Euro The Moocher


Aloha kākou. European leaders have always throughout history been freeloaders. They treat their own people, their national sovereignty, and their border security with contempt. The European people are good hardworking people. They take real pride in their craft which has been handed down for centuries. They make some of the world’s best food creations. European art and music are the finest in the world.

But the European people vote for the same far-left leadership, that is that cause of their grief. Brussels is where the European Union (EU) central planning is located. Here’s where the out-of-touch leftists make all the decisions for the countries in the European Union. They make all the legal rules, economic policies, and immigration decisions. The worse decisions that Europe has made was to import north African migrants into Europe. These migrants have never assimilated into the host culture. These migrants expect welfare handouts from the host nation. Crime is rampant and the native culture is being replaced. They’ve created their own internal private little war. As the Right Ordinary Horatio Jackson logically explains to Baron Munchausen.

The European Union believes the United States will protect them from the Big Bad Russian Bear. So, they don’t believe they’re obligated to pay their NATO dues. European leaders sit on their fat asses expecting the American people to send soldiers, guns, money, and lawyers to protect them. Then when reality smacked them in the gob. After the Euros got their head noogies they get all defensive and outraged.

President Trump warned NATO allies he “would encourage” Russia “to do whatever the hell they want” to countries that are “delinquent”. Speaking at a rally in South Carolina, President Trump recounted a story he had talked before about an unidentified NATO member who confronted him over his threat not to defend members who failed to meet the Transatlantic Alliance’s Defense spending targets. This is called applying leverage to get the Euros to pay their bills.

If Europe won’t keep their obligations to pay their NATO share and build their defenses, then why should America take up the slack with our Blood and Treasure? Why should our taxes go to Euro-Snobs that won’t defend their own country? These Euro Elitists snub their noses at America and their own people. They treat their farmers that feed their people like trash. They’ve wrapped their heads around WEF Socialism. They use climate change to suppress progress and damage their economies. They put the planet over their own people. They abandon their own security and sovereignty. But the Euros believe that America will pick up the slack.

Western Europeans have always thought of themselves better than others. Maybe that’s why they went through two world wars in the last century. Euros have never learned from their past lessons and soon they’ll embrace another world war. Euros have always been snobbish over their own people and culture. They throw their weight around as authoritarians pretending, they know better than anyone else. That’s been their Achillies Heal.

The Europeans and the Fake News Media were horrified by President Trump’s dismissal of defending the Euros. On Unsocial Media exploding heads were outraged over President Trump threat to abandon Europe to the Russians. Sometimes, children on the left being petulant punks need a good spanking. But given European’s desire for certain sexual fetishes, they just might like a good spanking.

Watch the German delegation’s response at United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) when President Trump says, “Germany will become totally dependent on Russian energy if it does not immediately change course.” The Germans laughed and mocked President Trump.

Who is laughing now? The Nord Stream Russian pipeline carrying natural gas to Central Europe was destroyed by Pedo-Hitler Biden. Europe’s energy prices spiked. Energy shortages spread as the bitter frigid winter season began. Europeans had to rely on alternative energy sources. France has some nuclear and the rest of Europe had to rely on oil and coal to heat homes and businesses. So much for the EU’s Net Zero Carbon initiative to eliminate all fossil fuels. An unrealistic effort that only increases the cost of living, energy, and doesn’t improve the environment. But this is one of many bad decisions the Euros have made.

Now the usual suspects, the Marxist democrats and RINO repubics that make up the Uniparty took to Unsocial Media saying President Trump wants to start World War Three. Remember that Trump was President for four years. Trump wasn’t a dictator and neither did he start a war. We had peace and prosperity. When Pedo-Hitler Biden was installed after the stolen 2020 election, he immediately provoked Russia into attacking Ukraine. President Trump warned that Biden would start another war. The United States should not take sides over two equally corrupt nations.

President Donald Trump speaks with Fake News CNN’s Kaitlan Collins about the war in Ukraine and how he would handle the conflict as president. Which is why when Trump was President there were no wars. This is what the Fake News Media doesn’t report. The Uniparty wants endless wars, and the European nations don’t want to put up the money to prevent war. This is the defining reason why President Trump was right all along.

