, and the person to whom the duty is owed is called the principal or the beneficiary. Under the ESG model, the investment firm only cares about its fees that the client pays.

A high ESG rating indicates that a company manages its ESG risks well in comparison to its peers, whereas a low ESG rating indicates that the company has a higher unmanaged ESG risk exposure. Elon took to Twitter to express his frustration with the news that his company had been dropped out of the S&P 500 ESG index.

It’s a SCAM! So I checked with my broker and verified that I’m not invested in this scam Standard and Poor’s ESG index, or any other ESG index. This is a market designed to take your money and make the index managers wealthy. Not you.

Strive CEO, Vivek Ramaswamy, says “There Is No Evidence That ESG Outperforms”, Hints at Anti-Trust Violations. “If you got the CEO’s of Exxon, Shell, Chevron, and ConocoPhillips in a room and they coordinated to reduce gas production and gas prices spike as a result, there’d be handcuffs and people would be locked up on anti-trust violations. Today…that gets celebrated as ESG instead.” The ESG asset managers are raking in huge profits at the cost of the investor clients. The people with 401K’s and pensions are losing money.

Investors propelled ESG funds to new heights in 2020, and federal agencies are watching. WSJ explains why regulators have ethical and sustainable investment funds under review. Notice that Tech Stocks are big with ESG’s. That’s because they produce no tangible products. Just a Unsocial Media platform where you stick your face for hours watching cat videos, or reading blogs like mine.

You would assume that ESG would not include fossil fuel companies in it’s umbrella of environment conscience companies, but in reality vehicles that use fossil fuels are far cleaner than electric vehicles. Look at the environmental costs of building batteries in EV vehicles. ESG’s know there’s more combustion vehicles on the roads than EV’s. So fossil fuel companies are a source of skimming off the top by keeping prices artificially high. The reason why the ESG index removed Elon’s Tesla company was is because Musk called them out as scammers. ESG is a shakedown racket. It effects his companies bottom line.

ESG has become a buzzword on Wall Street as companies face pressure from investors to be more transparent. Christian McCormick, Allianz Global Investors senior ESG strategist, and Hal Lambert, founder and CEO of Point Bridge Capital, join “Squawk Box” to discuss. ESG is a joke, no doubt about that. ESG doesn’t provide any returns. It chokes off returns by used fake climate crap as the gating profit factor. They muscle in on company boards to shame them into adopting carbon offsets which has no rate of return. Because carbon offsets has no returns on either profits or the environment. Offsets don’t exist. When something sounds too good to be true, then it always is a scam. Go Woke and You Go Broke.



Sunny and partially cloudy. 80% chance of evening showers. Tradewinds are from the north northeast at 13 mph, gusts 28 mph. Cloud cover is 47%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1/2 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70s. Humidity is at 75%. Barometric pressure is 30.09 inches and dewpoint is 68°. UV index 9. Air quality Index is at 18.

Lune ʻUmi Kūmāhā, 2022


Milieu Ironies

Grab a sweater, it’s cold in Cancun.  After last years Global Warming summit in Copenhagen, where it reached record cold temperatures and a blizzard to boot, the environmental extremist decided to move to warmer climates.  Except, it’s cold in Cancun.

The Cancun Climate Conference, where 194 representing countries came to promote the hypocrisy of all human horrors.  Amongst shots of Tequila, Mojito’s and scores of gaseous gastrointestinal gastronomic delights being served at the climate conference, the ominous impending doom of a Planet in Peril.  Meanwhile, it’s Party Time!


I wonder if these Planetary Party Animals are as concern with their own Carbon Footprint as they are with everyone else?  The posturing policy of shaking down wealthy nations by mostly European United Nation countries is nothing new.  They’ve been after the wealth of the United States for years because of their own inability to allow free market economics to thrive in their own countries.   By using the excuse of promoting the development of third world, the reality is they are fleecing wealthy nations to line their own pockets with money and power.  It’s not about third world development, it’s never has been.  They will keep the third world nations poor as a leverage to extort wealth from the Western nations, in particular, the United States.

I guess Mother Gaia just doesn’t want to cut environmental extortionist a break.  Cancun set a 100 year record low of 54F degrees for this date.  It seems whenever environmental exaggerationist get together to decide how to carve up the industrial nations wealth and redistributed it around the world, the weather doesn’t cooperate.  How ironic.   Chalk it up the the Gore Effect.

Government Issued Carbon Card

It’s not a joke.  There are governments, scientists, and climate change communists that insist on issuing rationing card to halt Western economic growth.  The usual claim by the Eco-Nazi’s is that the Western nations are producing more that their fair share of carbon dioxide.   If these Angels of Mercy really cared about the developing nations, they would help them provide better sustainability in agriculture, industry, and governance.  That’s the key solution, better governance.  However, like the myth of global warming, the reality of dictatorships fails to address the true nature of a planet, and it’s poorest of people, in need of real help.  But it’s not about the poor.

The Face Of Environmental Hysteria

The fact is, Global Warming is Man Made, it’s all been made up by man.  It’s not real, it’s a hoax.  It never has been about the environment.  It’s been about a self-serving interest in wealth distribution.  This is how Communists and Environmentalist are leading the charge for central planning and property confiscation.  They create a false crisis, generate sympathetic causes for the general good of all peoples.  They know what they are doing, and they are enlisting the minds of the easily influenced, and intellectually vacant.  They then create a villain, in this case it’s the United States.

