Aloha kākou. It’s a nice day for a mow, even when climate change causes inclement weather like storms and tornadoes.  But we don’t call them tornadoes anymore, said Jim Crow Joe. What do we call them if not tornadoes? Ah, Twisters! Also in the same insane breath, Jim Crow Joe mentions wetlands in Iowa and Nevada… Nevada? I suppose “wetland” is reference to a lizard lounge Biden must have haunted in Los Wages.

When Jim Crow Joe talks about climate change, he claims his “build back better” farce will somehow stop weather from changing. No more hurricanes, tornadoes, um.. twisters, floods, winds, snow, rain, all those pesky seasons that happen four times a year. Oh, and that big yellow thing in the sky that warms our planet and churns the global weather system will be forced to stop. We don’t know what  kind of science that will employ, but if Jim Crow Joe can deliver the same promises that  Barry the Bullshitter Obama promised, then I will truly be a miracle.

Somehow, after eight years of fighting Mother Nature, the planet never obeyed Barry the Bullshitter after he outstretched his mighty hand and commanded the planet to heal. Mother Nature did a collective yawn. This is how Marxist democrats set expectations. Promise everything and deliver nothing. It’s sounds nice, warm and fuzzy, but why speak to campaign promises that can never be delivered. It’s better to baffle people with bullshit and then make their quality of life unbearable. All Marxist democrats talk like this. Take Annoyingly Obtuse-Cretin for example.

Professor AOC alternates between the phrases “people who give birth,” “women,” and “any menstruating person” to describe birthing persons who want abortions. I believe women would find it offensive to be called “birthing persons” and “menstruating persons.” Even the word [men]struating is offensive the left. What is a cis gendered person anyway? These made up pronouns are confusing as listening to AOC circular leftist logic. What is certain is that she hates men. That comes out loud and clear.


Speaking of stupid, in Hawai’i the tyrannical regime of Governor Ige is rolling out the digital Covid vaccine passport. Called the SMART Health Card, it will act as a digital vaccination verification card for those who received their Fauci Ouchy vaccines in Hawaii. The digital passport launches on Friday, Sept. 10.


Basically, it’s legal segregation to discriminate against unvaxxed people and people with natural immunity. Just because you’ve been vaxxed doesn’t mean you can’t get the Covid virus and still get sick. Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi announced the rollout of the Safe Access Oahu program, which goes into effect on Sept. 13. Customers will need to show their vaccination card (or a photo of it) at the door, or a negative COVID test results within the last 48 hours to get in any establishment. Putting people in a false sense of security is like saying that wearing seatbelts will prevent automobile accidents.


So establishments must put an armed guard at the door checking ID’s before allowed entry. Where have I seen this before? This will eventually lead to digital currency and a social credit system much like Communist China has in place today. The government will spy on your spending habits. A Covid passport is no different than a digital currency passport. A social credit system will reward and punish people for their behavior. If you violate some government rule then government will reach into your bank account and fine you. Let’s say you stay out too late past curfew by a few minutes, the government can fine you per minute.

It’s not far fetched for the government to impose regulations onto people because that’s what government does. We can’t have voter ID, but we will have a Covid passport before entering a place of business. See how easy that was to get a digital passport. Control is how the government likes to work for the people. Control over your lives.

Currently, only O’ahu and Maui have Covid Passports requirements. The Big island and Kaua’i have decided not to implement Covid Passports because of the concerns of the community. In a statement by the island mayors, they said it was not the right time for the islands of Hawai’i and Kaua’i. Citing a divide between neighbors and ‘ohana, the mayors have chosen to reach a goal of healthy responsibility.


Trust me, once the number of Covid cases rise that will change quickly. As mentioned in past postings, the State and Counties are counting cases and not deaths. There is a shortage of ICU beds in some hospitals, but it’s no different than past flu seasons. The only difference now is Covid Panic Porn has people frightened and the government overreacting. Plus the quack Lt. Gov Green who claims to be a doctor will not allow alternative therapies to be used to help the most vulnerable to Covid. The statistics on Covid shows the number of deaths are due to comorbidities. However, we don’t know of these are deaths due to patience’s canceling life saving procedures and they just got sicker. We don’t know the Covid viral load count. We just know the age and gender and that’s not enough information. So the uncertainty continues.



Today started with partially sunny skies and cool breezy winds, few scattered showers. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 9mph, gusts 22mph. Cloud cover is 43%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got only 1/32 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is at 78%. Barometric pressure is 30.01 inches and dewpoint is 68 degrees. UV index 8. Air quality Index is good at 28.

Kepakemapa ‘Ewalu, 2021


Generals Have No Clothes


Aloha kākou. The incredible disastrous collapse of Afghanistan was a preventable train wreck that many saw coming at full speed. Albeit, a 20 year train wreck managed by the most incompetent generals in United States military history. Everyone in the Joint Chiefs of Staff should be Court Marshalled and imprisoned for the murder of thousands of American soldiers. They kept the Military Industrial Complex running for 20 years in Afghanistan with no effort to win the war and leave. War By profit.

Throughout multiple presidencies the generals kept a perpetual façade of winning a war against 7th century goat herders. They claimed we were making progress. But it was never true. It was all lies. It was kickbacks for the Military Industrial Complex and the generals that would soon go to work for these companies to lobby congress for more money to keep the war machine going. Jim Crow Joe brought General Ursus Austin out of Raytheon to be the Sec. of Defense. The generals didn’t care about the men and women being sent to die for their country under the false flag of defending the homeland. It was a cash cow for the generals retirement fund to keep the War Machine running.