So, when Warmongers Liz Cheney, Schmucky Schumer, and the other communist whackos warn that if Ukraine falls to Russia the rest of the world will fall to Russia. It’s extremely doubtful that Russia has the wherewithal to attack and conquer Europe successfully. The Uniparty is using Cold War fears that don’t apply to today’s nuclear threat from Russia, China, North Korea, and soon to be Iran. We Americans have more to worry about with the invasion at our southern border. Which is threatening to destroy our nation’s sovereignty from within.

The Uniparty legislation that the Senate attempted to pass, gave Ukraine $60 billion dollars, and our southern border only $20 billion dollars. One third to fix our border and two thirds to a war that’s going badly. How much of this money going to Ukraine is being kicked back into the pockets of Schmucky Schumer, Peroxide Liz Cheney, Glitch McConnell, others in the Deep State, and Zelenskyy’s company? There’s no accountability as to where the money’s going. Yet, the war keeps on going. Somebody is getting rich. How does a Senator with a yearly salary of $180K suddenly become a multi-millionaire overnight? They’re skimming off the surface to keep the War Machine going. Trust me on this. They want people dying. Just how much is the dead body count worth to these ghouls?

The Uniparty shrills screaming about a Russian invasion threat ignores the southern border invasion, and the looming Communist China’s Tiawan invasion. That will compromise the entire Pacific region and we’re not prepared for that eventuality. It goes to prove that we have fools running our government. Only fools fight wars on multiple fronts? Euros are moochers that won’t defend their own nations. They deserve whatever befalls them.


Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with occasional isolated rain showers. There is a 20% chance of precipitation. We received 3/32th-inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 5 mph, gust 13 mph. Cloud cover is 57. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 79%. Barometric pressure is 29.96 inches. Dewpoint is 67° and UV index is 10. Air quality Index is poor at 55. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Pepeluali ‘Umi Kūmālua 2024

Making America Last



Aloha kākou. As things begin to look grim for America’s future, the swamp dwellers and traitors to American sovereignty are appealing to Beijing Biden to make “America Last”. As they are doing away with our Constitutional Republic, they are going about redesigning America into a Dark and Foreboding socialist oligarchy.

The Fake News Media tells us that Beijing Biden’s picks for his phony cabinet are “very well experienced and diverse group“. Except they’re leftist retreads from past leftist administrations that damaged the country with disastrous policies. Just look at who wants to be in this circle of Marxists.

Failed Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis penned an op-ed in Foreign Affairs magazine in which he urges Beijing Biden to ditch President Donald Trump‘s “America First” policy when it comes to his national security plan, saying that “the world is not getting safer, for the United States or for U.S. interests.” Oh, really?

Let’s see, peace is breaking out in the middle east. President Trump’s foreign policies are bringing Arab countries together to make peace with Israel. President Trump has gotten three Nobel Peace Prize nominations because of his America First policies.

Is Mattis suggesting that we send more blood and treasure to the middle east to fight endless wars in countries that have no strategic value to the United States? As President Trump has said on numerous occasions, every world leader would want to put their nation first. Why not us?

NATO is finally paying it’s fair share in defense. Mattis says this has hurt our relationship with our NATO allies. Why? For getting them to pay their fair share of their own countries defense. And not pushing their defense costs solely on America. President Trump is pulling out of Syria and closing down the 20 year war in Afghanistan. The same war that Mattis wants to continue in perpetuity.

Beijing Biden’s advisors say, “In practice, ‘America first’ has meant ‘America alone,’” they added. “That has damaged the country’s ability to address problems before they reach U.S. territory and has thus compounded the danger emergent threats pose.”

Isn’t the idea of bring peace and stability to the middle east addressing those problems now before they reach the United States? If that’s not so, then why do we have a National Security Agency, the CIA, the FBI and other intelligence agencies? Isn’t that their job to detect and prevent attacks on America First?

It was, after all, the policies of Bill Clinton that allowed Al-Qaeda to manifest itself. It was the policies of Barry the Bullshitter Obama that bred ISIS from Iraq. Those same policies allowed antifa and black lies maggots to take root in this country.

Yet Mattis, as with John Bolton, were both fired from previous regimes for wanting to go to war at the drop of a hat. So what’s Mattis doing now? Brushing up his resume’ for a position in the regime of Beijing Biden?

