The Rock Has Turned To Sand


Aloha kākou. Some people say change is frightening. Some leaders might describe change as suicidal. Others will say change is inevitable. Others say embracing change is natural and should be accepted. An evolution to placate the changing societal beliefs. Beliefs that are often transitory as fads that come and go. Like fashion, music, and arts that rise and fall to entertain the masses temporally, if not to fool them into compliancy. What does common sense tell us about the healthiness of change?

When the people are told that 2,000 years of religious tradition is not keeping up with changing whims of society, then what is tradition anymore? When someone reads the bible, the largest collection of written history books, written and interpreted into many languages, what do they learn? The life Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who lived upon this world and gave his life to bring salvation to mankind. The biblical stories and their meanings have never changed nor reinterpreted to meet the needs of today’s dialectic mania. The bible holds the word of God as absolute. Truth must have consistency in order to remain authentic.

When someone is born into Roman Catholic Church and follows through with the Christian rituals; Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation, to be what is known as a cradle-to-grave Catholic. Anyone who has been educated by the church knows about the gospels. They know the teachings of Jesus Christ, and have performed the ritual elements to nourish, strengthen and give expression to their faith in God.

That’s not to say that the church is inflexible to changes in society. The youth of today are instructed by educational standards that have changed moral values with political winds. The church has always been there to refocus Christian beliefs back into the core teaching of God Almighty. Sometimes called the ten simple rules to receive eternal life are the Ten Commandments. Follow those rules and a room in God’s house will be granted. That’s why the bible is there to provide the instructions to eternal life in heaven. 

Of course, reading the Bible is not like reading stereo instructions. But it does provide all the knowledge to understand what purpose God has for us. Where we came from and why we are here. Why were we granted the fruit of knowledge above all other creatures God created upon this planet, this world, in this time? We can choose to either accept those beliefs or not. People are not infallible, and neither is the Pope.

In an interview with CBS’s “60 Minutes,” Pope Francis described his conservative critics within the U.S. Roman Catholic Church as having a “suicidal attitude.” He defined a conservative as someone who clings to the past and refuses to look beyond it. The Pope emphasized the difference between valuing tradition and being trapped in a rigid, dogmatic mindset, NDTV has reported.

Pope Francis distain for Conservative Americans is well documented. The extreme socialist illiberal Pope has welcomed America’s extremist Catholic political leaders. Nazi Piglosi and Pedo-Joe Biden both proclaim to be devout Catholics. Yet, they support abortion at any time during and after pregnancy, euthanasia, and LGBTQ lifestyles. All beliefs that are contrary to traditional Catholic teachings and the Bible. Last year the Pope dismissed a conservative U.S. bishop who was a withering critic of his papacy and said the conservative wing in the U.S. church was “reactionary.” He also stripped a conservative American cardinal of some Vatican privileges. A priest was defrocked for disagreeing with the Pope. The Pope is purging conservatives from the church.

It makes this Catholic wondering what is going on within the church and with this Pope. Over the years, the church has seen declining attendance. Does this decline in attendance correlate with the church moving more to the left? Changes in traditional church teachings or changes in church influences. Church attendance seems to be more related to changes in illiberal lifestyle. Comfort and style over faith and tradition. The Pope seems to have abandoned the tenants of the church and begun a reformation of a new Church of Gaia. The First Commandment says, thou shall not have other gods before me.

The Pope wrote a message on this year’s made up “Earth Day” holiday, “Our generation has bequeathed many riches, but we have failed to protect the planet and we are not safeguarding peace. We are called to become artisans and caretakers of our common home, the Earth which is ‘falling into ruin.‘” Pope Francis went on to say that climate crisis has “gotten to the point of no return” and world leaders have an even greater responsibility to act before the planet is consumed by warmth. Or consumed with idiocy.

Meanwhile, in African countries, thousands of Catholics are murdered by Muslim IslamoNazis. Christians are persecuted in China, Ukraine, and in the Holy Land. The Pope has little to say about those atrocities. In Africa’s most populous country Nigeria, Muslim IslamoNazis assailants set ablaze a Nigerian Catholic Priest burning him to death. Women and Children are kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam or face death. Many women and children are turned into slaves. These atrocities have been going on for years, but the Pope has little to say about the persecution of Catholics around the world. Instead, the Pope claims that climate crisis is an existential threat to the planet. The Third Rock from the Sun where Christ’s church is built upon is being threatened by some plastic bags and aluminum cans.