One President knew what was happening and he called out the generals. That was President Trump. When President Trump was elected he gathered the generals and scolded them for not wanting to win the Afghanistan war and wanting get out of Afghanistan. The generals were not pleased and they plotted their revenge against President Trump. The generals planted Fake News stories and made false charges of quid pro quo and Russian assassination plots against our troops. The Deep State Lies.

In an excellent monologue, Tucker Carlson, brilliantly details the timeline of President Trump’s Presidency. What unfolds is the betrayal by the Pentagon against the American President and the American people. It details how the Fake News Media mocked President Trump and praised Jim Crow Joe Biden as the adult in the room. Notice how quiet the Fake News Media is today now that Afghanistan has fallen to 7th century warlords.

The worlds mightiest military has been defeated by 7th century goat herders. Has there been any accountability? None whatsoever. The generals still have their jobs. They sit in their air conditioned offices thousands of miles away from the battlefield while the sons and daughters, husbands and wives, friends and family go to war that was never intended to end. Never intended to be won. The ultimate sacrifice is paid with the price of a few thousand ordinary lives.


No remorse from the Woke Generals. They don’t care about the lives they sacrificed. They only care about White Rage and Critical Race Theory. Winning Wars isn’t in our charter anymore, says the Generals. We’re battling racism in the Rank and File. It’s there, we just have to find it, the generals say. Our enemy is the American people.

It was never like this before. America has won wars when the right people were leading. But Generals Ursus Austin and Milley Vanillie are holdovers from the regime of Barry the Bullshitter. Most of the Pentagon generals are Obama era generals. They’re far left Marxist’s, and they hated President Trump and the American people.

The last real American General that won a war was General “Storming” Norman Schwartzkof.


The last time America won a war was the Gulf War which began on January 16, 1991, and ended with an Iraqi defeat and retreat from Kuwait on February 28, 1991. We got in and out in just over a month. After 42 days of relentless attacks by the allied coalition in the air and on the ground, U.S. President George H.W. Bush declared a cease-fire on February 28; by that time, most Iraqi forces in Kuwait had either surrendered or fled.

The events unfolding in Afghanistan were preventable. There was an orderly plan that President Trump put in place to get all our people out. The Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) for Afghanis that help us for 20 years. The advanced military equipment to be removed or destroyed. Retaining Bagram Air Base and maintaining a presence in Afghanistan so ISIS cannot reconstitute itself. All that is gone now. What’s even more worrisome is the advanced military equipment that will fall into Communist Chinese hands. The rich rare earth minerals the Chinese will have access to mining. All that Jim Crow Joe Biden had to do was sit back and let the autopilot take over. But like the 9-11 terrorists that few the plane into the Schwenksville field, Jim Crow Joe crashed Afghanistan into the ground.

A heartbreaking loss for the United States and it’s great Military. We must have hostages released and our Military equipment returned, NOW! – President Donald J. Trump



Today started with cloudy skies and scattered showers. Sunshine by afternoon and clouds rolling in the evening. Tradewinds are from the north northeast at 9mph, gusts 22mph. Cloud cover is 36%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1/2 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is at 81%. Barometric pressure is 29.99 inches and dewpoint is 67 degrees. UV index 12. Air quality Index is good at 34.

Kepakemapa ‘Ehā, 2021




Aloha Kepakemapa. It’s September and we’re moving into a new era of Marxist democrat fascism led by Nazi Piglosi.


This evil cockroach started a plan to hide the Marxist democrats involvement in instigating the January 6th Capitol Riot. The plan is to blame Republicans, President Trump, the family of President Trump, and his supporters. A House Select Committee headed by all Marxist democrats will begin by collecting phone records of members of Congress. Nazi Piglosi’s flying monkey, Adam Schitt, requested that a group of telecommunications companies preserve the phone records of GOP members of Congress and former President Donald Trump, as well as members of the Trump family, who are being accused of played some role in the “Stop the Steal” rally that served as the prelude to the Capitol riot.

Even though the DNC’s KGB (FBI) concluded there was no preplanned effort by anyone to start an insurrection to over throw the illegal regime of Jim Crow Joe. No evidence found. This is nothing more than fascism on the face of it. It is a violation of privacy and individuals First Amendment Rights. Congress has no authority to make such a demand on the telecommunications companies. There is no precedence for such actions and it is highly illegal.

However, if Nazi Piglosi wants to go down this road, then the Republicans should demand the telecommunications records of Nazi Piglosi, the DNC’s KGB, and other Marxist democrats communiqués. That would also include members of the so called Select Committee, members of Nazi Piglosi’s staff, the entire Marxist democrat leadership in the House, and most importantly, Adam Schitt.


Mister bugeyes himself, Adam Shitt-face. Remember how this Schitt-face fascist was pranked when he went looking for “naked pictures of President Trump.” We need to know more about what other spying he’s done against President Trump, his family and other Americans. Schitt-face is a modern day Joe McCarthy on a witch hunt. Don’t think that the Marxist democrats will invent a crime when one doesn’t exist. They falsely accused and impeached President Trump over a phone call that had no criminal offense.

Apparently, Jim Crow Joe is allowed to commit criminal acts that are actually impeachable. I’m talking about High Crimes. Jim Crow Joe Biden offered an apparent quid pro quo to the president of Afghanistan in the final days leading up to the Taliban takeover of Kabul. According to the transcript of the final phone call between President Biden and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani on July 23 reported by Reuters, Biden instructed his Afghan counterpart to put a defense minister in charge. Jim Crow Joe asked the Afghan president to lie for him for continued military support. 


Video surveillance of the January 6th event has been kept from the public and members of Congress. WHY? Could it be that video exculpatory evidence would be found exonerating the political prisoners being held by the Marxist democrats and Nazi Piglosi? Of course there is and the videos would also show the DNC ‘s KGB, the Capitol Police, and Antifa doing the damage to the Capitol building. So what did Nazi Piglosi know? This cockroach was responsible for the security of the Capitol Building. Is Nazi Piglosi attempting to hide her involvement in coordinating and planning the Capitol Riot? I think this is her way of deflecting attention away from her guilt.

