The Good Reset


Aloha kākou. The world has gone through a phycological experiment. When the Communist Chinese Wuhan Kung Fu Flu Coronavirus (COVID-19) first appeared in late 2019, it was suspected to be a lab accident. Despite the Communist Chinese insistence, it was a virus spawned from a wet market. It was supposed to be isolated just to Communist China. But because it was around the time of the Chinese Lunar New Year and people were traveling worldwide, the virus spread quickly. This setup a series of events.

The leading virus experts and the World Health Organization (WHO) made recommendations that were drastic. We were told a worldwide lockdown was needed: “Two Weeks To Flatten The Curve.” Allowing the virus to fizzle out from transmitting and spreading. At the time, many virologists questioned that logic because that’s not how viruses work. Several countries went about their normal business. Sweden never had a lockdown. They didn’t close businesses. They went about their normal business but being mindful of caring for those most vulnerable of the virus. The Swedes treated the Covid virus as if it were another strain of the flu. The rest of the world panicked.

Communist China physically welded the doors shut of their people preventing them from getting out. England, the United States, and other countries closed businesses, and locked down the populace in their homes. The Two Weeks turned into two years. That’s the Covid Timeline summary and the beginning of the Great Experiment. Watch the following video and I’ll explain what the great experiment is about.

WHO’s Tedros claims COVID-19 showed how “misinformation and disinformation” can spread rapidly, and calls for Unsocial Media platforms, Big Tech companies, and Fake News Media outlets to “counter harmful information” about monkeypox. The question is, who decides what is “misinformation and disinformation?”

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is the director of the WHO. He’s not a doctor, but a medical researcher. He was hand-picked by the Communist Chinese to run the World Health Organization. Let me ask you this: Why do you suppose the WHO is cautioning about monkeypox misinformation? A virus that is rare and generally transmitted through sexual contact. In particular, by sexually promiscuous gay men. Monkeypox is not anywhere near the level of Covid. It’s not a coronavirus, but a strain from smallpox.

In the United States, only Fhony Fauci and Bird Brain Birx were the single source of Covid information. These two made all the decisions to recommend lockdowns, masking, closing of businesses, and continuing to stretch the mandatory mandates to keep the country locked down. Other experts were dismissed from including their expertise. Any questioning of Fauci and Birx was met with resistance. Scientists were banned from social media, ostracized by the Fake News Media, and careers destroyed. Others were fired from their jobs and pillarized as “Grandma Killers” for questioning the great mandates issued by Fauci and Birx.

Now for the “Great Experiment.” What if the release of Covid was timed to interfere with the American 2020 elections? What if the release of Covid was intentional? What if there was a great conspiracy by the Communist Chinese, The WHO and [e]nter the World Economic Forum. The WEF, a shadowy organization made of billionaires, corporations, and bankers. Led by a Bond villain with a Nazi accent, Klaus Schwab, that proposed the “Great Reset.” The reforming of world governments and economies to a Marxist model where “You Will Own Nothing, And You Will Be Happy.”

Sounds very agrarian, doesn’t it. These splashy WEF commercials appeal to the environmentalists that believe in the concept of a green sustainable society. Remember, you will not own anything, that’s the catch. You have to rely on the Globalist Elitists that will own everything. Only, you’ll have to pay to rent to them. You want a house with furniture and air conditioning, a vehicle to get about in, communication devices to keep in touch, and a entertainment system to keep you occupied. Everything you desire will be at your door. Delivered by drones or by some other method of delivery. You just have to pay for it all.

What is the real power behind the Great Reset? What’s the real truth about the World Economic Forum? Sorelle Amore, entrepreneur and Investor, does a deep dive into the WEF. Who their members are and what their goals are really about. In the video, you begin to see a dark picture of the kind of future they want to bring to the world. Now that we have a better picture of the WEF, the WHO, and Communist Chinese Party (CCP), lets put the pieces together.

As I eluded to in my opening comment, the world has been subjected to a phycological experimentation. These three main characters are seeing how much blind obedience the world will tolerate. When we’re ordered to obey and wear masks, to remain indoors, and to subject ourselves to any order the government mandates, they’ll own us. Once these malicious villain’s see how much they can push us into obeying orders without question, then we’ll become subject to their ruling authority. Hence, the Great Reset. The New World Order. They can own everything, and we will have to beg them for survival.

It’s a combination of events that are coalescing around the world. The Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) being pushed into world money markets. The movement towards digital currencies. The seizing of farmlands and reduction of food production. The environmental restrictions on energy. Once a world power controls these necessary components for survival, then they own the population.

Resist and you’ll be denied access to your money, credit cards, travel, housing, and yes, food, energy, and water. Their intent is to starve you into submission. If you think I’m someplace in the Twilight Zone, then consider that the people moving to seize these world assets. Billionaires and the CCP already own a great chunk of the land, minerals, and money for them to survive in comfort. Will you?

You will obey, and you will comply, or you will die. That’s what the WEF means when they tell us, “you will own nothing and you will be happy.” Because if you complain, you will earn their pain. The WEF has warned that there will be pain. It’s purposeful to thin the global population out. The Environmental, Social, and Governance, has caused food riots in Sri Lanka, Ecuador, and Panama. ESG has convince governments to reduce the use of fertilizers. That going to cause food shortages around the world. These are the goals of the WEF. How can this be a conspiracy when we’re watching all this happening before our eyes?

We need a new reset. A “Good Reset.” Where we govern ourselves, form our own governments, and make out own laws. Where we can pursue our own destiny. Create our own happiness. Live Free and Die Free.


We need a Good Reset to get rid of the Globalists Scumbags



Partly cloudy with isolated afternoon showers. 30% chance of rain this afternoon. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 11 mph, gusts 26 mph. Cloud cover is 16%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got NO precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70s. Humidity is at 73%. Barometric pressure is 30.03 inches and dewpoint is 69°. UV index 13. Air quality Index is at 31. Readings taken at 12:25PM HST.

Iulai Iwakālua Kūmāwalu, 2022


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