The liberal left Catholic Cardinals that voted to elevate Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina to Pope Francis are also far-left idiots in the church. If there were any reason why the church cannot put butts in the pews, then this is the reason why. Leftism is driving conservatives from the church. Catholicism has always been conservative leaning. Conservatives hold onto traditions. Once traditions are no longer important then the rock turns to sand. The foundation of the church fails.

When Jesus Christ was on this earth, he lived a humble and austere life. The Pope lives a life of luxury and opulence. Protected by guards and living in a walled compound. So much so, it’s hard to imagine the sincerity of the man who is the leader of the Catholic church. He performs rituals like the washing of feet, but that’s mostly symbolic. There is real suffering in the world that the Pope seems to be oblivious. The Pope says illegal immigration is good and borders are evil. That has encouraged human trafficking and exploitation of people whose expectations are being destroyed by the false promise of a better life.

Conservative political commentator, Michael Knowles analysis of the Pope’s “60 Minutes” offers a different perspective from my views. I too watched the entire 60 Minutes interview, and I came away with a different opinion. It’s always good to hear a different perspective and I’ll admit there’s parts of the interview that I did miss and didn’t take into consideration.

A couple of things I need to be critical about. Being the leader of the Catholic church, I would expect the Pope to be critical about those Catholic charities that are doing more harm than God’s good work. The Catholic charities that are helping illegal immigrants seeking a new life in America. Only to find a promise that is broken once reality sets in. A nightmare of human trafficking and dangers for those struggling to reach the United States. The Pope claims open borders are good, but he’s not here to see the suffering. The Pope’s dismissal of conservatives in the priesthood and tradition still troubles me. The Pope’s silence over the persecution of Catholics around the world also troubles me.

What have I learned? As a Catholic conservative I’m feeling somewhat excluded from the church which I was raised in. I question whether I’m still welcomed in this version of Pope’s church. I cannot pretend to know everything about what the Pope’s message means. I can only interpret what I heard from the Pope in the 60 Minutes interview. It makes me question the Pope’s leadership in the Church. Am I suicidal conservative as the Pope claims, or is the socialist leftism Pope suicidal to the church? I cannot fully understand what is in this Pope’s message. But it has me wondering — Has the rock on which the church was built upon turned to sand?

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is an 80% chance of precipitation. We received 3/8 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 10 mph, gusts 20 mph. Cloud cover is 71%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 91%. Barometric pressure is 30.08 inches. Dewpoint is 71° and UV index is 10. Air quality Index is great at 26. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei Iwakālua Kūmālua 2024

Devil In Detail


Aloha kākou. The Devil went down to Delaware to congratulate Pedo-Joe Biden on his efforts to start World War III. We’re already there if anyone hasn’t noticed. We’re in a third world war already. The situation is so dire that a fake unelected international court is accusing the victims of Pedo-Hitler Biden’s war as criminals for defending themselves. Pedo-Hitler Biden started multiple wars in Ukraine, Syria, and the Israel-Palestinians IslamoNazis.

As with all evil, it does not discriminate against religion, gender, and people. It destroys all through hate and bigotry. Evil in this world has found an ally with the Fool on Capitol Hill. A feeble, bumbling, mind-numbing old man that barely can hold back his bowels from excreting explosive diarrhea.

What’s extremely disturbing is how many evil people gravitate to the pedophile in the oval office. They’re willing to prostrate themselves to the alter of evil. In America, members of both political parties participate in this great lie, as do the fringe parties that orbit around this corrupted political system. They see it, and they hear it, and yet, they ignore it. We the American people are in the middle between two clown parties.

We should accept much of the blame since this evil was voted into office by the people. These political officials are often called the lesser of two evils, but we accept evil in its many forms and vote for them anyway. We’re not exempted from allowing evil to get into office. Once evil has embedded itself like a parasite into the body politics, it consumes the host. It feeds from the life blood of the people until the body dies from the political infection it allowed to bury into the heart of the homeland.