If the Republicans win back the House in 2022, they should immediately investigate Nazi Piglosi, her staff, the entire January 6th Select Committee, their staff, and the entire Democratic leadership should be investigated for their connections to China, Russia. Investigate their corrupt business dealings that made them millions of dollars at the expense of American taxpayers. How does members of Congress become millionaires on a salary of just under $200,000 a year? It’s about time we get accountability from these public servants. They work for us, not the other way around.

Unfortunately, the current leadership in the Republican party, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, are too weak to start an investigation and a impeachment. They’ll tell you, “That’s Not Who We Are”. We don’t commit acts of revenge, they’ll say and nothing will ever change. The Republicans will assume a passive position and the Marxist democrats will stomp all over them and us. It’s time to clean the House of these RINO’s and Marxist democrats. Or will will lose our country to the democrat fascists.


Today started with cloudy skies and scattered showers. Tradewinds are from the east at 5mph, gusts 15mph. Cloud cover is 85%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1/16 inch precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is at 84%. Barometric pressure is 29.93 inches and dewpoint is 71 degrees. UV index 9. Air quality is 29, Good.

Kepakemapa ‘Ekahi, 2021

Matter Of Time


Aloha kākou. What can anyone say. Vote for Marxist democrats and watch the bodies hit the floor. No one can say this wasn’t unexpected. It was just a matter of time before our soldiers were going to get killed by the Taliban. I posted yesterday several videos where Nut-Psaki spoke about how swimmingly well the Afghanistan operation was going.

To add to idiocy of Jim Crow Joe’s regime of incompetent’s, the regime gave the Taliban what essentially is a “kill list” of people in Afghanistan and that has reportedly sparked intense outrage among lawmakers behind the scenes. File this under pure idiocy: As the Taliban took over Afghanistan, U.S. officials gave the terrorist-linked group a list of names of American citizens, green card holders, and Afghan allies. A Kill List.

Late last night, I started hearing warnings from the media and from the State department that something imminent was going to happen. The cables that were going out warned Americans not to go to the Kabul airport because something was being planned by the Taliban. And then it happened. The Taliban used their favorite method of killing people by suicide bombs. It seems the CIA was behind a plan to keep American troops in Afghanistan.

CIA Director William Burns traveled to Kabul to meet with the Taliban de facto leader, Abdul Ghani Baradar, this week, the Washington Post reported. Jim Crow Joe is expected to decide whether to extend evacuations beyond the August 31 deadline. It’s reported that Jim Crow Joe sent the top US spy to meet Baradar in Kabul on Monday as the administration continues efforts to evacuate American citizens and allies amid chaos at the airport in the fallen capital. Of course the Corrupt Inept Agency had nothing to say. Did the CIA betray us again?

The terrorist attack was to trigger the United States to bring in more troops and remain in Afghanistan past the Jim Crow Joe’s August 31st withdrawal date. During the time that Afghanistan was falling to the Taliban, a reconstituted brand of ISIS has appeared. ISIS was destroyed along with their Califate by President Trump. Jim Crow Joe has brought ISIS back.

When Jim Crow Joe was questioned whether he takes responsibility for his mistakes that got 13 soldiers killed, the coward blamed President Trump once again. The Idiot in Chief was asked, “There have not been a U.S. servicemember killed in combat in Afghanistan since February of 2020. You set a deadline. You pulled troops out. You sent troops back in, and now 12 Marines are dead. You said the buck stops with you. Do you bear any responsibility for the way that things have unfolded in the last two weeks?” Here’s what Jim Crow Joe said:

“I bear responsibility for fundamentally all that’s happened of late. Here’s the deal. You know – I wish you’d one day say these things – you know as well as I do that the former president made a deal with the Taliban that he would get all American forces out of Afghanistan by May 1. In return the commitment was made – and that was a year before – in return he was given the commitment that the Taliban would continue to attack others but would not attack any American forces. Remember that? I’m being serious. I’m asking you a question.

Read the full transcript here. This is criminal negligence beyond any scale. The Marxist democrats tried to impeach President Trump over a phone call. A malicious attempt to find a crime that didn’t exist. Do you hear any one in the Republican leadership calling for Jim Crow Joe’s impeachment? It doesn’t matter if the Republicans don’t have the House, they have to do something other that just remain quiet and passive.



Today started with scattered showers and cloudy skies. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 8mph with gusts at 22mph. Cloud cover is 48%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got just over 3/16th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is at 83%. Barometric pressure is 29.94 inches and dewpoint is 67 degrees. UV index is 13.

ʻAukake Iwakālua Kūmāono, 2021


Press Passivity


Aloha kākou. We’re told by Jim Crow Joe that the evacuation of Americans trapped in Afghanistan is the greatest effort in world history. The Fake News Media sat passively by and accepted Jim Crow Joe’s claims that no Americans are being stranded in Afghanistan. This message was echoed by Press Secretary Jen Psssaki and others in the State department.

Remember how the Fake News Media yelled and screamed at Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany? Called her insulting names and constantly interrupted Kayleigh’s answers. They were so rude to Kayleigh McEnany because she was prepared and had answers which angered the Fake News Media attempts to trip up McEnany. Not like unprepared circle jerk Jen Psssaki that has to bullshit her way threw her answers.

Remember how ABC News Jon Karl, the Nazi Summer Camp instructor, threw his earpiece in disgust and anger. Waved his spindly little arms around like some deranged chimpanzee. A hostile White House Press Corps is now suddenly polite and passive with this regime. No raised voices and no fits of anger. Nope, because these Fake News Media morons help drag the senile old fart across the finish line.