Then there’s John Kerry who wants the US to fund Iran’s nuclear program so they can produce a bomb. Kerry wants to lift the sanctions on Iran so they can restart their terror proxies again to destabilize the middle east. Kerry wants to implement the Paris Climate Accord and force America to adopt the New Green Deal policies that will economically damage our economy.

Add Janet Yellen as Treasurer and we’ll see more printing of money through quantitative easing. This will overturn President Trump’s economic policies of low regulations and taxes. It will spur inflation and we’ll see a downturn in the stock markets. If you have a 401K or a stock portfolio, then by January you should consider putting your money into stable investments to protect your capital.

President Trump’s legacy of America First and Pro-American business has the Stock Markets closing in record territory today. If you have a 401K, a pension plan, a stock portfolio, you made money today. This has been a continuation of record economic growth. This is good for business and jobs. But the Fake News Media dismisses this.

Dow 30,046.24 +454.97 +1.54%
Nasdaq 12,036.78 +156.15 +1.31%
S&P 500 3,635.41 +57.82 +1.62%

If you think these market gains will continue with the regime of Beijing Biden, then you must believe in the Easter Bunny.

Then there’s the COVID19 panic porn. Will Beijing Biden take credit for the vaccine development? Beijing Biden’s advisors are demanding a nationalized “contact tracing” app to track all Americans. I wonder how this will be done? Are they going to force people to implant a chip in our bodies?

Additionally, these same “experts” are demanding a national lockdown and mandatory wearing of face masks, both indoors and outdoors. Accompanied by severe penalties and even jail time. They’re encouraging neighbors to spy and rat on people that don’t follow the lockdown orders.

They want to reimagine the police as COVID-ENFORCERS to enter your home to count the number of people and if everyone is in compliance with the lock down orders. Don’t bother calling 911 for help, they’ll just send out a mental health expert to discuss the crime committed against you. How do you reimagine the police other than law enforcement against crime?

Did you vote for Trump? You might be in serious trouble, thanks to the “Trump Accountability Project”. Democratic Socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Occasionally Coherent wants to target “Trump Sycophants.” Another is the “Lincoln Project” that is naming and shaming attorneys, and law firms because they supported President Trump’s legal defense.

So a black list is forming to “name and shame” Trump supporters. Get ready for the political purges! The US election between Trump and Biden is really brining out the best in everyone. And while Joe Biden calls for Truth and Reconciliation, not everyone agrees that’s how to move past the stellar achievements of the Trump era.

This is pure McCarthyism. It’s what socialist do in third world countries. But now the Fake News Media is getting into the act of doxxing people to ruin their careers and hurt any future job opportunities outside of government.

MSLSD’s Rachel Madkow, who undermined a presidency by lying to her stupid viewers for three years, now believes people who legally contest elections should “go to jail.” This androgynous psychopath should not be spewing its lies on media networks.

So after unleashing their domestic terrorists, Black Lies Maggots and Antifa upon us, the left now want to put us in prison for the sin of not accepting the results of a rigged presidential election, for legally contesting an rigged election, for legally voicing our concerns about the validity of an rigged election.

When did we conservatives punish the leftists that spent the last four years resisting President Trump’s legitimate election. When did we call for leftists democrats to be jailed for refusing to accept the 2016 election? When did we call for the imprisonment of socialist democrats for their support of the worst criminal president in US history, Barry the Bullshitter Obama?

By all legal rights, Barry the bullshitter Obama and the Hildabeast should have been prosecuted for actual crimes of high treason against the United States of America. In my opinion, this was a grave mistake. These socialist democrats are not human, they are collective hive mind of evil. Socialist democrats don’t value human life. They support the murder of infants and the elderly and that makes them inhuman in my opinion.

So congratulations socialist democrats. You conspired to rig the 2020 election to get a known racist, crook, a plagiarizer, a compulsive liar, and a puppet of communist China into the White House. You just sold out our country to evil. America Last.


Today’s weather started with cloudy skies throughout the day. Late afternoon peeks of sunshine did appear briefly. Tradewinds were lite. We got 3/8 inches of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s with humidity at 90%.

Kēia Ka Lā Nowemapa Iwakālua Kūmāhā