The Left Weeps For Terror

Washington Post Headline – An Amazon Bezo Production

Last night I came upon a tweet by our great President, Donald J. Trump, that something big happened. Soon after the twitterverse was buzzing with speculation. The fake news media started running stories of a secret operation in Syria. Soon after that video clips were posted about an operation taking place in Syria. It be came clear there was a major target being pursued.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the ISIS leader was the target. President Trump tweeted that he will hold a news conference at 9AM EDT. I decided to stay up till 3AM HST to watch the news conference live. At the news conference the President said about al-Baghdadi, had been killed, dying “like a dog.” If you know anything islamic culture calling a muslim a dog is a great insult. “He died after running into a dead-end tunnel, whimpering and crying and screaming all the way,” Trump said, adding that three of Baghdadi’s children were also killed in the blast. Apparently, the cowardly Baghdadi wasn’t going to be taken alive.

When I woke in the morning to check my twitter feed, I saw the WAPO headline and couldn’t believe my eyes. While I knew the left was sympathetic to islamic terror groups, I had not expect this. Remembering that the New York Slimes editor once said, “One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.” Referring directly to the islamic terrorists. This was said during the Iraq war when President GW Bush was President. It interesting that when Barry the Bullshitter Obama was President, the Post and NYT both praised Obama for arming the islamic fighters that morphed into ISIS. To this day, I believe Obama, McCain, and others in both parties wanted to ramp up the middle east wars. All the while Obama was starving the military of much needed equipment and supplies to do the job. Obama even put in a restriction, a rule of engagement, that prevented our soldiers from defending themselves.

The rise of ISIS began when Obama pulled out of Iraq and let ISIS metastasize into a huge terror group. Obama called them the JV team and the slaughter of people was shared by ISIS on social media. Daily beheading’s of people and acts of pure evil, and there was Obama snickering at the carnage.

President Trump campaigned on ending endless wars in the middle east. I’ll admit I did not know how President Trump was going to accomplish ending America’s wars. Then the strategy started to reveal itself. First, Trump started to rebuild the military. Giving the military the equipment and tools needed to accomplish the job. Trump spoke with the generals in Washington and we learned the generals said the war will last for years, no end in sight. Trump then went to the battle field and spoke with the generals in the war zone. They told the President we could defeat the enemy in two weeks or less. Surprised, Trump asked the generals how can this be done. The generals replied, “Give us the tools, and untie our hands to go after the enemy.” Trump did exactly that. Ignoring the Washington DC generals and listening to the generals on the battle field. The result were amazing. The military eviscerated ISIS in little more than two weeks. They were hunted down like animals and destroyed.

President Trump’s next goal in his strategy was economic warfare. Trump got tough with the Arab countries and the European countries that were not engaging in the fight. “It’s your country, it’s your people, it’s your fight, your culture,” Trump said. Economic sanctions were placed on Turkey to prevent them from slaughtering the Kurds. That worked. Russia has a seaport in Syria. The Arabs and Russians hate ISIS. Let it be their fight. Why should we spend our blood and treasure to help a culture of endless war.

The trap that Trump built. When President announced a withdrawal from Syria, the military and members of congress cringed at the thought of a repeat of Obama’s blunder. This is where the economic leverage is used. The news that the Americans were leaving Syria triggered ISIS to move and al-Baghdadi was being watched. Once al-Baghdadi location was confirmed, Trump launched the sneak attack killing the ISIS leader.

Democrats immediately were upset that they were not notified about the operation in advance. Given that the treasonous democrats would have leaked the attack to the enemy, the secret was hidden from everyone till after the operation. As I have said before, the democrats cannot be trusted to work with this President and protect the American people. The democrats are complaining that Trump didn’t treat al-Baghdadi’s body with the same respect as Obama did with Usama Bin Laden. The insect, Baghdadi blew himself up, what was there left to respect? Plus Obama gave bin Laden a military funeral. The guy that was responsible for murdering over 3,000 people was honored by Barry the Bullshitter Obama.

This was another example of Trump’s genius. He got the insect Baghdadi to come out of his cave long enough to smash the cockroach. Meanwhile, none of our people were killed or injured. The dangerous operation went flawlessly. President Trump gave the generals what they needed and they executed the operation in meticulous precision. Trump understands Sun Tsu and the Art of War. Always pray for our troops and our Commander in Chief.




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