We are hearing disturbing reports that unvetted refugees are being flown into the US. Fewer SIV holders and American citizens on flights. Looking forward to being briefed at Fort McCoy today. — Senator Ron Johnson

Take a look at the following picture. Predominantly men of military age, a few women and children, no Americans to be seen. We have no idea if they’ve been vetted. We have no idea if any are Taliban terrorists. We have no idea who they are. We just know they’re coming to America and dumped into communities around the country. Most likely to be dumped in Minnesota’s little Afghanistan where anti-American shit-beetles like Ilhan Oman and Rashida Tlaib can radicalize them to hate America and adopt Sharia Law. They’re not going to assimilate into our culture.


About only 5 percent of the people the United States has evacuated from Afghanistan are Americans seeking safe passage home. More than 82,300 have been airlifted from Kabul since the government’s collapse nearly two weeks ago, but the Pentagon says that, as of Wednesday, only 4,400 Americans were rescued in those evacuation operations. That’s because the Taliban are taking their passports and beating them and preventing them from getting to the airport.

The State Department also confirmed that a majority of the people whisked away on flights from Kabul are not U.S. citizens. On Tuesday, Politico national security reporter Alex Ward reported leaked numbers indicating that in just 15 hours on Aug. 23, the United States evacuated approximately 6,916 people from Afghanistan. Only 483 of those were American citizens while the rest were Aghan nationals.

Top Jim Crow Joe officials and administration allies have begun aggressively touting the success of their evacuation efforts in war-torn country, offering frequent updates on the number of evacuees. They’ve framed the operation as historic — in line with the Berlin airlift — declared that they’re “over performing” their own metrics, and trumpeted the president as “defying expectations.” The Big Lie.

Psssaki Left Perplexed When Confronted About Taliban Not Letting People In To Airport. If only someone could have predicted this. Oh, that was President Trump that warned us that Jim Crow Joe would abandon Americans, allies, and those Afghanis that helped us. Now the State Department has issued warning Americans not to go to the Kabul airport. It’s too dangerous.

Psssaki: I Wouldn’t Say Afghanistan Withdrawal Has Been “Anything But a Success”. “No Americans are being stranded in Afghanistan”, said the What would you describe it then? Remember all the hostages President Trump brought back? People forget about the successes President Trump had negotiating the release of hostages. Basically, President Trump threatened to kill the hostage takers, their families, their cats and dogs, cattle and goats. Fear is a great motivator when done the right way.

This would make a good presidential portrait. Just the back of Jim Crow Joe’s brainless skull. This clown take orders from the Taliban. After taking no questions from the Fake News Media, this clown grins and giggles walking away.


Fraudulent president

Of course, Jim Crow Joe, the cowardly dolt blames President Trump for the fall of Afghanistan. Jim Crow Joe says the Buck stops with him, but there’s always someone else’s fault for his blunders. As Kash Patel outlined, President Trump instructed the Defense Department to arrange a “conditions-based” withdrawal plan from Afghanistan. A methodical exit plan that would preserve our national interests, protect our citizens, allies, translators, and our military assets. The plan ended up being fairly straight forward: The Afghan government and the Taliban were both told they would face the full force of the US military might if they caused any harm to Americans or American interests in Afghanistan. Violate the terms of the agreement, and suffer the weight of our Military might. There was no timeline for withdrawal. After 20 years, it was going to take time to complete. All the Taliban had to do was wait.

But Jim Crow Joe decided to go his own way and the Taliban pounced. The idiot closed down Bagram Air Base which had two runways. It was a fortified Military base positioned strategically placed between China, Pakistan, Iran, while still in Afghanistan. Then the Idiot In Chief withdrawal all the soldiers leaving American civilians at risk. Then the idiot set a hard date for withdrawal of August 31st. This put this disaster in motion. This senile old shitbag blames President Trump for his incompetence.

Afghan Man Trying To Escape Has BRUTAL Message For Biden “You Made The Deal With The Taliban. Everyone knows who is the blame for this disaster that will soon turn into a hostage situation. I don’t want to imagine the horrors the Taliban will inflect upon our citizens. I’ve seen what the Taliban is capable of doing.

American Mom Trapped in Afghanistan PLEADS For Help. “Every moment a car passes by, I feel like they’re going to pull in and execute us. I don’t know if I’m going to see my children again…We’ve given up on the hope of going to the airport. It’s not possible” This is heartbreaking.

There’s no way this regime will completely evacuate Americans out of Afghanistan. We are looking at the largest hostage situation in history. Our allies will not allow us to land at their airports and setup operations. The Fake News Media is passive, but with the exceptions of a maybe one or two reporters, we have no information. In a sense, this Marxist regime being run by criminal democrats is holding the entire nation hostage.



Today started with some rain and cloudy skies. It has remained cloudy and blustery all day. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 9mph with gusts at 23mph. Cloud cover is 40%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got slightly over 1/4th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is at 84%. Barometric pressure is 29.98 inches and dewpoint is 69 degrees. UV index is 13.

ʻAukake Iwakālua Kūmālima, 2021


We Were Warned


Aloha Lāpule. President Trump tried to warn us what would happen if Jim Crow Joe and the Marxist democrats stole the 2020 election. They did, and again, President Trump was right.

In October 2020, President Trump predicted: The suburbs wouldn’t be the suburbs anymore, the economy would sink into its worst depression ever and police departments would cease to exist. Even America’s older adults would be left to figure out how to get by without heat, air conditioning or electricity. “He’ll bury you in regulations, dismantle your police departments, dissolve our borders, confiscate your guns, terminate religious liberty, destroy your suburbs,” President Trump said. You didn’t need to be clairvoyant to know this. This is how Marxist democrats operate.

