Blunders Built Better


Aloha kākou and Happy Aloha Friday. I’m praying for the people of the Ukraine. Also those Peace Protesters in Russia that are against war with Ukraine. These brave people will be fighting for their country and freedoms. Peace Protests in Russia are being putdown hard by the communist regime of Putin’s communist puppets. Remember how the Marxist democrats raked President Trump over the coals for preventing us from getting into wars. It’s obvious that the war mongering neolibs and neocons wanted more wars. I hope John Bolton is happy.

Remember this gem? Blunders Built Better is a preferred and far more accurate description of the regime of Jim Crow Joe Brandon. A series of blunders and miscalculations by Brandon and the Marxist democrats have put this country on the precipice of World War III. But it’s not their fault. It was President Trump’s fault. That’s what the Fake News Media pundits keep telling us. The Fake News Media and the Fascist Marxist democrats led by Nazi Piglosi, impeached President Trump over a perfect phone call with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. With the help of a fat pig traitor Alexander Vindman that betrayed his country. This proved that the Deep State corruption was determined to get us back into war, and now we’re closer to war than ever before.

Notice how President Trump is the Alpha Male in the room as he pulls Putin over during the handshake. Notice how submissive Putin is towards President Trump. Body language shows Trump is a man that has control and dominance over Putin and Trump flatters him with praise. Putin’s ego is stroked because he’s feels that President Trump really likes him. That is how the art of the deal is done. You make your opponent feel special and welcomed. You don’t use hostility to try and intimidate your enemy. You make them feel special to the world. When you’re selling freedom and liberty, you convince your opponent into believing in altruism.

You Win Them Over To You. As Sun Tzu said – If you know your enemy and know yourself, you’d need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself and not your enemy, for every victory gained you will suffer a greater defeat. If you neither know yourself nor your enemy you will succumb in every battle. Alas, we are losing every battle because of the senility of the genius Jim Crow Joe Brandon and his crew of incompetent neolibs. Both Marxist democrats and RINO republicans are at fault. Look at how these idiots glom onto the Blunders Built Better mantra. The same mistakes repeated over and over.

Build Back Better, how’s that working out? I like Blunders Built Better, it’s more accurate. The left are like squawking parrots that repeat the same garbage over and over. For some reason, the lefts idea of building back better is tearing down what “Make America Great” was already achieving. Jim Crow Joe Brandon didn’t have to do nothing but let the country continue on cruise control. But the Marxist democrats had to be like those people on the highway weaving in and out of traffic trying to get ahead of everyone, only to be stopped by the next traffic light. What have they gained? Other than pissing off others on the world highway. Notice how the Fake News Media does the same thing.

This Supercut video of Jim Crow Joe Brandon’s promises to hold Putin accountable. It aged like week old gas station sushi. Here are all the times President Joe Biden said he was the one who could handle Putin. In the last part of the video, Brandon stares off into space and then sucks and picks at his dentures.

Brandon has no clue what he just said, but the audience did and they laughed their asses off. I’m sure world leaders were rolling on the floor laughing also. This is the problem with the Fake News Media. They see this clown Brandon and excuse all his gaffes. The problem is that it’s not funny anymore. This clown has the key to the nuclear weapons. The fake news media helped get this clown elected. The Marist democrats stole the 2020 elections and worked to cover it up. Yet, the fake news media continues to accuse President Trump is a traitor to the county. What’s Brandon going to do now that Putin has put Hunter’s Burisma money laundering out of business? What does China have on the Biden family?

Puffery, Fluffery, and Hickory Dickory. If there was anything that President Trump taught us was that picking a fight with your enemy doesn’t work. But when push comes to shove, President Trump makes his threats known only after threats have been made. Remember when Kim Jung-un threatened to shoot nukes at the United States? President Trump responded by saying that Kim Jung-um best not make threats unless he wants to see his country turned into a nuclear wasteland. Afterwards was the historic meeting at the DMZ.


This is how you work with despots and tyrants. You sell them on peace while preparing for war. From the book “Epitoma Rei Militaris,” “Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum” If you want peace, prepare for war. What is rarely reported is that President Trump tried to sell Kim Jung-un to open his country to tourism and capitalism. North Korea has some spectacular scenery. Mountains and beaches where tourism dollars could help North Korea’s economy. Unfortunately, the deal couldn’t be closed. There are many reasons for that, but the steps made into the demilitarize zone were just baby steps into creating trust. Carrot and Stick Diplomacy.


In Hawai’i, our tyrannical governor, Ige, will not drop the mask mandates. In schools with mask mandates, grade school children were given an assignment to draw the faces of other students in their classes.

The children only drew faces with eyes. No noses, No Mouths, Only Eyes.

Gov. David Ige said he is not ready to say when he will drop the state’s mask mandate. Hawai’i will be the last state in the nation to have a mask mandate in place. Ige says he’s protecting the children. Isn’t that special that Ige is hiding behind keiki (children)to keep holding onto his power. “We are looking at what makes the most sense. We still know that young children don’t have the option of being vaccinated. So how do we protect our young children and the communities?” said Ige.

When we know that Covid doesn’t effect children, except those with compromised immune systems. But don’t let science get in the way of granting our freedoms back and a return to normality. Punishing keiki education is no excuse to ignore facts. Masks Don’t Work. Ige knows this. Hilahila.



Mostly sunny and breezy. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 10 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 21%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 3/64 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid to mid 70s. Humidity is at 74%. Barometric pressure is 30.12 inches and dewpoint is 65°. UV index 10. Air quality Index is good at 35.