The Devil is always in the Details. Except when the details are planted in front of our faces to see, and we gawk like spectators viewing the animals in a zoo. Politics are a zoophile for some that use their office for attention. They can’t turn away. It gets deeper than this as the world keeps spinning into oblivion.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 90% chance of precipitation. We received 5/8 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 8 mph, gusts 19 mph. Cloud cover is 76%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 91%. Barometric pressure is 30.04 inches. Dewpoint is 71° and UV index is 10. Air quality Index is great at 26. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei Iwakālua Kūmākahi 2024

Satan’s Party


Aloha kākou. Marxist democrats over the Easter weekend spent an enormous amount of time defending and supporting Pedo-Hitler Biden’s pro-transgender Easter proclamation. No Christian religious symbols were allowed on Easter decorations. Only the promotion of the LBGTQ agenda was approved by the White House. Biden and the democrats slapped Christians in the face and said, “LGBTQ Replaces the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.” This isn’t the first time this regime has discriminated against Christians.

The Christian religion says everyone is made in the “Image of God.” So, why do transgenders want to change their genders? This dysphoric transgender cult of genital mutilation that targets children is dangerous. Why do politicians and doctors promote putting children under the knife to change their genders? The government is stripping away parental rights from protecting their children from making terrible life altering decisions.

Newsmax Rob Schmitt explains the Rainbow Mafia and Marxist democrats’ true agenda to confiscate and indoctrination children into State. Take parental rights away and make the child a ward of the state. It’s a pedophilic perversion against the American family.

Democrats were quick to defend Biden’s LGBTQ the decision to exclude Catholics during their most Holiness of Days. Democrat Senators, Governors, and Misrepresentatives took to unsocial media to post their support for the mutilation of children’s genitals. Even indoctrinate their own children into the cult of transgender dysphoria. Note that these political perverts are trying to convince children the government is there to save them from their parents.

Pope Francis said that LGBTQ are welcome into the church. ” Pope Francis said that the Catholic Church is open to everyone, including the gay community, and that it has a duty to accompany them on a personal path of spirituality but within the framework of its rules.”

The Pope is not the church and Cafeteria Catholics that promote transgender mutilation and abortion are against Church doctrine. The Pope is salting a self-inflicted wound. The Pope welcomed both Cafeteria Catholics Pedo-Hitler Biden and Nazi Piglosi to the Vatican as official dignitaries. Setting a poor example of true Catholicism and promoting the destruction of the family. Pick and choose which of God’s teaching satisfy your religious appetite. This is appalling.

You’ll never hear Marxists democrats promoting transgenderism to Muslims during Ramanamma Ding-Dong Bomb-A-Thon. The Islamists would start chopping off heads. But because Catholics are taught not to fight back, they’re at the mercy of this evil. Which is why this regime is attacking Catholics. I believe the Godless Marxist Democrats have finally crossed the line of decency and morality. When the safety and wellbeing of children are at risk from evil, expect people to fight back.

The Fake News Media promotes this false narrative that Christians are violently assaulting LGBTQ people. How can that be so when everyday normal people are assaulted daily with forced pride agendas? It’s the same tactic the left uses to silence anyone that disagrees with their perverse agenda. Call people racists and bigots. Use threats and intimidation to put up a protective class barrier. A campaign of shame and blame to force people to comply to the LGBTQ Rainbow Mafia demands.

President Trump commented today at a MAGA rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin. We will have a Christian Visibility Day on November 5th, 2024. Trump had Gay people in his administration, and they did an excellent job without flaunting their sexuality.

Satan’s Democrat Party is a grotesque perversion of the founding principles of this Nation: God, Country, and Family. Let’s be honest, the democrat party has never embraced the United States Constitution. The democrats never accepted the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. The history of democrats is littered with human rights violations dressed up as flowery paths to their version of utopia.

Marxist democrats’ goal of establishing a Marxist transformation of America starts by indoctrinating young impressionable minds of mush. Convince children to hate their parents, their country, and their bodies. Convince them to believe they are being discriminated against and exploited. Look closely at America today and four years ago. If you want this misery to go away — you know what to do.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate rain showers. There is an 80% chance of precipitation. We received 11/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 10 mph, gust 21 mph. Cloud cover is 57%. Visibility is 8 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 81%. Barometric pressure is 30.13 inches. Dewpoint is 68° and UV index is 10. Air quality Index is good at 38. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila ‘Elua 2024