The Fake News Media scoffed and called President Trump’s predictions, “Over the Top”. There was nothing hyperbolic about what Jim Crow Joe was going to do, he said it himself. The Marxist democrats knew that Jim Crow Joe was going to lose in a landslide. So they rigged the elections. They used Covid as the method to stuff the ballot boxes and broke into the electronic voting machines to alter the vote counts. The proof was always there.


With no sense of urgency being displayed by Jim Crow Joe during a Zoom Call with National Security advisors and cabinet members. As predicted before, Jim Crow Joe was going to repeat what Barry the Bullshitter Obama did when he withdrawed from Iraq. That set up the rise of ISIS. What’s disturbing about this picture is that it ‘outs’ people with top secret clearances. Their faces and names are not to be exposed, because our enemies will know who they are. I have no idea why this picture was posted on twatter, but here it is, history repeating again.

Meanwhile, reports of the Taliban beheading anyone suspected of supporting the Americans in Kabul are being reported. Jim Crow Joe is doing his best to downplay that a bunch of goat herders have defeat the American armies, but it has happened. Almost 50 years ago when Vietnam fell to the Khmer Rouge, Jim Crow Joe predicted then that the Khmer Rouge takeover would never happen under American watch, but it did. Here’s Jim Crow Joe still denying his foreign policies are not working.

If I were Taiwan, I would be very worried. Don’t think that Xi Jinping isn’t looking at what’s going on in Afghanistan and thinking the time is ripe to strike Taiwan. The Communist Chinese now know that America is unprepared to defend Taiwan. In just eight short months, Jim Crow Joe has managed to destroy military readiness and now the military has gone Woke and Broke. Then again, we were warned.

We really shouldn’t be that surprised because the Marxist democrats has been telling Americans for years that they favor socialism over capitalism. They disguised the word socialism as, “progressive” and “democratic socialism”. Like that is suppose to ease our fears of what socialism really is about. It’s as if socialism hasn’t been tried elsewhere before and has failed miserably. Resulting in leaving behind a trail of misery, starvation, and death. The next time someone says that Socialism is great, just show them this video.

The only reason why the Marxist democrats haven’t forced socialism upon us is because we have a Second Amendment and they haven’t confiscated our guns, yet.


What Joe Biden has done with Afghanistan is legendary. It will go down as one of the greatest defeats in American history! – President Donald J. Trump


The regime of Jim Crow Joe is already trying to blame President Trump for this blunder that could have prevented. This disaster is placed squarely on Jim Crow Joe and the Marxist democrats. Over 20 years of both democrats and republicans trying to change the military from a fighting force to win wars, into a nation building babysitters. Trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. That  was never the military’s purpose, but the leaders thought like socialists: “If we just try harder, we can rebuild Afghanistan back into the nation it was before the Russians invaded and turned Afghanistan into the Taliban hellhole it is today”.

I want to say that the Boots on the Ground did their job, and they did it well as they were trained to do. It was the Pentagon Brass that failed. This was not the fault of enlisted men and women, and the mid level commanders on the battle field. This was the fault of both Marxist democrats and RINO’s like Liz Cheney that lobbied to keep the war machine humming along. This was the fault of Joint Chiefs that lied to keep the war machine funded. This was the fault of Barcalounger Generals at the Pentagon directing a war around the world via video chat sessions. These Generals didn’t care about the troops and winning wars. Because once these Generals retired they would go work for the Defense Contractors as a reward for keeping them flush with government war cash. Where do you think the Woke CRT Secretary of Defense General Ursus came from?

President Trump recognized the folly of this 20 year old failure. President Trump put together a plan to withdrawal our troops. Safeguards was already being executed to prevent what has happened with lightening speed. President Trump warned the Taliban that if any of our troops are harmed, then he would unleash the full force of our military upon them. The Taliban understood that message. Jim Crow Joe only had to sit back and let the Trump plan come to flourishing. But like the Taliban, Jim Crow Joe and the Deep State, could not bear another successful Trump policy. It had to be destroyed because the Marxist democrats, RINO’s and the corrupt government put themselves ahead of the good of the nation and the American people.

Afghanistan will return to public executions, women will be beaten in public, forced child marriages, and a return to horrible depravity. I sometimes wonder if this is the American dream the Marxist democrats have for this country.



Today started with partially cloudy skies. Tradewinds are from the north northeast at 8mph with gusts at 22mph. Cloud cover is 38%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got a little over 3/16 (13/64) inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is at 83%. Barometric pressure is 29.99 inches and dewpoint is 74 degrees. UV index is 10.

ʻAukake ‘Umi Kūmālima, 2021


Fight For Freedom


Aloha kākou. Happy Aloha Friday!  Do you miss President Trump yet? Many voters are now expressing a severe case of buyers remorse over Jim Crow Joe. The senile old fart is hinting that vaccines will be mandatory for all Federal workers and contractors. When that happens, blue state governors will make vaccines mandatory. Never mind that the government is violating your civil rights. Behind that vaccine order is also the hint of another national lockdown if the so called experts at the Centers for Destruction and Corruption and Fhony Fauci demand it so. Stay tuned.

Where’s my incentive to get the Fauci Ouchy? Can I negotiate a better deal in return for getting the Fauci Ouchy?

This will propagate down to state, local, county, and municipal  governments. Then any company doing business with the government. Woke leftist employers. Restaurants, stores, airlines, all those that wish to segregate the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated will be the new pariahs to discriminate against. The left loves to hate a pariah. Discrimination is an inherent attribute of leftists.