Pepeluali Iwakālua Kūmālima, 2022




Aloha kākou. Happy Aloha Friday the 13th! How’s that “Build Back Better” working for America? Jim Crow Joe’s signature motto to dismantle “Make America Great Again” is working quite well, don’tcha think? After a little more than 6 months into the regime of Jim Crow Joe and the country is falling apart. We went from a robust economy with the lowest unemployment in over 50 years. We were energy independence. Peace was breaking out in the Middle East. The Communist China and Russia were in check. The North Koreans stopped throwing rockets over Japan. Our enemies feared us and our friends trusted us. Build Back Better Busted all that progress.

If this sounds very much like Barry the Bullshitter Obama’s economic plan, it should. It’s a repeat of stagnant job growth, low wages, loss opportunities, and crony capitalism. The corporate rich get richer and the average American get left behind. Money bribes all politicians. As for President Trump’s economic policies, it was self generating by lowering regulations and getting government out of the way. President Trump wasn’t beholding to corporate cash, he spent his own money.

What Jim Crow Joe is doing is adding more taxes and regulations. You decide for yourself as consumer prices are going up. Consumer Sentiment index fell to 70.2 from the end of July score of 81.2, the lowest score since 2011. What that means is consumers have reported a stunning loss of confidence in the first half of 2021 under the economic policies of Jim Crow Joe. If it’s this bad in the beginning of the second half of 2021, just wait till the winter months when heating oil and gas prices continue to go up. Jim Crow Joe is already begging the OPEC nations to increase oil production. If Jim Crow Joe hadn’t canceled the Keystone XL pipeline and canceled natural gas leases on Federal lands, we would still be energy independent.

The White House in Washington DC

The Biden Crime Syndicate family: A video of Hunter Biden released earlier this week exposes more details about the son of Jim Crow Joe’s connection to Communist Chinese, Russian Mobs. What’s even more troubling is our “lack” of Intelligence agencies don’t seem to give a damn.  A corrupt and complicit Fake News Media, a corrupt and incompetent intelligence community, and a corrupt and compromised Jim Crow Joe. Just how much does the Communist Chinese and Russians have on this jackass Biden? But don’t worry, the Fake News Media says it’s all a disinformation smear against Jim Crow Joe. There’s no blackmail here.


Now, Between Jim Crow Joe, the woke Generals, Ursus, and Millie Vanillie, their decision to withdrawal from Afghanistan without any safeguards and evacuations in place to protect those that help us over 20 years of war, a catastrophe that rivals Vietnam is repeating once again. Deputy Assistant Secretary in the State Department Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs Molly Montgomery shared her thoughts on Twitter early Friday morning after reports demonstrated the swiftness of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan. “Woke up with a heavy heart, thinking about all the Afghan women and girls I worked with during my time in Kabul,” she wrote on her personal account. “They were the beneficiaries of many of the gains we made, and now they stand to lose everything.” I guess you should have thought of that before voting for Jim Crow Joe. She later deleted that tweet. But the internet is forever and easily captured.

Defense Department spokesperson John Kirby speaks about Afghanistan and the drawdown of the embassy in Kabul during a Pentagon Press Briefing. A slaughter is proceeding against the very people that trusted us to protect them. So now, Jim Crow Joe is sending back to Afghanistan 3,000 troops to evacuate those Afghanis that helped us. President Trump threatened the Taliban if they tried to make a move to against the Afghanistan government. After the massive defeat of ISIS, the Taliban knew not to cross President Trump. Jim Crow Joe repeated what happen in Vietnam when the Khmer Rouge overran Saigon and killed thousands. Yes, Kabul is Saigon 2.0.

Jim Crow Joe killed Trump agreements with Mexico and the Northern triangle which unleashed this illegal migration disaster. A huge Humanitarian crisis all along the southern border. Increases in child smuggling operation in the world. Exploiting vulnerable people on both sides of the border. Importing COVID, narcotics, violent criminals, and gangs. Federal authorities made more than 212,000 arrests in July, a 20-year record and a 13 percent increase over June, which was itself a 20-year record.

Incompetent Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas is blaming President Trump for the increase in illegal alien border crossings. Laredo Texas Mayor Pete Saenz said his city was in a “public health crisis, and that municipal officials were chartering four buses a day to send migrants to Austin and Houston after their release from Customs Border Patrol custody. “These migrants are NOT being tested for Covid or any other diseases. Border Patrol can’t test them. They don’t have the infrastructure for testing and quarantining. Holding facilities are over crowded. Remember how the Fake News Media went through fits claiming that President Trump was holding children in cages? When it was Barry the Bullshitter that built the cages. President Trump built cleaner and safer detention centers. The Fake News Media is silent to Jim Crow Joe’s humanitarian crisis at the border.

Hawai’i Senator Crazy Mazie “Tojo” Hirono was one of 11 neo-Marxist democrats that voted NOT to require Covid testing for illegal border crossers. Meanwhile, illegals aliens, untested for Covid and any other diseases, are being dumped in Hawai’i. Yet, citizens and tourists must either prove they’re vaccinations or be tested for Covid. Our stooge governor is threatening Covid mandates, thus further the tourism industry. Get the Fauci Ouchy Jab or lose your job. Do you get the feeling that Marxist democrats give a rats ass about American citizens?


This communist nightmare on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue isn’t over yet. Let me ask the Marxist democrats, the Fake News Media, and Big Tech: Was it worth rigging the 2020 election to see the economy crashing, prices rising, schools teaching racism, immigration invasion, and Taliban winning? What? The worse is yet more to come, you say?



Today started with cloudy skies with morning scattered sprinkles. By afternoon the clouds thinned bringing plenty of sunshine. By evening, some sprinkles are starting up again. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 8mph with gusts at 21mph. Cloud cover is 38%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 7/16th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is at 83%. Barometric pressure is 30.00 inch and dewpoint is 71 degrees. UV index is 13.

ʻAukake ‘Umi Kūmākolu, 2021