Just to demonstrate the just how destructive and Anti-American these activist are, a group that calls itself, the “Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow” (CFACT) went to Cancun; here’s what happened:

They got delegates to sign a petition to ban water and to cripple the U.S. Economy if the American Government refused to cooperate with the “International Community”.  Using the name “Dihydrogen Monoxide”, otherwise known a H2O, and making the plea that it contributes to greenhouse gasses and could be fatal if inhaled (I like that one the best), this group proved the lack of scientific knowledge the delegates had, and how easily duped they can be.   It was a prank that’s been pulled off many times before.  It proves these conferences attract non-experts that think they have some special understanding of the world of nature.  To that, I say “Good Show“!



What’s For Dinner?

Rack of Lamb with Garlic Mashed Potato’s and Steamed Broccoli



A Tale of Deception

MooleloPaheleWith the fall of communism came a void that needed to be filled by those that want to impose their rules, impose their laws, and impose on our freedoms.  The communist turned to environmentalism.  Noted socialists like Al Gore, a democrat,  has been manipulating environmental causes to line his pockets with money, and at your expense.  The Al Gore film, An Inconvenient Truth, is being used to indoctrinate school children.   When a Judge in Great Britain ruled that the film was exaggerated and alarmist, Al Gore never revised the film to correct his inaccuracies.  Yet the film is still being shown in schools, although with a non-enforced disclaimer.  Like those warnings that everyone fast-forwards through when watching a video or DVD.



What were those offensive items in Al Gore’s movie?



I would venture to say the movie was pure fiction and a political hack job.  What the Obama would call a distraction.  European leftist socialist have endorsed the film not for its environmental message, but for its message of government control over the lives of its citizens.  Already some countries in Europe and many politicians here in this country are actively trying to impose laws on what you can eat, what you can drink, and what clothes you can wear.  You have stories of the Miracle Tax Diet about obesity and how it effects the environment.  That’s how it starts, by regulating activity, they start by making it expensive, then outlawing it.

But this isn’t just about Al Gore, no, it’s about spreading misinformation.  Because Al Gore is well known and many people have caught on to his brand of propaganda.  Now there’s a more insidious group spreading lies about the environment.

It’s all about CO2

Scaring young children into thinking adults are killing the planet

This Is Indoctrination

This is about control.  Control of our lives.  Controlling our habits.  Controlling everything that we do.   We will be controlled by the government.  Academia has been indoctrinating students in higher education for years, so now they are starting at earlier ages.  Ask any student about the subject matter they are suppose to be taught in school and they can’t answer correctly.  But ask them about the polar bears and without flinching they’ll respond, “they’re all dieing“.

Sowing the seeds of socialism

It is a story of Deception



Grilled Chicken Salad

Of Global Warming and Useful Idiots


Well, the Obama apology tour is starting to go global.  Now we have Hillary Clinton apologizing for America in India.  Apparently, by claiming shame on Global Warming will somehow convince India to follow America’s lead towards economic destruction.  It won’t be caused by the environment, our economic destruction will be self inflected by our leaders bad decisions.

India Clinton

Eye’s Wide Stupid

From the Associated Press:

“We acknowledge now with President Obama that we have made mistakes in the United States, and we along with other developed countries have contributed most significantly to the problem that we face with climate change,” she said. “We are hoping a great country like India will not make the same mistakes.”

She was referring to Obama’s statement in Italy earlier this month that the U.S. had “sometimes fallen short” of its responsibilities in controlling its carbon emissions.

Through my fault,  through my fault, through my most grievous fault.  This Mea Culpa spewing from the Obama administration has to stop.  This is getting ridicules and stupid.  It is numbing to the mind and soul.

Hillary_Poster_NeedsOur friends at The People’s Cube has some more valuable information regarding The Obama administration and Global Warming.  It’s well worth a look.

Anyway, India is having none of it.  Seeing America falling on it’s own sword and worrying about their own future, India has stated it will not submit to Global Warming hysteria.

“I like to make it clear and categorical that we are simply not in position to take on legal binding on emission reduction targets,” Ramesh said at a conference on climate change at the ITC Green Centre in this satellite town of Delhi.

He was speaking after US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton addressed a conference on climate change at the Green Centre in Gurgaon, a booming business hub adjoining Delhi.

It’s bad enough with Obama runs around the world apologizing for America, now the Obama cabinet members are spreading the gospel of stupidity.


India is embracing Capitalism and free market trade, while America under the Obama administration is destroying everything this country has worked for.  Now that the Obama is running General Motors, what kind of cars can we expect in the future?


The Obama Chevy

Cars won’t be measured in horse power, but by foot power.  I guess the new automobile standards will reverse our standard of living.


All part of  The Religion of Global Warming

The scorched earth policy that Al Gore advocates is now a full blown religion within the Obama administration.  I wonder what will be next?  We already use our food for fuel.  We have a Science Czar that supports eugenics.

What could go wrong?


What’s for Dinner?


Sesame Crusted Pan Seared Ahi Tuna With Wok Charred Vegetables

Growing My Carbon Footprint At All Costs