Last week the goofy Surgeon General Vivek Murthy stood in front of the Fake News Media in the White House press room and declared ‘disinformation’ a severe national “health risk.”  Of course, the meaning of ‘disinformation” is subjective by the regime and can be changed and revised at any time. Murthy, who doesn’t have a scientific clue for the job he has, but he loves wearing the uniform, all the shiny badges and stripes. Murthy went on to say that vaccinated people need to wear masks to protect unvaccinated people. I thought the idea of getting vaccinated was that you didn’t have to wear face diaper. Why is it the responsibility of the vaccinated to protect the unvaccinated? Are we collective society or a society of individuals capable of making our own health decisions? I don’t need a keeper to either make or decide my life decisions.

The truth be known, this regime is the source of misinformation. Notice how suddenly the leftists now are caring for the unvaccinated? After demonizing the unvaccinated as spreading the virus, now all of a sudden, the left wants the vaccinated to wear masks to protect the unmasked. It’s a contradiction of realities. You see how the left makes up the rules as they go. It’s a power grab to keep people under control.


Now to Nazi Piglosi’s kangaroo J6 hearings. As you might have heard, Nazi Piglosi hand picked witnesses broke down in tears testifying to their near death experiences battling mee maw grandmothers wandering the around the Capitol building taking selfies. The testimony was so powerful that Adam Schitt and Adam Shitslinger were catching the vapors. Lordy, Lordy, I do declare. As we’re repeatedly told by the Marxist democrats and RINO traitors, this was the worse attack since the Civil War. Worse than 9-11, and worse that Jill Biden’s choices in outfits.

The Four Marx-ist brothers that testified are avid Trump haters and anti-America corrupt cops. The BLM guy unsocial media account has anti-Trump hatred and racist posts. He’s a BLM supporter. How does a idiot like this guy become a Capitol police officer? The others are no better, one has ties to MS-13, the other with neck tattoos is Antifa, the other is a Nazi White Supremacist. There you go, these are the people that wander the Capitol building. Do you feel safe?

Our Meme Master friends put together this brilliant parody of the Pink Floyd song Another Brick In The Wall (Part II).

We’re seeing the tenets of our Constitutional Republic is being ripped apart. We have illegals with Covid entering the southern border resulting in increasing of infection rates. To make matters worse, the regime of Jim Crow Joe is distributing the illegals, a the taxpayers expense, around the country spreading the Covid virus. Jim crow joe is signaling for another nationwide lockdown. Political prisoners are being abused by the regime. The American people are being treated as domestic terrorist. President Trump was right once again, we are turning into a communist country. The fight against tyranny will continue.



Today was cloudy with occasional passing sprinkles. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 7mph with gusts at 21mph. Cloud cover is 54%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got a 17/64, or just over 1/4 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the low 80’s. Humidity is at 82%. Barometric pressure is 29.97 inch and dewpoint is 70 degrees. UV index is 13. We have two tropical depressions entering the Pacific, Hilda and Nine-E (yet to be named), not expected to affect Hawai’i.

Iulai Iwakālua Kanakolu , 2021


Two Americas


Aloha kākou. Yes Virginia, there are two Americas. One that follows our Constitutional Republic, and the other follows Marxist Ideology. One that believes our God given rights of Life, Liberty, and Happiness. The other follows a godless collective hive of intolerance, racism, and segregation.

Remember when everyone said this geriatric lunatic would be “a return to normalcy”? Everyday a new level of creepiness by Jim Crow Joe. The Fake News Media seems to lap it up like puppies around a food bowl.

Jim Crow Joe went on to make some incendiary racist comments regarding the experimental Covid vaccine. Quote: “It’s awful hard to get Latinx vaccinated as well,” Biden said. “Why? They’re worried that they’ll be vaccinated and deported.” – Latinx is a racial slur against Hispanics that was first coined by leftist liberals.

“There’s a reason why it’s been harder to get African Americans initially to get vaccinated, because they’re used to being experimented on,” Jim Crow Joe said. He again mistakenly referred to the “Tuskegee Airmen” as an example of government medical experimentation instead of the Tuskegee study on syphilis in black males which began in 1932.

Meanwhile, hate crimes against Asians in Marxist democrat cities are ignored, and Whites are all called Supremacists. By any other definition, this is who the Marxist democrats are and how they view Americans.

The clown show that is the regime of Jim Crow Joe is super creepy. From complementing a teenage girl’s legs, to groping small children and sniffing their hair. This is what the the left’s wokeness is all about.




The day started with partly cloudy skies. By afternoon the clouds thickened with scattered showers. Tradewinds from the east at 4mph with gusts at 10mph. Cloud cover is 88%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is at 77%.

Iune Iwakālua Kūmāhā, 2021


Finishing The Job

Aloha kākou. The Marxist Democrats Coup D’etat against our Constitutional Republic is in full advance. This statement by Barry the Bullshitter Obama proves it, in an interview with “The Ezra Klein Show,” — “I think that what we’re seeing now, is Jim Crow Joe is essentially finishing the job of my regime”.

What is the job? It’s the job that the regime of Barry the Bullshitter started by fundamentally changing America from the Constitutional Republic into a Marxist Oligarchy. Where the government will run every aspect of your life. You will own nothing, and you will be happy. 

It’s part of a three pronged attack against our Republic. First, overwhelm the border with illegal alien immigrants and disperse them throughout the county. Force local municipalities to house, feed, and school the illegals. Second, force Marxist Critical Race Theory into the Military ranks to lower moral, cohesion, and readiness. Third, and probably the most insidious, teach Marxism in Universities, grade schools, to get children to hate themselves, their county, and to propagate generational racial mistrust and chaos. By using BLM-Antifa to riot mostly in democrat run cities and weaken law enforcement by defunding the police. Encourage the populace to spy on their neighbors and report them to the DNC’s KGB (FBI).  

The regime of Barry the Bullshitter Obama weaponized the IRS, the NSA, CIA, DOJ and the FBI. All to scrutinize and target political enemies. This Marxist infiltration into government, known as the Deep State, spied on Americans. Agencies that were once used to gather and spy on Americas enemies, are now spying on Americans. The Marxist democrats have declared American citizens domestic enemies and our enemies their friends. 

Jim Crow Joe has accelerated what Barry the Bullshitter started. As Tucker Carlson outlines in this segment, the FBI orchestrated the January 6th riots at the Capitol building. That means high ranking members of congress knew including Nazi Piglosi and Schmucky Schumer. No doubt members of the Never Trump Republican RINO’s also knew. This is our government turning on the American people. 

Throughout 2020 the Black Lies Maggots terrorist group was linked to conservatively 91% of the riots that resulted in the most expensive property damage in US insurance history. None of these domestic terrorists are being hunted down by the DNC’s KGB. There was zero violence at Trump during that same time period. 

Then on January 6, after one million Trump supporters rallied with President Trump at the Ellipse outside the White House, some 900 individuals went inside the US Capitol. Over 400 have since been arrested even those who were waved into the US Capitol by the police standing at the exits. Reports the Gateway Pundit.

It turns out the federal government did in fact have DNC KGB undercover agents and confidential informants embedded within the so-called militia groups indicted for conspiring to obstruct the Senate certification on 1/6, the implications would be nothing short of seismic. Especially if such agents or informants enjoyed extremely senior-level positions within such groups.

Attorney General Merrick Garland insisted that the Department of Justice is not targeting U.S. citizens for their political beliefs despite the Jim Crow Joe urging Americans to report potentially radicalized friends or family members to the government. We do not prosecute people for their beliefs. Across the world, extremist or terrorist labels have been, at times, affixed to those perceived as political threats to the ruling order. But there is no place for partisanship in the enforcement of the law. The Justice Department will not tolerate any such abuse of authority.

Garland’s remark comes as the Jim Crow Joe regime announced plans to create ways for Americans to report potentially “radicalized” friends and family members to the feds as part of the White House’s supposed effort to extinguish domestic terrorism. The Jim Crow Joe regime said it would also work with Unsocial Media Tech companies on “increased information sharing” to help combat radicalization. This involves creating contexts in which those who are family members or friends or co-workers know that there are pathways and avenues to raise concerns and seek help for those who they have perceived to be radicalizing and potentially radicalizing towards violence.

Increasingly, the definition of radicalization is anyone that supports President Trump, are Conservatives, and believe in American patriot values. Indeed, this is not Jim Crow Joe’s first attempt to combat what he has described as the “rise of political extremism” in the country, vowing to defeat it as laid out in his inauguration speech, in which he also mentioned “white supremacy” and “domestic terrorism.” Hear that? If you’re a patriot, a conservative, and a support of President Trump, you’re a white supremacist and a domestic terrorist. This is our government targeting the American people. 

It’s getting the job done that Barry the Bullshitter started. Quoting Barry the BS’er: “And I think that what we’re seeing now is Joe Biden and the administration are essentially finishing the job, and I think it’ll be an interesting test. 90 percent of the folks who are there were there in my administration. They are continuing and building on the policies we talked about, whether it’s the Un-Affordable Care Act, or our climate change agenda, and the Paris Peace Accords, and figuring out how do we improve the ladders to mobility through things like community colleges. In other words, spreading deadly Marxism ideology of a government takeover of private industry and property ownership. Again, you will own nothing, and you will be happy. 

When Fake News CNN’s Anderson Cooper recent interviewed Barry the Bullshitter Obama, you might have thought that he would ask the former president tough questions about anti-Semitism, systemic racism, and critical race theory. You would have been wrong. Now, watch as Mark Levin breaks down everything wrong in this “fluff” interview.


January 6th was a setup by the Marxist democrats, aka the Deep State. This is the coup d’etat that has been going on since 2016 since President Trump was elected. This is the Obama-Clinton takeover of our Constitutional Republic and change it into a Marxist democrat oligarchy. That’s with help from the Bushies and others in the Republican party to rid anyone that supported President Trump’s administration. Why do you think the DOJ doesn’t arrest actual violent terrorists like BLM-Antifa, but go after ordinary Americans this regime now calls average American citizens White Supremacists? You know why. 



The day started with lots of sunshine. Tradewinds from the east at 3mph with gusts at 9mph. Cloud cover is 29%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got no precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is at 73%. 

Iune ‘Umi Kūmāiwa, 2021


Not Since Twenty-Eight


Aloha kākou. Not since Woodrow Wilson (Marxist Democrat), the 28th President of the United States, has there been a more racist monster in executive government than Jim Crow Joe Biden. The democrat Fascist that befriended the Ku Klux Klan, segregationists, and Marxists that infiltrated our government in Congress. There are numerous examples of Jim Crow Joe’s extremist racist rants throughout his time in Congress. Now this senile buffoon is inciting racial hatred by labeling 80 million Americans as White Supremacists.

Jim Crow Joe said, “White supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland today, not ISIS, not al Qaeda, but White Supremacists”. The audience of Marxist democrats applaud. However, there’s are some glaring lies in this racist rant against Patriot Americans.

First, what does a race riot that happened in Oklahoma over 150 years ago have to do with today? It’s not relevant except to stoke racist hatred with the audience. Second, BLM-Antifa was also in Charlottesville causing a violent riot. It wasn’t just White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis at Charlottesville. But there were also two peaceful groups, both with permits to demonstrate. One group that was against the removal of confederate statues, and the other that wanted to remove these statues. This effort by the liberal left to rewrite our nation’s history is dangerous. Those statues remind us of our past so we don’t repeat the past.

Third, Jim Crow Joe’s over dramatization is pure racist rhetoric. Jim Crow Joe falsely claims the demonstration at the Capitol happened on January 9th, it was January 6th. It wasn’t an violent armed insurrection either. Again, BLM-Antifa was there damaging the building with hammers and bats, there is video of it. BLM-Antifa were the extremists. Everyone else there were peaceful Patriot demonstrators.

Fourth, Jim Crow Joe compares the Capitol demonstration to the Oklahoma riot. Then Jim Crow Joe says the violence against Asians and Jewish Americans is by White Supremacist. When we know the violence against Asians is by black people and violence against Jews is by militant Palestinians. Neither are by White Supremacists.

Jim Crow Joe squints his beady little eyes and looks around inciting hate on Memorial Day. Jim Crow Joe’s message is one of hate, and it is resonating with Marxist democrats to attack American Patriots. The reason why is clear, American Patriots are the people of all races, White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, that voted for President Trump. This is an attempt by the Marxist democrats to broad brush everyone that voted for President Trump as White Supremacists. The Marxist democrats greatest fear is that President Trump runs in 2024, and that he will reunify all Americans once again.

The truth is that the only Marxist democrat allies remaining are the fringe far left anarchists. BLM-Antifa, communists, Fake News Media, and all those people that hate our country, our Constitution, and our liberties and freedoms. These are who the Marxist democrats remaining constituents are made up. They see America as being a tribal nation made up of segregated factions that fear anyone that doesn’t look like them. The Bitter Clingers as Barry the Bullshitter Obama once described all Americans. Jim Crow Joe is that continuation of Obama’s racist policies, because let’s face it, Jim Crow Joe is not cognitive enough to run this Nation.

Jim Crow Joe Biden is a racist. He has a long history of racist comments in Congress. Jim Crow Joe is also an anti-Semite. On many occasions Jim Crow Joe has called Israel an Apartheid Jewish State, while claiming the Palestinian Hama and Hezbollah terrorists are freedom fighters. Jim Crow Joe’s comments has incited violence around the country to attack Jews, and to attacks on Asians in democrat run cities.

During that same speech, Jim Crow Joe said this racist quip about black entrepreneurs: “Data shows young black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding given the chance as white entrepreneurs are. But they don’t have lawyers, they don’t have — they don’t have accountants. But they have great ideas”. So there’s no black lawyers and accountants? Believe it or not, this is how all liberals think about minorities. They believe that blacks are all oppressed victims. What does Jim Crow Joe do? Racially discriminate against White entrepreneurs by denying them the same government opportunities, grants and loans. Whites Need Not Apply.

Jim Crow Joe’s answer to discrimination is more racial discrimination. It’s not just Jim Crow Joe, this racism is systemic with the liberal left. This study that Satirist Ami Horowtiz did has been repeated many times before. This is what’s being taught in schools using Critical Race Theory. If you’re black you are oppressed and if you’re White you are the oppressor. This racial segregation of singling out Whites as the cause of all black oppression will further divide the nation.


During his first joint address to Congress on April 28, Jim Crow Joe said the country must “root out systemic racism in our criminal justice system”. He pointed to the recent conviction of a former Minneapolis police officer for the murder of George Kirby as an opportunity to make widespread changes. “We have a giant opportunity to bend to the arc of the moral universe toward justice. Real justice,” Jim Crow Joe said. I call the career drug addict convicted criminal that spent time in prison for drug dealing, violence against women, and other crimes, George Kirby, because I don’t want this toilet trout to be portrayed as a martyr. He was a scumbag.

When was the last time have you seen White Supremacy terrorists roaming the streets of America? I have seen BLM-Antifa roaming the streets and terrorizing Americans. White Supremacists is Marxist democrat code for labeling people that voted and supported President Trump. You’re White, You Voted For President Trump, And Therefore You’re A Racist. Got that? 80 Million plus Americans are all White Supremacists says Jim Crow Joe.

Jim Crow Joe has made many antisemitism statements throughout the years, in addition to promoting present day domestic terrorists, BLM-Antifa. The rise attacks against Asians by blacks and Jews has increased because of Jim Crow Joe and the Marxist democrat policies of racial discrimination. Yet, Jim Crow Joe claims this is all White Supremacists.

Racism is embedded within the Marxist democrat party. They are and always have been the party of slavery, segregation, and Marxism. They accuse others of being who they are, racists. The Fake News Media protects Jim Crow Joe. The Fake News Media echoes the same message that President Trump and his supporters are all racists, White Supremacists, and. As a matter of fact, the Fake News Media protects all Marxists democrats.

You cannot govern a country you hate so much, you can only occupy it. What Jim Crow Joe and the Marxist democrats are doing is transference of their own racism onto other Americans. Despite Jim Crow Joe being also white, he’s been a racist for decades and now suddenly he now cares about minorities? This is an attempt by the Marxist democrats to broad brush everyone that voted for President Trump as all White Supremacists.

Jim Crow Joe spent a half of century in government with no experience in the private sector and no idea how Americans live, and what America stands for. But what is certain is that Jim Crow Joe hates America. The Biden family is a criminal syndicate protected by a fascistic media. Their history of using political influences to enrich themselves at the expense of the American taxpayers. They don’t believe in equality, they believe only in power. The iron fist of government to run your lives. How to educate your children. What the government decides your quality of life will be. Your whole existence decided by a government bureaucrat thousands of miles away. The people need to know, that Jim Crow Joe is a Hitlerian crook.



The day with morning sprinkles followed by partly cloudy skies. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9mph with gusts at 25mph. Cloud cover is 56%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1/4 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is at 73%.

Iune ‘Elua, 2021
